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04-02-2010, 05:05 AM

04-02-2010, 05:34 AM

Demz destroyed the ungrindables, walle to un-feebs=grrrreat!

anchors killed it,ender!

Skatehead had too much good stuff to name.

South, just stop playing, you are going to give me a heart attack at the age of 18.


i was screaming the whole way through,
you brought your skating to anotha level and totally eclipsed over anything i have done. i have watched your ender 10 times and you deserved banger most def.

amazing full guys


04-02-2010, 06:01 AM
r u kidding me? monaco racing? best filler ever
incredibly good, from all guys
awesome dudes

04-02-2010, 06:11 AM
Loved the gap to noseblunt...
Always enjoy seeing ungrindables, loved the blunt shuv...


The first angle of your ending was epic, with the slomo and the tweak...

wow 7:36, tight fit haha great find :)
crook to feeble doublegrind, wow...
Powerslide was crazy
was that a tre footplant ender? sick

whole part was nuts...
loved the tail shuv tail at 12:14
just so much tech, great stuff :)

loved the noseblunt stall bigspin at 16:20
tail shuv tail at 16:47 was sick too
nice find on the ender :)

04-02-2010, 06:20 AM
yes, yes and yes

i'm not really sure what to say.

all so crazy, skating blew me away, fantomas blew me even more away, anders ender made me pee a little.


04-02-2010, 06:50 AM
hahahah you fucker, best intro ever
woaaah gap to noseblunt!! you actually made me say woah infront of my screen
bank blunt to fakie shuv ohhhhh shit
wallie smith.... jesus
hahaha kickflip noseblunt the nyc ledge, fuck me

narrow bs kickflip, sick find
gorgeous bigspin thru the hole
melon stairs, never cleared that gap... sick
woahhh how did you land that ender??

beautiful first trick
wallride hurricane damnn
long 50-50 sick find
wow nosepick!
halfcab flip super nice filming
wallie onefoot!!!
sw double flip to skinny
jesus christ that was a big step up hahaha kudos on double grab!!
ender... christ

shiiiit hubba double grind
ged line... damn
blunt late shuv sooo smooth
powerslide tailslide thingy wow
nice art cams asshole, made my hangover way worse
maloof nose nose nose
hahaha ender

caveman was hot, my kinda thing
hahah sick noseblunt
matrix combo... hah
wallie thing over the fence!!
double to darkness shiiit
lateshuv on the brick wall hahaha too good
rail to rail shuv!!!
ugly shoes
kf crooks the steep rail
websterish heel to board on steep reds
woaah wallie smith
hahah judo
ohh damn ender....


04-02-2010, 07:00 AM
skatehead for best part + song

.everyone killed everything.
the only way of describing how good it was would be through the medium of dance.

04-02-2010, 07:15 AM
the only way of describing how good it was would be through the medium of dance.


so raw.

the intro made me laugh so hard ("HANDRAIL!"), then during the title there is this little flash and i thought it would be some kind of subliminal message but sadly it wasn't. :(

i think i know now why i enjoy watching 1954 videos so much. you do the exact opposite of what i am trying to do in fake skating. i go for the smoothest cams possible with the cleanest look possible. you take the cams on a rollercoaster ride through gnar heaven's "best of" trick book.

my fav songs were on demz part, especially the one at the ungrindables part.

04-02-2010, 07:44 AM
caveman was hot, my kinda thing

Hahaha thanks man, totally stole that shit form you directly after i saw you do it in Knexland.

04-02-2010, 08:00 AM
starting this beast over...

first im upset that u didnt throw a shoutout 2 shamwow....our sponsor...

intro best skate2 intro 2date...in my eyes...

loved ur wholepart...song fit well and ungrindables wereoff the chain...
all the shit @ ged bank were a thing of greatness...
happybirthday man..

anch...what else can i say ur parts are alway suspenceful and i loveit....
song fit real well..and was that fantomas?
ender...ender.....u get the fattiest gap award for skate2..
great god my friend...

blah blah..
pawn...yes that was a smith 1foot plant...;)
the prebanger is like the most upsetting trick in my eyes...cuz i fucking settled but goddammit that shit was hard...it was suppose 2 be a flip thats all but damm top stair...hence the DG..:p

nukka! glad ur on the team and welcome from everyone...
i just remember u telling me that u wanted 2 be on...now ur on...so what u gonna do?!
oh u gotta share the garage w/ anders...anch isnt giving up his studio office....
2many good tricks 2 name but u myfriend are something else...

and then i come 2 you jordan anderson....aka andersatan...
dude ur part was banging...u had all the right shit going for u and it was dope...congrats on ender and hope 2 see moreshit from u like this in s3..

thank all of u for watching our fake skatevid....and thanks go out 2 anders for putting up with my and souths parts...and the whole editing process..

see ya in s3 suckas!!!

