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03-17-2010, 04:42 PM
so long, skate 2.

part 1
part 2
part 3


03-17-2010, 04:55 PM
yeah, can't wait to watch it.

review coming here.

video is still private btw.

03-17-2010, 05:11 PM
ahhh fuck. we're working on it.

03-17-2010, 05:36 PM
unprofessional ;)

03-17-2010, 05:38 PM
Fucked it. Because I couldn't eat it. Only two options.

03-17-2010, 05:57 PM
This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment. It is no longer available in your country.

what's with the good old psychonaut wegame days :(

03-17-2010, 07:46 PM
On vimeo for Germany...


03-17-2010, 08:52 PM
Part 1 . . . wallride varial!@yourmomstits.com Bullet, you are cheating.
Horsehead, I love you.
Robley, your swheel bs feeble was creamy

got to take a break, I'll watch part 2 tomorrow.

03-17-2010, 08:53 PM
Best skate 2 full length.

Supa... I dunno what to say.

03-17-2010, 09:08 PM
nice full guys...everyone killed...
thanks 2 supa for vimeo link...

03-17-2010, 09:46 PM
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good shit man, i feel the same

thanks for everyone making psychonaut what it is today...

bullet is the heart of all life

03-18-2010, 12:39 AM
thank god i went to bed before watching this, otherwise i wouldn't have been able to appreciate that video as much as it deserves.

i won't go into detail with the tricks, because there are way too many really good tricks from everyone. finally some output from eflixxx again. bullet seems like he is playing skate: the outer space edition or something like that.

editing was really good, music selection was excellent and it all worked very well.

if someone asked me to show him three videos that define why i love fake skating some much, this would be one of it.

only small complaint i have is the length. 26 minutes is way too long imo. for me, i would rather have 90 seconds pure bangers per person.

03-18-2010, 01:38 AM
holy shit 27 mins of action

shockers were skelly, drfa and lurkathon.. all crushed it

03-18-2010, 04:38 AM
robley had my favourite part.
not just because I were in it, but because he killed so hard and filmed so good I almost hesitated to keep watching the other parts
bravo robley

...and yes of course y'all other fuckers ripped shit too, I just need to watch this a couple of more times before I comment 4realz

03-18-2010, 04:47 AM
full download of this beast can be found here:
FURTHER (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2191096/FURTHER%20FULL.mp4)

03-18-2010, 05:34 AM
As expected, Psychonauts deliver once more and with their best full length of Skate2.. Everyone on this team is someone I look towards for inspiration whenever I skate/film. Robley's opening part was awesome, great filming throughout. Bullet ripped and I thought it was one of my fav parts from you since the game came out. I was waiting to see your "other personality" have a seperate part as well but that didnt happen.. haha

Horse went huge, DRFA's part was long and full of goodness. Efflix's cams are always on point and his skating is so intense as well. Hesh has always supported my skating and to have someone this good point out all of my videos with comments means a ton. Hesh, loved your stuff man!!Skelli's shit ALWAYS blows my mind.. his xbox controller must have 3 or 4 extra thumbsticks to do the shit he does.(or he has 6 fingers per hand) Lurk was a great addition to the team. His style fits in perfectly. Supa always delivers with bangers throughout and it was an awesome part to finish an amazing full length. There is no way I could highlight this video - all of it was goodness and the 27 minutes could have been 400 minutes and I would still watch every last second of it just because the entire Psycho team is killers at fake skateboarding.

Just one more thing ... When you guys buy your copy of Skate 3, Can you let me know what edition you buy this time around because you all clearly own a different Skate 2 disc than I do... shit

03-18-2010, 07:13 AM
im not gonna review this cause it would be trick for trick...
crazy good....some of the fasted lines and quick precision ive ever seen....
the entire edit is pretty insane consistent....
i have said this so many times its becoming redundant....

this team is a collection of an idea ive always had when it comes to "how" a fake skate video should look....
i couldnt ask for anything else....
filming...tricks and style oooze out of every corner during this film...
it really shows that all of you put some time and effort into a final goodbye....
weather it was intended or not im pretty sure everyone here arguably put there best solo efforts into one incredible 26min full....

best fake video ive ever seen....
you all one uped yourselves....

very impressive...


03-18-2010, 01:45 PM
superheroes for life, until our souls vanish.

def. too much things to point out to do a play by play.

if you'd hold a gun to my head i'd say skelly for best part and supa's trashcan hippie for best trick.

great video all around

i missed my prodeck in bullets part ;)

03-18-2010, 07:32 PM
hey thanks stevland :D

and dude i rode that stevlando totoro board alot for my part... i love ittttt


03-18-2010, 11:33 PM
YouTube <3's Bullet

"Bullet's part was so amazing I can't put it in words."
"Bullets part was the bees motherfucking knees"

didnt watch the whole vid yet... gotta let my brain rest and ill try again tomorrow

