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View Full Version : Stay Gold is coming . . .

08-23-2010, 11:21 PM

I am dying. The last video I was this hyped for was Fully Flared.

I think this will probably be better.

Brandon Westgate, Herman, Kirchart, Boss. I'd pay through the nose just to watch those 4 parts.

After watching Hallelujah a few times . . . I don't know, Pudwill's style is so weird, just awkward arms, super talented, but I want to watch Pudwill in 10 years when everything is automatic and fluid.

I've been lurking shit all over the internet, looking for tidbits. Anyone see Romero's interview in Thrasher?

I can't wait.

Who is everyone hyped for? Let's get a Stay Gold thread going.

08-23-2010, 11:31 PM

LOOK at that fucking pop. Look at that Catch. Westgate is a fucking powder keg with ninja feet.

08-23-2010, 11:36 PM
i'm looking forward to kirchart's part since it's his last part and a show-off of all his best stuff from his career.

i'm really looking forward to herman's and romero's part, to see how they improved since "this is skateboarding". i'm pretty hyped on westgate, too. especially since the boss is so hyped on him.

08-24-2010, 02:43 AM
extremely hyped on westgate. if he'd go any faster or pop harder his skateboard would break... his state of mind part, wow, and fuck did you guys ever see the 'leftovers' he had?
I know romero can bring the speed too.
this gonna be good

found it.

08-24-2010, 02:48 AM

1:18 :eek: , that spot... that 3flip

08-24-2010, 02:54 AM
His Leftovers beat other skaters full parts.
I'm most hyped for herman, boss, Westgate and Kirchart, this is going to be gnarly

08-24-2010, 05:52 AM
Soundtrack and lineup, lots of hippie music in there

Heath Kirchart - Joy Division - Atmosphere(abd by skatehead wow cmon now)
Intro - Dead Meadow - Sleepy Silver Door
Brandon Westgate - Earthless - Jull
Bryan Herman #1 - Tom Waits - Top Of The Hill
Bryan Herman #2 - Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
Marquis Preston - John Cale - Big White Cloud
Kevin Long - Captain Beefheart - Electicity
Collin Provost - Dead Meadow - Green Sky Green Lake
Jamie Tancowny - Comets on Fire - The Swallow's Eye
Aaron Suski - Flower Travlin' Band - Satori Pt. 2
Braydon Szafranski - Hawkwind - We Took The Wrong Steps Years Ago
Justin Figueroa - Dead Meadow - That Old Temple
Jerry Hsu - Ultimate Spinach III - Somedays You Just Can't Win
Leo Romero - Mott the Hoople - Thunderbuck Ram
Andrew Reynolds - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Om Nashi Me
Credits - Earthless - No Road To Follow

Im hyped to see all of this, if it ain't good then I'm fuckin unsubbing from daskatechanneltv for putting 20 hype videos in my subs box every day ahahahah. Plus, anyone else excited that Braydon FINALLY has a part in a full that's more than a minute long?

08-24-2010, 06:32 AM
its probably got a fancy shmancy intro trying to be all artistic and shit

08-24-2010, 06:43 AM

08-24-2010, 07:41 AM
[url]but I want to watch Pudwill in 10 years when everything is automatic and fluid.

Torey's skated since he was a featus. If he's not smooth by now, he'll never be.

Plus, anyone else excited that Braydon FINALLY has a part in a full that's more than a minute long?

Not really.. because he's never had a part that's more than a minute long. He's like Ali Boulala. I know he can rip, I just wish he'd SHOW me.

Stoked to see this when it drops though. Looking forward to Kirchart, Herms, and The Boss the most.

08-24-2010, 08:35 AM
extremely hyped on westgate. if he'd go any faster or pop harder his skateboard would break... his state of mind part, wow, and fuck did you guys ever see the 'leftovers' he had?
I know romero can bring the speed too.
this gonna be good

found it.

post of the month . . .never seen his extras. How does a huge hubba 50, and a triple kink front lip go in your extras? Jesus. I've watched his State of Mind part maybe 15 times. It should have been the ender part, even though he was Am when the vid dropped.

Jesus, I"ll keep looking for bits and pieces and post them if I find them. Obviously, emerica.com has a bunch of premiere photos.

08-24-2010, 08:52 AM
whoa... half those leftovers will filmed in my hometown... that's wild. :17 is one of my favorite spots, there's a bunch of rails and gaps there too, but the ground is like this rough clay brick that fucks your shit up if you fall. That ledge he 5050s hardly slides and the drop on the other side of that ledge is about 15-20 ft.... i've done it once on skates. mad respect

08-24-2010, 09:56 AM
hyped....and i did use the joy division song first but i can share it...its an amazing song..

08-25-2010, 09:38 AM

little Romero Hype.

08-25-2010, 10:48 AM
Cannot wait...

08-25-2010, 11:40 PM

One of my favorite parts of all time.

ramped slomo double angles,, and the pitch perfect edit. It seems like everything is on beat and the filming so good, keeps the hands and board and landing and trick in frame on almost every trick.

And the song is such a weird and perfect fit. I remember hating the song the first time I heard it, but it just grows on you.

and you just can't help but love the knee wobbling, twisted torso, curvy land and roll away on his ender. wish I could have Kirchart's style (circa 2001) mo capped for Skate.