04-02-2010, 08:08 AM
nukka! glad ur on the team and welcome from everyone...
i just remember u telling me that u wanted 2 be on...now ur on...so what u gonna do?!
oh u gotta share the garage w/ anders...anch isnt giving up his studio office....
2many good tricks 2 name but u myfriend are something else...

"Welcome from everyone"? pfft speak for yourself nobody likes that guy.

04-02-2010, 09:11 AM
"i dont wanna play this game anymore" yeah,me neither,not after watching this video,you can officially close the book on NSV,this video proves it.

Calgary FTW.

04-02-2010, 09:38 AM
that was the fastest 20 mins of my life.
video was epic guys.
demz u destroyed those ungrindables.
anchors, loving the song, that gap at GED was nuts...no idea how u fit through that fence haha, and the banger WTF! dont no how u didnt go straight legged.
skatehead, skating was ridiculous, nice pace good song choice.
congrats to south for joining 54, and what a way to start with such a crazy part.
anders, def deserved ender here, bangers all over the place.

great vid guys. see ya in 3

04-02-2010, 09:49 AM
I dont know how you guys do it; no matter what, you let your balls hang out and everything just comes together like magic--I envy that.

demz--gap back noseblunt, and full ungrindables section is bad ass. kf front nose, blunt shuv fakie on the small bank, wallie fs smith, and the kf back noseblunt fakie on that steep-as-hell ungrindable is amazing; not to mention the lack of a runup.

Anchs--your song kicks ass; going gnar--you even make some of these gaps look small. body varial sw 50-50, melon over the stairs, fakie hardflip sw 5-0. Longlense mastery.

Skatehead--chock-full of no-nonsense ripping. tre flip into the pool and then rock fakie, shuv front blunt bs flip, noseblunt into the bank, halfcab nosegrind bs flip, halfcab flip feeble to fakie transfer, kf double grab up the stairs, halfcab bs smith tre flip was beautiful.

south--your smooth tech style completes the 54 package--im glad it finally happened. nollie flip noseslide to boardslide, fakie noseblunt 270 flip out, wallie to fakie manny, front blunt late shuv to fakie, blunts on the sunset heights ledge, power tailslide 360, tailslide shuv tailslide fakie, 180 fakie manny to blunt, i really like that setup at the end too. Its funny; youre always wearing white but your skater is never dirty--do you ever fall besides being hit by cars?

anders--shredding as hard as ever. mile high 3flip fakie, noseslide shuv on a garbagecan? wow. 50-50 gap out, kf hurricane the rusty rail, run down the sherwin wall, fingerflip into the bank, crooks to noseslide, lipslide to blunt, sw wallie to fs smith--hell yeah. kf nosegrind the scary stairs, halfcab bigspin noseslide blue, noseslide to sw 5-0, judo footplant the GED wall? c'mon. And that kf BS 50-50 transfer to skinny is one of the sickest tricks in the whole vid--great ender.

Vibe of the vid had such a "cleansing of the soul" feel to it, hard to describe; but the title sums it up perfectly.

04-02-2010, 09:54 AM
so glad I found 20 minutes of free time to watch this. AMAZING. Wish I had another hour of time to write up the proper review this deserves. BUt I don't, so I'll just say this for now.

Officially, my favorite full ever. No question.

This is why we pushed to get out the psychonaut full in mid march, no way I'd wanna go up against this.

04-02-2010, 09:56 AM
Absolutely as awesome as I expected it to be. Not a weak filler trick in the entire video. Just straight up insanity from start to finish. I shouldn't have watched it before work, now I don't wanna go.

Intro - Awesome, simple, funny.

