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08-03-2010, 11:41 AM

08-03-2010, 11:49 AM
downloading it now! 110kb/s ...

08-03-2010, 12:12 PM
Nothing's been able to hold my attention for 20 minutes in a while, love you guys

08-03-2010, 12:17 PM
too good... for words.

08-03-2010, 12:47 PM
heads cams are the worsist most beutiful thing
Demz guy ages I swear, speed=not enough good lord. 6:45 Slide out was a nice touch

Have to add on to this as time permits

08-03-2010, 12:56 PM
funny intro, ahah i loved anchors' boat

this video was really good jeez

my favs

wallie late shuv
no comply 360 off the rail/ditch thing
crazy wall tap 180 nosemanny

wallie back noseblunt poppppppppp
fakie flip shiftyyyy
tr flip nosestall on the quarter niceeeee
front blunt TAp flip.... board TAP GAP
switch hurricane line on the BENCH waaaaaaaa
wallie nosegrab :)
kickflip ungrinder 5-0 TRUCK
kickflip nosestall fakie
enderrr????? wat

tupac :)
back feeble 360 shuv whew...
bs flip switch 5050 gap to rail
line with nosegrind flip
doom hardflip

nollie 180 5-0 shuv wheww.w...
wallie bs tail 270 flip!!
okay switch shuv bs feeble...pop 180 crook 180,,...................
OKAY WALLIE TAIL SWITCH CROOK to fakie manny shuv!
cab hurricane 180?
gap kickflip crook 180! wat!!!!!
ender wtf

huge switch shuv
front blunt flip
bs noseblunt popup line



so the whole vid was bonks

south did ridiculous shit

good full length jesus

08-03-2010, 01:02 PM
downloadin right now, 2 minutes left

Gotta watch this and Halleujah too...fuuuuck.

08-03-2010, 01:24 PM
intro was awesome... well played

skatehead had the perfect opener vibe. loved this part, but you already new that

Demz... this was gangster as fuck. sooo good, def my favorite of your parts. The barrier section (~3-4 tricks) madee me happy on the inside.

Anders... i haven't seen anything from you in awhile. I missed you... very much so.

Southie wtf man? everything was sooo perfect.. locks, animations, tricks... shit son

Anchors... the PERFECT ender section. This part went HARD. This honestly made the whole vid for me. This was just raw fucking fake skating and i loved every second of it. the ender was so sick and angle had "bangerbangerbanger" written alllllll over it.

08-03-2010, 01:25 PM
Intro, fucking brilliant. Jaws? I want Jaws. The Fugitive? Wow.

Skatehead - that was man-sized, song was so good, 270 kf sideways noseblunt . . . just a straight fuck you. Love Skatehead.

Demz - you're blowing my balls off. Sw hurricane line and the little red rail transfer . . .whatever you're calling that shit, plus, nobody has style like this, on every trick, every trick, every fucking trick. Sp-Sp-Speechless. whatever you're shit is, you can have it, right now.

Anders - every trick is smoooooooththth, filming probably the most accessible, so easy to see and appreciate your tricks. Props.

Southie - what the fuck dude. fakie 180 5050 nollie flip in a line that ends with a hurricane to nosemanny nollieheel? Wow . . . . KF CROOKS 180 SKIDD on Milky. (Stands and Claps)

Anchors I don't know what to say, Cities just got lit on fire, children are burning in the streets. It was that heavy.

08-03-2010, 01:31 PM
Man oh man...the mother ship sends it's fleet in for a full force attack on earth,all that remains....theres nothing left...the planet has been decimated,maybe there's a few survivors under a rock somewhere only time will tell.

08-03-2010, 02:01 PM
so is it in hd?

08-03-2010, 02:03 PM
love my team...
love u guys...
great full...
2 many problems tho....
paid off in the end...

08-03-2010, 02:17 PM
you guys are fucking ridiculous. 'nuff said.

