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04-20-2010, 12:31 PM
Any idea what we're getting conned with this year? Any clarification on the video editor? Will this be as a DLC?

be a debaser
04-20-2010, 12:34 PM
The video editor is part of the initial package I believe; it will not be DLC.

04-20-2010, 12:38 PM
true, cuz said in a interview that we get day one the same tools they used to make the clips of the week.
I have no problems with DLC's I think the filmer pack was only a dlc because it was not finished for the final shipdate of s2, but I could be totally wrong on that

04-20-2010, 12:44 PM
I think the filmer pack was only a dlc because it was not finished for the final shipdate of s2, but I could be totally wrong on that

that's the official statement on the filmer pack and i believe them.

s3 dlc i expect (sorted by probability):
1)skateable areas (some kind classic pack for sure, maybe something completely new)
2)skate.park items
3)items for the object dropper

new clothes will come with other dlc i guess, just like it did at s2.

04-20-2010, 12:56 PM
I think the filmer pack was only a dlc because it was not finished for the final shipdate of s2, but I could be totally wrong on that

so they say. if that was right, why did they charge us for it. lame excuse. it's all about the benjamins.
companies are all about paid DLC these days. reason? to make you not want to sell your game, easy as that. game companies loose a lot of money since the majority of people buy their games used, or trade them in. great for gamestop, bad for EA etc.

for DLC, i'm hoping for classic packs. i'd still pay good money for the complete old san van.
i also hope for a time is money thing like they did with s2, where i simply can unlock everything, without having to play the stupid career challenges.

04-20-2010, 01:24 PM
Stevland - surely all of the enjoyment in the game is playing the career mode :p

Bud Muhnquai
04-20-2010, 01:31 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking clothing and object packs. Maybe the odd extra park or two.

Kind of hoping we don't get a classic pack. Much as I love the CC and OG San Van, I'm wanting new areas. Maybe real world areas? Or has the Tony Hawk series got them on lock?

I'd also like to see some sort of day/night cycle but that's just not going to happen.

04-20-2010, 01:38 PM
yeah true stevland, making it available to us later might of needed a extra push IE money, I don't know what was it 5 bones. Unfair yes, but worth it

04-21-2010, 05:39 AM
i just stumbled upon something while looking for bad company 2 dlc:


Look under the cap of specially marked 20 oz., 16 oz. and 14 oz. bottles or 32 oz. fountain cups of Dr PepperĀ®, Dr Pepper Cherry, Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper Cherry for the game code and redeem for great prizes from some of the best video games in the industry - Games like Spore, Sims 3, Mass Effect 2, Medal of Honor, Skate 3, and many more.

so there will be some kind of free dlc with dr. pepper codes (in north america). maybe just stuff like clothing, dr. pepper shirts maybe.

Bud Muhnquai
04-21-2010, 06:00 AM
Might not necessarily be in game prizes, but you never know. Wonder if this is an international offer, or just in the States?

05-07-2010, 11:18 AM
More skate park items seems to be confirmed...
oh and you can bet there will be a "time is money"....and Blackbox Dist Park in a week or two..
give me og San Van, some classic parks and "skate it" Barcelona and London..

Oh yeah and don't charge me again for stuff I've already bought or is already on the disc....