Demz - Killed. Just killed it. You did tricks on ungrindables that I can't do on regular ledges. Song was awesome.

Anchors - Skates how I wish I could. Ender was just about the craziest thing ever.

South - Song was horrible, I can't lie to you. But you can do the shit you do to any soundtrack and it's still pretty fucking amazing.

Skatehead - Definitely definitely my favorite part of yours ever. Your trick selection in this was exactly what I wanted to see right now.

Andersatan - Just fucking mind blowing. Definitely a well deserved last part. Every trick needed a 2nd watch to understand how fucking crazy it was. Ender is the best use of that spot I've ever seen.

I want to play this game still. But just because of this video.

04-02-2010, 11:29 AM
3:00 un-hurricane
322 unblunt popout
332 switch crook tre
340 noseblunt
345 wallie feebs

428 bsflip gap
452 bigspin through the hole
457 bodyvarial 5050
521 melon the stairset
and banger

636 wallie hurricane
645 tight gap to 5050
700 fakie tre up gap
733 nice line
814 wallie to skinny
900 huge
935 huge powerslide


beginning gap
inward gap
tre up the lighthouse
14:24 varial heel 5050
14:38 wallie 180
15:04 bs flip to skinny????
15:11 props on the line
15:20 kick off the wall
15:42 iunno if it was a 360 pop but sure looked like it
line on the ply WOOHOO
16:22 awesome gap
16:30 was so sick
16:43 crook nose was so flucking amazing
16:47 backtail pop to backtail WOOHOO
17:00 wallie hurricane
17:45 wallie smith
17:52 line WOOHOO
holy banger

04-02-2010, 11:54 AM
massive back three
nose manny slide to noseblunt
ug kickflip overcrooks
switch ug kickflip 5-0
ug blunt shuv out
ug hurricane tre flip :eek:
wallride ug smith

tweaked bs flip
line at the basketball courts
kickflip 5-0 to fakie on the letter
hugeeeeee melon
switch hardflip 5-0
ender was soooo clean

tre into the pool
wallie 50-50
shuv blunt flip out
double bs flip
parkade line
noseblunt and land between the electric box and wall
7:54...holy shit
pole jam flip

nose to board
fakie heel crooks
line at ged
blunt late shuv on the bank
noseblunt 360 out
ug building
line at matrix!!!
line at cc
wallie grind on the letter...omg :eek:

hugee tre
multi grind at matrix
line at sunset heights
cornerwall sesh
50-50 down the huge set
line on the plywood in front of the clubhouse
late shuv to massive kickflip on the wall
back tail shuv back tail
kickflip nose on the handrail on the wall
wallie smith
between the legs stall!?

perfect way to end s2...

04-02-2010, 12:06 PM
Demz . . . take me to the methadone clinic right fucking now, I need to get off these drugs, shit. Un-believable, Un-fathomable, you popped the chastity belt right off all of those spots with one hand tied behind your back.

Anchors - Stop it. You are the Jeremy Wray of fake skate. I'm building you a water tower in Skate 3. Last drop:eek:

skatehead - that was glorious. last two tricks were just amazing. Every trick made me jealous.

southie - savant. golden fingers. technical wizard. fill in the blank. jesus.

anders - first trick! nastiest bs noseblunt I've ever fucking seen. I don't think I can watch, I'm going to pee myself. That was a clinic. You shut down every spot you touched. You absolutely raped ol' rusty.

Overall, I feel sated. My mind is full. That was amazing.

04-02-2010, 12:44 PM
damn man it was just all to good, i especially liked anders and southie the best

04-02-2010, 02:59 PM
Amazing. Just amazing. 100% bangers. At work so i have to keep it short but theres no way i could list everything i loved about this vid.

Demz -

Hurricane fakie tre :eek:

Anchors -

Hubba hardflip 5-0
The ender

Skatehead -

Fakie tre up the stairs
Everything around the stacks

Southcity -

Watching you skate blows my fluckin mind.

The CC line

Andersatan -

Wallride smith
Old town line

Srs business though, one of the best vids i've seen. Downloaded this and im gonna watch it on my 42" when i get home. Thanks for the Friday treat guys!

04-02-2010, 07:57 PM
Intro killed.

Demz, I love you.

Head, you're the man.

South, I hate you.