08-03-2010, 02:23 PM
epic movie intros.

head: fakie inward, crystal plaza line, nollie bs 50-50, sw flip hurricane, wallie gap front shuv (killing my clips haha), no comply bonk of the ditch rail, fakie flip crooks through the kinks--so sick, moonwalk-haha, holy gap kf bs tail!, sick roof gap, and sweet ender too.

demz: wallie iceplant, gap sw bs tail gap 270, 3flip over the stairs--I tried that and never even came close. 3flip backtail gap out line, 3flip nosetap, yellow windbreaker, gap fs nosegrind gap out (ungrindable?!) These crazy-ass lines are savage.., 3flip nose, halfcab feeble fakie, everything on the janky barrier was nuts--that thing is impossible to skate.

anders: nollie 360, noseslide sw 5-0 fs flip, 5-0 gap fs flip, nollie bs bigspin, feeble fs 180 transfer, flushing line, gap bs flip sw 50-50, bs overcrooks nollie tre transfer, CAP line with the kf bs tail 270 flip, and nice ramp on the killer hardflip.

south: mesmerizing line-tech; nollie flip bs tail biggie, varial heel 5-0 shuv line--sw gap fs tail 270 was dopeness. wallie back tail 270 flip, high kf fs crooks bs 180, wallie gap lateshuv, sw shuv feeble to crooks 180 out, nollie noseslide crooks 180 then halfcab feeble wallie late 180 was absolutely insane--one of my favorite clips in the vid. back tail 180 fakie manny blunt, sw fs tail to bs tail bs heel, gap front shuv crooks, wallie fs tail sw crooks fakie manny shuv--thats the type of stuff that melts brains. cab hurricane, tunnel line, sw bigspin overcrooks, primo landing, bs flip nosegrind transfer to skinny--crazy.

anchs: so completely and totally awesome. well deserved last part with epic gaps and the patented anchors charm--the longlense stuff looks amazing. 50-50 fs 180 transfer, nollie tailwalk that huge set, front blunt kf fakie, bs grab to the bus stop, line down the triple set--sw mute was sick. handplant in a line, sw fs tail to lipslide around the bend--another one of my favorite clips. steep bs smith, bs lip 270 shuv, and bringing in the manny tech with the bs flip fakie nose manny sw crooks flip to manny. All the heavy stuff at the end rules--the bs heel looked earth-shattering.

The random Clayfighter reference scores extra points as usual--great job to all involved.

08-03-2010, 02:28 PM
this deserves a full perm review


08-03-2010, 02:51 PM
Hells fucking yeeeeeaaaaahhh! Every part was awesome but my favorites were Demz and Anchors. Demz brought the quick hitting drive by gangsta shit while Anchors brought the macho shit, standing in front of the crib emptying every round of the mini gun. And when there were no sign of survivors in the crib he still went and grabbed the tank and drove through that bitch.

08-03-2010, 03:04 PM
Skatehead 3:52 no comply off the rail was sick

Demz and South both did what they do amazingly well, best style part and best tech part ever respectively :)

Anchors was so gnarly. Just like a real solid part, loved the gaps and the general approach to the game

08-03-2010, 04:29 PM
thanks guys:)
loved the vid
every one had awesome parts
wegame is gay
now rollin up some shit and watchin again

08-03-2010, 05:27 PM
commented on ea too but basically consisted of this you guys are awesome and southie is gawd

DEmz pm

08-03-2010, 05:32 PM
welp....time to hit the streets,look for survivors...i mean spots and tricks...

08-03-2010, 05:42 PM
wow, insane
this need to be digested
i remember southys lines and anchs style
and demz cams going wild


08-03-2010, 07:29 PM
this deserves a full perm review


'nuff said :D

08-03-2010, 08:08 PM
I'm just gonna say that Pam Grier would let you reem her intercourse box if you showed her this.

This video is full of win.

Skatehead <3
Anchors <3

08-03-2010, 08:52 PM
Wall to Wall Awesome.

