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View Full Version : Dusky

04-15-2010, 04:29 AM
Hey guys, I'm Dusky, the same person as Dusky Demon NL, registered over a year ago, but that account wouldn't activate so I just made me a new one.

Have been a die hard EA Skate fan since the start.

I live in The Netherlands.

04-15-2010, 05:33 AM
Welcome to fluckit.....hope you're downloading/playing the demo by now :)

04-15-2010, 05:50 AM
Ofcourse. I have already played it several times. Look in the 'demo date...' topic.

Richie x Jackson
04-15-2010, 08:34 AM
Well hello there, lucky you living in the Netherlands, get to smoke that green leaf everyday.

04-16-2010, 06:52 AM
Well I'm not addicted so I don't smoke every day. :p And it's not legal here either. It's stil illegal. It's just tolerated here. It's not like in harold and kumar, where you can smoke it right on the streets. That's illegal. You can only smoke it at home. And I don't know if you know Geert Wilders (a moron who thinks he knows about politics), but he wants get rid of the policy.


And also, I could play the demo like 9 hours earlier than the USA. :p