04-03-2010, 05:29 AM
bored at work = review

intro win :)

demz intro win (goosebumps)
huge back 360
double flip line
noseblunt crazyness
ungrindable inferno!
great song


fantomas goosebumps
huge nolle back 360
bs flip
bb line
bs grab
hey, that's me

god, i love this soundtrack

line with 270 noseblunt
wallie hurry
needle fitty
bs double flip
fakie tre step up
noseblunt cathedral
tno line
drop in the needle
ungrindable bb
wallie north
wallride skinny
sw fs double flip skinny library, yup yup
over the wall parkade
did i mention the goosebumps?
fun track, wow
step up!


ha, random container
marylin line
nollieflip tail bs 270
hubba dubs
alphabet line
over the letter
dubs crash
noseblunt blunt line
big wall
tail shuv tail
letter box
cc line!!!
kf noseslide nosemanny noseblunt, jeez
wallie dubs
great soundtrack continues


inward heel classic school
crazy noseblunt
variel heel fitty perfect lock
back 180 over the wall
line when the chorus hits
switchflip to skinny in the corner
table set up
bush ride, hahahaha, so good
monster line is ludacrious
on the wall!!!
dubs lighthouse
board/noseblunt, perfect edit
steep rail
eflixxx slappys
wallie smith
fence line
nosegrind firecracker
darkness setup
ender is out of this world

you did it, best full lenght with the best soundtrack. period.

04-03-2010, 11:06 AM
Intro turned out exceptionally well... HANDRAIL!
Where and what the fuck is that spinning thing behind the 54 logo... shits tight

rewind and slowmo kick 50-50 was sick
1:32 im retarded, i looked around the bank and skinny for a gap for so long and i never noticed that one
gap to noseblunt was sick
Grind Spines Off
blunt revert shuv amazing
tail tre out up the ledge was ridiculous
noseblunt flip out on the bank looked so clean
wallie smith HOT DAMN
kick noseblunt to fakie mother fucker
all the ungrindables were insane, you suck

I thought you couldnt get anymore footy... shit
ged backside flip gap was a very nice find
kick hurricane an onto the other side shits TIGHT
oh yeah, Anchors = best long lens in the business. <PERIOD ever since i saw dangermare i havent seen better long lens
really liked the filming on the fakie blunt down the fucked up red rail
huge back bigspin through the hole
body varial 50-50 was sick, could never get anything on the fucked up rail
5-0 up and down
huge gaps
huge gaps
huge gaps
huge gaps
knees of steel

270 noseblunt front board popover, sick line
wallie hurricane, my favourite trick in your part, so sick
tre into the pool super legit rock to fakie
big spin blunt flip to fakie was tight
double flip over the pyramid looked exquisite
STACKED BENCHES WOO well stacked bench on a manny pad but still sick
in the parkade, half cab nose grind nollie flip 180 buttery
nollie noseblunt and between the wall and electrical box mustve been hard as hell
long as nosegrind nollie 180 out
wallie north was super sick perfect filming
wallie 180 on the waterfront rail was insane
double flip onto the hubba was tight
180 switch salad, 180 out the long way round in old town... shit, tall ledge tweaked ass grind and out to street
parkade over the wall and up the ramp... going so fast holy shit
half cab flip feeble 180 was incredible
switch crook to switch smith hot damn
kickflip up the double set
tre foot tap ender

this mother fucker
hate him
had to edit his part
never gave me his banger
didn't have enough footy for the whole song
glad to have you on the team
every trick is soo good
varial heel back crook
540 outa tail
hubba hideout double grind
half cab flip crook
mad ged line
blunt up late shuv
nose blunt blunt line
sickest double grinds around
matrix line, tail shuv tail
longest line ever at the cc
nose slide nose manny nose blunt
every bks ender in one trick
wild set up
kickflip noseblunt
and for anyone who reads these Jack + Anders collab coming soon...
along with another solo

04-03-2010, 06:56 PM
my Menu'd review

better than filet mignon. melts in your mouth

the best lasagne in town . multilayered goodness

4 stone cold shots of whiskey

Skatehead *fav part
this part should've come with popcorn. buttery and worth the price of entry

as awesome as a bag of crumbless cookies.

like a Calgary BBQ this part was a Stampede!