Demz is like the fakeskate version of R.A. The Rugged Man. Watching his part feels like he's the Delorean and the world around is speeding past like you're going through time.

Holy shit South. My favorite part of the vid hands down. So fucking sick.

And Anchors scares me.

Worth the wait.

08-03-2010, 09:28 PM
cant thank you guys enough for waiting and still downloading to watch....
all of you...
big thank you for the support and the love...
anchs rrod..
anders out of town...
last min edits..
render issues..
wegame died twice..
megaupload died once...
forgot titles....
to have all that happen and still get your guys comments is amazing...
all i could ever ask is for a "awesome" or "nice vid" comment but the reviews give me grins from ear to asshole...

i do age....
shits fucked my games broke...


i need you to rebuild..
we need schools and bars....

that barrier said no for like 4 hours till i figured her out...
opened the gape....slide right in....

pawn was robbed at the irippers championship thing....
fucking 720 spin...

my cams sign a waiver before i use them for public consumption...

now you guys knwo why i need 30 sec timelines...
cause if you use back to the future math..
secrets gentlemen.....secrets...


i got fast...
really fuckin fast...
like "run and drop" while holding up on the left ollieing into a bank and getting the up pump...

nollie heel backside noseblunt nose bonk out......

ghetto spot run...GUN BATTLES...

enders gross but that front blunt is wow smooth...wow smooth....

hall line....right out the window...

sw grab down the second set...
what was it..
but it was sick as shit...


1954 wubs you

08-03-2010, 09:40 PM
nollie heel backside noseblunt nose bonk out......

ghetto spot run...GUN BATTLES...

enders gross but that front blunt is wow smooth...wow smooth....

hall line....right out the window...

sw grab down the second set...
what was it..
but it was sick as shit...


1954 wubs you


08-03-2010, 09:55 PM
thanks for all the lovely comments fellas.

head, you stabby sob you

demz, style and cams oozing all over. thx for spending a whole day trying to upload this monster. and for '54 in general

anders, your lines are some of the best

southie, your controller belongs in a museum

thanks to clay for all the editing and showing me that ender set (that southie kickflipped, treflipped and did god knows what else down)

thanks for watching

08-03-2010, 10:01 PM
damn. i actually don't want to play s3 anymore... 1954>you

08-04-2010, 12:53 AM
skatehead graowww, such a distinctive style
loved that nollie 50-50 the rincon rail
wallride lateshuv
kick back tail downtown
roof 360

wallie footplant/noseblunt @ parkade, really hard spot jesussss. I got a killer trick there for you ahah
fuck ya life, did you deliberately smack your tail in that 360 to street?
quarry trick
sw hurricane line wow
ship hulls hahaha fuuuck off
(every trick)
switch inward heel HOLY FUCK best looking trick so far
... never touching that barrier again... you killed it in a span of 15 seconds :mad:

SHIT you actually cleared that gap!!! I LOVE YOU
insane factory line
was that a wallie to sw 5-0? sick either way
(loads of great shit)
woo another clip from my park :D
kf bs overcrook
mall line with 5-0 shuv and nosegrind
killer ender, wow
great song too

( I started out writing everything I liked but ended up with every trick, so I just left the absolute top 3 here )
wallie back tail 270 flip
cab hurricane
kf fs crook OMG FUCK YOU, managed to grind that barrier! don't wanna know how many times I've tried that

quickstep bs flip gap
tailwalk gigant-a-stair
stair blunt flip to fakie purrrrrr
into bus shelter
bs smith on the boat
...aand some more enormous gaps nobody else will ever land. jesus

I love you guys and this was fucking fantastic

08-04-2010, 01:09 AM
i honestly don't know what to say. best s3 video to date. i could write down a list of my fav tricks but that would be nearly the complete list of all the clips needed to edit this thing.

awesome intro, everyone killed so hard.

skatehead with such a good style, teasing for the rest of the video, perfect opener part.

demz' death cam roller coaster ride feels like a totally different game, you are the most unique fake skater in the business.

jack is right with saying that anders' filming is the most accessible but in the most positive way. your cams are beautiful and elevate your sick tricks to even higher spheres.

southy is the fake skate equivalent of the old russian og quake headshot machines, which when watching, feel more like prerendered ingame cutscenes that actual human beings playing. if i tried to recreate your part, it would take me a year at least.

anchors seals the deal with what i see as his best part ever.

