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View Full Version : Hubba manual easier in hardcore mode

04-17-2010, 02:22 AM
We all know by now that hardcore mode requires a new level of precision, especially when it comes to grinding a rail or ledge. It's getting easier every day, but will always remain a challenge.

So before attempting a nose manual down this long steep skinny hubba, I reminisced about much tamer ledges in San Van that frustrated the crap out of me. But instead of skating away in shame I tried it a few times - and hit it fairly smooth in under 15 tries.

skate.reel video (http://skate.ea.com/gallery#sortBy=MOST_RECENT&filter=DAILY&slice=search&galleryType=USER&subType=VIDEO&contentType=SKATE_REEL_DEMO&itemId=21821)

I knew immediately that it would have been extremely difficult (for me) to manual this ledge in San Van. So I switched to Normal difficulty to test the theory. I tried 50+ times and never came close. The few times I didn't get sucked immediately into a nosegrind, I managed a manual for about a foot before getting warped onto one of the edges.

I found it interesting in this particular case, hardcore mode was an advantage. Someone may be able to prove me wrong on this, but I thought I'd share anyway.

04-17-2010, 06:30 AM
yeah, I love how you don't automatically get sucked into a grind, another great thing about hardcore

04-17-2010, 06:39 AM
Yes ledges are much easier to get on now. I have always been a big quarky manny ledge skater, so it seems perfect for my style. Close obsticle/small spot skating will be even more of my style now.