04-03-2010, 08:47 PM
We'll look who decided to show up

04-03-2010, 09:55 PM
i <3 54. full review would probably be redundant, so i'll keep it short and sweet. MORE RETARDS haha

demz. the man the myth the legend. just epic part. artsy slowmo with GP filler. straight into head exploding ungrindable destruction. faves were blunt shuv and wallie smith

anchs. going huge, all day every day. song gave me the willies. in a good way. body varial 5050 rusty? gotta be kidding me. other faves were the bsflip at ged and the ender

god i forgot how much i love a skatehead part. holy hell, kf nosepick, fakie tre stepup, wallie 1foot, and your last 2 were insane! had a feeling of "i don't give a fuck" and i loved it.

south. i still got that feeling like your miles and miles ahead of us regular folks. insane, off the wall shit throughout, nollieflip nose/board, hardflip UG 50 shuvout!, wallie salad 180 salad bsflip with a reacharound haha.

anders=amazing. jaw on the floor shit right here. straight up noseblunt, sw bsflip out of the cornerpipe, double darkness!, heel hurry rusty, crazy wallie and blue stuff, judo plant, banger was SICK

overall 11/10? haha all i really wanna say is god, please let videos like this continue to exist in skate 3.

04-03-2010, 10:22 PM
I'm with mamba.. i could sit here and list my favorite tricks, but honestly, there wasn't that many i wouldn't mention. Everyone came super hard and sent the bitch out with a bang.

Demzilla though... wow man. Idc what you think of your section... that was really good

Grind Splines

Beast Mode

04-04-2010, 09:07 AM
Crazy... loved it!

Best intro ever...

Beginning built hype!
Opening bs 360
2:19 great looking fs nollie heel with the gesture
2:31 so sick
Grind spines on/[off] = sickness
3:09 switch kick 5-0
revert shuvs on that bank
wallie smith... banger worthy
ender was dirty... good dirty
In love with you

mmm soundtrack
4:26 through tiny space
switch fs flip
big spin hole
5050 steep rail
quick judo to street
hubba hideout

wallie hurricane
tre to pond
5050 back of the building
stall on the unG
fakie tre up 6
wallie north (name?)
wallie to skinny (haha hit that spot a while ago, exact same except for a manny down the skinny, been saving the clip)
hippie jump... wallie bs 180
switch fs bouble heel to skinny was great!
gap at 8:57
ender (that looked like left foot planted down!?)

varial heel crooks
line at GED was amazing
blunt late shuv
11:47 sick
kickflip noseblunt maloof
line 12:07
line 12:22
Crazy cam dizziness
line at cc
13:27 NUTS
ender was great but would have loved a second angle on that

13:48 was nasty
var heel 5050
nollie flip
14:40 great line
set up with the table upside down was nice (skate 2 ply wood ftw)
on the hedge = filthy good
switch flip crooks mr. blue
flip trick line on the scaffolding
nose slide pool
late shuv on the wall
tre shuv then nose slide at the back of slaps
two mr blue tricks
wallie smith parkade roof
nose slide fence
18:17 wow
hurricane mr. blue

Absolutely insane all round. Well done.


04-04-2010, 12:15 PM
in short.. this video makes me want to cry... in a good way

starting with demz's part specifically

04-04-2010, 04:25 PM
thank you everyone...

cant lie my part kinda sucks so i got a new one tomorrow....
much more entertaining....

also wanna say thank you all for supporting us in this last 2 years...
im pretty sure if i had no community i wouldnt have gotten maybe half way to where im at now creativity and skill wise...
you guys help push me alot and it means the world to me...

s3 will be nothin different...


04-05-2010, 07:48 AM
good god what a fun watch
open the notepad to play by play but forget it couldn't stop
To be honest I really don't know what to say
Demz made slowmo enjoyable love it, hard to get animations and no room for crap at that speed very enjoyable poetic part.
Anchors same for some of your clips, just to much to list both you guys are so fun to watch. Then the wallie madness, next three guys killed it, just built as it went. I really dont know what to say, maybe my most enjoyed fake skate watch ever. I got to say anders omg fealt like a best of over the course of both games. So sick everything was creative and impressive.
If I had to pick a winner I would pick the viewer.
Job well done, worth every second.

04-05-2010, 09:02 PM
holy mackrole