54 sets the bar sky high, let's see when someone will be able to reach that.

08-04-2010, 08:54 AM
someone should link me to where south gets his psycho killer songs

08-04-2010, 09:00 AM
someone should link me to where south gets his psycho killer songs

Basically... you gotta get em' from South because you ain't gonna find them anywhere else. Youtube hardly has them even. Or you could get them from me cause i got them from South...

08-04-2010, 10:00 AM
Kinda funny

08-04-2010, 10:48 AM
It's a fucking sign

Roccityroller: Demzilla i just wanted to let you know that i have 59.54 in my checking account and i'm going to take 40 out to buy drugs... you do the math

08-04-2010, 12:17 PM
great skating from everyone. southie and anchs sealed the deal. good to see some anchors footy, been a while.

08-04-2010, 01:56 PM
Southie's part.. Just watched it on youtube. HOLY SHIT. Game over. I haven't even seen the rest yet. But, southie. FUCK.

08-04-2010, 03:11 PM
thanks everyone :):):):):)

again big thanks to clay for my edit
and bullet for my ramps(witch you did every ramp how i wanted and didnt even have to say anything...awwsome)

wish this was on youtube so it would be easyr for every one to watch this

The Revolutionist
08-04-2010, 03:31 PM
Ive only seen southys part and it was quite good.

08-04-2010, 07:20 PM
loved the intro

360 switch flip noseslide
nollie heel noseblunt nosebonk
wallie late shove
no comply 360 off rail
axel stall switch manual
haha loving the moonwalk
bs 360 over metal fence

wallie fastplant
wallie noseblunt
crazy gap at drydocks
kickflip 5-0 truck
kickflip off skinny ledge into bank
tricks on barrier

bs flip grass and sidewalk
factory line
wallie 180 switch 5-0
5-0 barrier 360 out
tre over hubba
5-0 shove out nosegrind nollie flip

first line was insane
varial heel 5-0 fs shove out line
tail 360 heel line
wallie tailslide kickflip 360 out
wallie shove out
factory line
halfcab hurricane wallie 180 out line
hardflip off skinny ledge shove out line
backtail fakie manual to blunt
wallie front tail to salad to fakie manual front shove out
line in that skinny hall
wallie tre off skinny ledge and land on skinny ledge

tailwalk over huge stairs
blunt across stairs kickflip out into bank
melon into bus stop shelter
180, nosebone 180, and ride off those huge stairs
smith on boat
heelflip over huge hubba
BANGER was hugeee

definatly one of the best full lengths ive ever seen

Embers BLS
08-05-2010, 12:08 AM
finally got some time to watch this.
good lord.
'54 throws shit down like, i dont wanna play anymore. :cool:

Demz makes my cams feel lame as hell, and boring.. haha off the wall every which way.

Anders, does shit that i want to do. as usual.

Anchors <3 the song choice, and raw ass skating. can i have your spots?

Skatehead, well, good job opening this explosion, i dont think i watch enough of your stuff, fail by me.

South, smoooooooth ass everything, which i will never do. but, damn.

08-05-2010, 07:26 AM
I been watching this video now like 20-40 times on my Xbox from my flash-drive. And I still stick to my words, Demzilla's part is my favorite.