03-19-2010, 05:53 AM

bs 360
tail shuv steeep rail
no comply 5050
feebs on the ledge outside ged pool was so sick
stevland and knexzor sick as usual
bs tail 270 kf
nollie bs noseblunt hubba
bs tail to lip
tail to smith
blunt bs kick was insane
double heel boardslide

opening line was amazing
crail tap (am i going to have to name every trick...?)
nosebonk then boneless
nollie bs 360
nollie bs 360 heel
bs flip to tiny space
kick nose manny
no comply skinny
okay im gonna stop and just say "everything else". That was unbelievable. Legendary

dog piss footplant
blunt(?) stall old town
kickflip hurricane
noseblunt to skinny
line 7:47
salad shuv into bank was really good looking
gap to rock
wallie bs boardlide
ender was mad

wallie fs 180
fs 360 off car landing so sick
line 0:37
wow this edit is so good
fs flip bonk shuv
kf hurricane
nollie flip up
fs heel to street
line 1:11
line 1:18
wallie late shuv holy
wallie fs lipslide
Awesome part. Really unpredictable. Love the landings. Your style is instantly recognisable. So is your hat.

fs noseslide kf
gesture on the nollie nose slide was perfect
switch heel 5050
line 2:43
line 2:51
kickflip bs tail thats a great spot
tre over bin!
switch wallie gap was crazy

kickflip then fs noseblunt to fakie
manny to bs noseslide
nosebonk heel
pole jam
tre fs noseslide
fs tail ged
smith pole jam
beach balls!
bs boardslide mr blue

opening line wow
bs flip nice gap old town
wallie nose manny ged
bs tail nose grab huuuge
fs flip off yellow skinny
big hurricane old town so nice
nice it keeps going i thought it was over haha
line 2:37
noseblunt to gap at pool was awesome

smith late shuv
line 3:48
hurricane siick
bs lip kick
dub grind f factory
demz and anchors very nice
shuv crooks oliver
kf 5050 parkade
kf smith tre looked great

opening line
ah nice the first dub grind of the part
line 6:52
mr blue
wallie 7:06 so good
hippy jump with the sign wow lokked nuts
line 7:28
tail to nose
7:44 line was so good. Nice use of the gesture too.
bs flip skinny
manny bs double flip
hippy jump on the bin wow
crooks to noseblunt clean
That was great supa

That was just awesome. Really good job. Killed on the editing front too.
Psychonaut win skate 2.

03-19-2010, 08:41 AM
gonna have to do this one in parts:
intro nice for as dirty and grungy as you guys apear you sure change your clothes a lot, must spend a lot of time going back n forth between career and freeskate. Always love the obscure music choices that I can't get away with
bullet, one of my favs, love all the cams popless and sexchange stuff, eneder was suuuperb as expected, and i gotta say you had some nose bonks on some skinny @ss (cut n paste ea friendly) rails/ledges
horse, first couple cords from the song i thought it was a old love and rockets tune, boy was i wrong haha 7:43 don't know how you came out to the ledge but wish i did. 7:57 landing on ledge was perfect.
bonez, nice bones teaser thought i was finally gonna get my wish haha :50 revert landing was incredibly well done, your skating style is the most to my style but so far away. Its like if Tubs would do the trick/pause and hand the controler over to demz for the landing. def distinct and unmistakable. short but awesome part.
flix, i think i have had almost all of your song choices on my ipod, sorry E didn't want to pause this one for the play by play
DRFA, first clip wow, man i got to say don't think i have ever seen anything from you but wow so far like flix everything is gold, powerslide late shuv at matrix,
hard at lurk, HELLO good god first clip was the ender of the whole thing good night, nose grab slide on fence, 1:09 took time I know cause I tried that exact trick for a hour and gave up, ugh bufferin for some reason have to let it marinade for a sec, nice ender, you had some sweet tranny stuff
hesh, by far cleanest style out of everyone.woo demz/anchors back to Danny Trejo nice part real solid and clean, could watch a hour of your stuff,
supa, sign hop ftw sooo sick, 7:25 nice, 9:14 pivot in was a bute
wow guess roblet's part at the opening wasn't just the intro, kinda wished he would of had a bigger part
amazing start to finish, you guys have 3 of my top 10 fav fake skaters in bullet, skelli, and flix so its always fun watching one of your fulls
best part goes to eflix perfect mixture of everything, fav trick was the coffin diving board, i have thought of something like that in my head but never tried it, hats off fellas nice work

