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View Full Version : aloha mr. toler - yet another hawaiian trip

07-09-2010, 09:37 AM
i have to get in line with all the others here and say that this prolly the best DLC they ever did. i love almost everything about it :)


the song is vacation by the go-go's - belinda carlisle FTW!

btw, has that death wish shirt i'm wearing always been there? i don't think i have ever noticed it before yesterday :confused:

cheers, or aloha!

07-09-2010, 09:31 PM
i stopped watching at 132 because that was supposed to be the ender in my next video... and it's stolen... I'm mad at you.

great vid. 5050 to noseblunt stall was fucking sick too as was the tail to nose right after it.

more people need to watch this.

edit... i lied, i watched the rest of it. That bail on the ollie north to ONE FOOT FUCKING MANNY