08-05-2010, 07:39 AM
<3 54

movie intro was great. and showed your awesome cap skills

head - great vibe (song) for opener. what's the cap @3:07 (and a couple other times)? faves were the nollie fitty on the high rail, fuckin noseblunt nosebonk! the crazy no comply 180 tailtap thing, lol moonwalk, and the ender

i was actually kinda hoping for an "artsy" demzilla part, but i guess murder at mach 3 is ok lol. gross landings and death cams aside, i did enjoy the part thoroughly walle footplant, fuck ya life tre gap, tre nose in the pool, switch lip tap, kf nose the steep rail, all the shit on the barrier at the end was dope, but the banger was electrodope

kinda surprised by anders at first, didn't remember you being that clean, perfect catches n shit. switch tre crooks, back feeble 3shuv, 5-0 fs into bank, salad bigflip, kf overcrook, 180 fakie 5-0 double flip, ender was HUUUGE and i love it

south, i don't know how you put that much tech into lines?! almost every trick is worth mentioning. tre back nose, wallie tail 270 flip out, fuckin hurry nosemanny heel, fuckin hurry sex change, shuv feeble to hurry, fuckin tail fakie manny fakie blunt, wallie tail fakie 5-0 fakie manny shuv, banger was sick

anchs, long lens master, pushing what's possible in this game, love it. thank you for doing the opening gap, now i can stop trying, nollie tailwalk, fuckin blunt kf into bank, ollie under busstop, sw grab was the best looking grab down a set ever, sw tail to lip on the curved rail, back smith the steep rail, loved the static cam on the banger

<3 54

08-05-2010, 08:53 AM
This is the real shit right here. So many full reviews no need for any more of them. I'm sick too, so my brain doesn't put the right words where they're supposed to go right now. I'm like Burroughs with downs syndrome. But, short summarys:

Skatehead: Tight shit. Loved the filming. You stoled my spot w/that kf bs tailslide downtown, fucker. I want $5.00, even though it was unintentional.

Demz: It was what I like. Fucked up all over the place insanity, every trick could've been sloowmoed. Claasssic Demz. Also, trying to play down this vid and say it sucked. Whatever dude.

Anders: I'm liking this new clean shit, it's really pretty coool and if following Demz's part is peeerfect. Ender's craaaazed.

South: It's a good thing the districts are seperate because otherwise your part would've been one long tech line from University down to Industrial. Crazy shit.

Anchors: Deserved the ender. Seriously in my top 3 favorite fake skaters and every time a new Anchors part comes out it blows my mind. Edit was rad, cams were perfect, raw as fuck huge gnar teeth. It's like a gnarly dog on PCP with gold teeth biting your face.

08-05-2010, 10:10 AM
i had to watch this a few time to get my head around it

love the wallride shoveit
and there were a few nice gaps that i now have to steal

has figured this shit out
total control of the cameras, zoom push pull like the pros
Hollywood type shit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOaV06ruMqg
love that barrier you destroyed at the end, tre flip killed

nice lines throughout
more gaps i need to find
and that hard flip ender looked so good

south city
possibly the best fake skate part i have ever seen
lines with hard trick after hard trick after hard trick after hard trick
and all of it looks smooth, planed out and filmed so nice

opening hardflip gap very nice
love the big ass stair set
and the ending gap was ridiculous

very nice edit throughout
very much worth the dl
lots of stuff i have never seen before in PC
guess i have some exploring to do

08-05-2010, 10:23 AM
thanks for the comments guys..

long story short..
every possible problem happened with this film...

the next day...
i lost my job...

fuckin win all over...

hate life..

08-05-2010, 10:46 AM
thanks for the comments guys..

long story short..
every possible problem happened with this film...

the next day...
i lost my job...

fuckin win all over...

hate life..

Woah . . . If I was rich, I'd send you cash. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

08-05-2010, 10:47 AM
the next day...
i lost my job...

fuckin win all over...

hate life..


to cheer you up. :)

08-05-2010, 01:20 PM
What exactly did you do for a job, if you don't mind my asking

08-05-2010, 02:26 PM
Best full in 3. Duh.

Will keep that title for a while too.

Skatehead started it with sick lines, so many banger in there.