03-19-2010, 08:54 AM
gonna have to do this one in parts:
intro nice for as dirty and grungy as you guys apear you sure change your clothes a lot, must spend a lot of time going back n forth between career and freeskate. Always love the obscure music choices that I can't get away with
bullet, one of my favs, love all the cams popless and sexchange stuff, eneder was suuuperb as expected, and i gotta say you had some nose bonks on some skinny @ss (cut n paste ea friendly) rails/ledges
horse, first couple cords from the song i thought it was a old love and rockets tune, boy was i wrong haha 7:43 don't know how you came out to the ledge but wish i did. 7:57 landing on ledge was perfect.
bonez, nice bones teaser thought i was finally gonna get my wish haha :50 revert landing was incredibly well done, your skating style is the most to my style but so far away. Its like if Tubs would do the trick/pause and hand the controler over to demz for the landing. def distinct and unmistakable. short but awesome part.
flix, i think i have had almost all of your song choices on my ipod, sorry E didn't want to pause this one for the play by play
DRFA, first clip wow, man i got to say don't think i have ever seen anything from you but wow so far like flix everything is gold, powerslide late shuv at matrix,
hard at lurk, HELLO good god first clip was the ender of the whole thing good night, nose grab slide on fence, 1:09 took time I know cause I tried that exact trick for a hour and gave up, ugh bufferin for some reason have to let it marinade for a sec, nice ender, you had some sweet tranny stuff
hesh, by far cleanest style out of everyone.woo demz/anchors back to Danny Trejo nice part real solid and clean, could watch a hour of your stuff,
supa, sign hop ftw sooo sick, 7:25 nice, 9:14 pivot in was a bute
wow guess roblet's part at the opening wasn't just the intro, kinda wished he would of had a bigger part
amazing start to finish, you guys have 3 of my top 10 fav fake skaters in bullet, skelli, and flix so its always fun watching one of your fulls
best part goes to eflix perfect mixture of everything, fav trick was the coffin diving board, i have thought of something like that in my head but never tried it, hats off fellas nice work

my part was the longest out of everybody's WHAT MORE CAN I DO TO MAKE YOU HAPPY B?? WHAT MORE CAN I DO?

and thank you to everyone. from the comments on the forums and on youtube i can see that not many people like bullet very much, but goddamnit it's not psychonaut without him so he's staying.

03-19-2010, 09:08 AM
haha i know i realised that when i was done, i was in the process of editing when i refreshed and saw your reply, so guess i can't paste it in original and correct it here so i will just put it in this one,

at seccond glance i realized the long intro was not a long intro it was robley's part, you change your clothes so much i thought it was a lil from everyone haha soooo:

:52 how you came off with the shuv i will never know, 1:42 can't get any closer, 1:50 worth a 3rd view? popless/dub grinds for days, most i think you've had in a part, 3:12 awesomness, 3:16 so close again only way to go, ender what?

03-19-2010, 09:15 AM
i cant give bullet credit anymore...
everybody is all over dick and i got pushed off...


03-19-2010, 09:22 AM
i wish i had released my s2 best of before this btw. i can forget about that now.

03-19-2010, 09:31 AM
schnav i tried to steel 4 or your spots from said film..
it didnt happen....
and it made me really mad in the 4 hour process it took for me to fail...

im shaking my fist in the entire teams direction.....

on topic...

the 54 end intro has been scrapped and will be replaced with a disclaimer explaining that this is not the psychonaut full and never will be....

its a sad day when you realize everyones final is something epic and im sitting on 3 min of bullshit.....
i really really hope anders skatehead and south pull through....
(crosses fingers)

03-19-2010, 09:37 AM
wow that was amazing guys. I think Skelli and Bullet were my favs, but you were all great :)

03-19-2010, 09:38 AM
my parts are always destined 2 fail....
we will make u proud demz..

03-19-2010, 09:45 AM
i was wondering what intro SG was talking about, hahahaha, so good.

i also forgot to thank rob for my appearance in said intro.

03-19-2010, 10:19 AM
let me just say: psycho will keep pushing the boundaries of awesomeness. this video is proof of it.

always love a robley part. 270 board from the quarter was my favorite
i don't know how anyone can hate on bullet. incredible skinny gaps
horse = going huge + smooth style. fsflip tailtap at slappy's was killer. ender gets honorable mention.
skelli's part blew me away. any spot, any trick will look good with that filming
flix's short shorts made me laugh. sw 270 nose was great and huge wallie gap
drfa was dialed in big time. tons of great setups, qp backlip blue back to qp was so good. and huge powerlipslide
lurk was off the wall. coffin intro was hilarious, again incredible skinny work
<3 hesh. an incredible balance to all the rawness. simple, clean, smooth. kf smith tre out
SUPA! that part was scary good, just terrific, wow, oh my god, etc. fave was the kf 5-0 180 smith on the broken rail.

and before i forget: absolutely great edit, especially skelli's and drfa's parts

bye bye s2

03-19-2010, 11:20 AM
Man, its amazing how inspirational this vid was. Was skating around out of ideas, watched the vid and have filmed like 3 bangers in the past hour thanks guys :)

03-19-2010, 04:36 PM
from the comments on the forums and on youtube i can see that not many people like bullet very much, but goddamnit it's not psychonaut without him so he's staying.

kick him off... so we can have him.

03-19-2010, 07:49 PM
Alright, for real. I'll turn my dumb joke into a real comment. Dead seriously, this video turned out awesome in my opinion. All of the dudes on the team are amazing and there's no other team out there I'd rather fake skate for.

Favorite tricks (besides enders)

Robley: Switch BS 180 airwalk
Bullet: FS 360 stale.
Me: I did my 1st double grind.
Skelli: 360 off the car
Flix: Switch wallie over the stairs.
DRFA: powerslide lipslide.
Lurk: Nosegrab 5-0 the fence
Hesh: Switch hurricane at Dyrdeks.
Supa: Trash Hippy