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View Full Version : Legalize it

03-30-2010, 10:29 PM
im writing a 10 page term paper for business due tomorrow and was just wondering if any of you had any thoughts on the legalization marijuana business wise or just how its gonna make a stoners life easier.

03-30-2010, 11:23 PM
im writing a 10 page term paper for business due tomorrow and was just wondering if any of you had any thoughts on the legalization marijuana business wise or just how its gonna make a stoners life easier.
wish you wouldve said something earlier
go watch a documentary called "The Union"

03-30-2010, 11:38 PM
lmao dude im seriously watching it as i type this

03-31-2010, 02:04 AM
i wish you woulda said something earlier too. I wrote a 10 page ethics paper on the legalization of marijuana last semester for my senior seminar class.

03-31-2010, 09:19 AM
whatttt email me that shitt

03-31-2010, 09:47 AM
I'm actually gathering signatures for an iniative to make it to the ballots this year in washington state. Similar to californias iniative to legalize for recreation.

side note. i just found out ive got shingles and bud is working better for the pain than pain killers.

03-31-2010, 10:04 AM
i read somewhere that the legalization of weed could bring in something like 3 billion dollars in revenue..not sure where I heard it from though...

Amp Game
04-17-2010, 04:06 PM
Im smoking some badass in support of this thread no matter how old

Free the weed !

04-18-2010, 07:50 AM
texas should supprt this shit.legalize it to 18 to please the ppl who are all "marijuana gives cancer " shit and sell it legal so we can enjoy it. its not like tobacco beacuse its not proven to give cancer or health problems, its normal medicine except for the man made ones like purple haze or sweat. the high part is just a side effect like how nyquil causes drowsiness, and all it does it makes u hungry because thats what it was made for, to help ppl who cant eat, eat

04-18-2010, 08:49 AM
I'm glad it's tolerated here. :D

@ Topic starter:

When you take out the hippie factor of this video it could be useful:


This one too:


I think...

I'm not a real expert, so I don't really know the exact difference between cannabis and hemp.

And why not legalize it when even the president of the United States of America had used marijuana. :p


04-18-2010, 08:26 PM
you could probably use up a page or two comparing it to alcohol...alcohol is at least 10 times worse for you than bud.