Demz, awesome cams :D crazy tech and speed. Ender was ridiculous

Anders, filming was godly, lines, gaps bangers - loved it

South, skating always gets me, I get halfway through a line thinking, yeh it's difficuilt but I could maybe pull this line off, then the next few tricks I couldn't even do as singles.

Anchors, sick way to end, so many awesome gaps, long lenses were perfect.

Fuck jobs, you guys should get paid to fakeskate.

08-05-2010, 02:35 PM
fuck jobs, you guys should get paid to fakeskate.


08-05-2010, 07:25 PM
skatehead moonwalking sold it for me

08-06-2010, 09:23 AM
Awesome, not a big fan of full lengths, becuase they tend to bore me, but this one was straight amazing...FUCK YA LIFE

08-07-2010, 06:01 AM
what the hell just happened?

last thing i remember i downloaded this video and clicked play...

...next thing i know i wake up on my roof wearing nothing but the cuban flag

I'm on to you guys

08-08-2010, 06:10 PM
allright that was awesome everyone delivered, especially anchors, whos parts are usually never my favorites but he really switched on beast mode for this one

08-09-2010, 12:04 AM
This thing was just nutty.... We got Demz with the crazy cams ( very interesting ) the way you film gives the footy a different look, as if your moving in warp speed or something. It looks good, different and crazy but good. Then South... aghhhhh...... I'm not even gonna say anything about you cause honestly I can't say anything that hasn't been said in this thread already, I will say just one word BEAST....done. Anchors and Anders, just doin what they do best congrates to Anchors for getting ender. Now on to my fav part which was last but not least Skatehead. Dude your cam work is so nice I swear. One of the best parts I have seen from you ever and one of my Fav parts of Skate 3 to date. All-in-All this was a great watch and I can't wait to see what this team comes up with once we get further into skate 3... Until then big <3's for 1954..

08-11-2010, 10:00 AM
I love how you guys made this a downloadable video, it's like a video you dont have money to buy so you download it of the internet. It's fuckin awsome, great job guys:D

08-11-2010, 02:23 PM
i just pooped me pants, thnx guys :p

08-12-2010, 12:28 PM
a few more comments here (and some bullshit :D) (http://skatecc.net/communitycenter/index.php?topic=832.0)
in case you missed it

i already watched it 2-3 times, ill be back with a few comments on the 4th watch :cool:

PS : Yes Stev i will :P

08-12-2010, 02:43 PM
holy shit skate cc link...
i thought that place didnt take to kindly to unrealism....

good stuff...

thanks for watchin so much slam...


we still suck though....

08-12-2010, 03:01 PM
skatecc loves everything.. for the most part
unless you're a dick about it, you good


08-13-2010, 12:11 AM
damn dudes, I'm sorry I haven't written my full review. The day this came out I was almost done one (i was midway through south's part) and my boss showed up outta nowhere and I quickly had to close the window and I lost what I had written. Since then I've been to busy at work to get this done, and I'm rarely by a computer when i'm at home.

Anyways, you guys know how much I love you all. Favorite team out there no doubt. Each one of you have a completely unique style. It's rare that a team out here has that, but each of you are complete individuals in how you play this game and that's awesome.

Loved each part so much, but my heart was fully with anchors on this one. Pure beast.

Skatehead, loved your part too, maybe my favorite part you've done yet. Anders, pure lines and carnage. Tech, speed, cams. Demz, when demz puts out a full part every clip is note worthy. ANd yeah, south, you bastard. Skill level is unmatched, nobody else even comes close.

Ok, sorry I didn't get a play by play. Love love.

08-13-2010, 03:15 AM
holy shit skate cc link...
i thought that place didnt take to kindly to unrealism....

good stuff...

thanks for watchin so much slam...


we still suck though....

;), dude, i dont think people like you (you say unrealistic, i say wild and raw) arent welcome ...thats why i quietly posted it and featured it on frontpage.

i swear ill make a review when i get back home :P