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View Full Version : Fluckit I Need your Help

09-03-2010, 10:53 PM
so heres my story....
i work at a restaurant as a dishwasher with my best friend.
ive been working there since november and hes been working there for at least a year and a half to two years, and worked with our boss for a year before that as well at a different restaurant. when our boss left the other restaurant my friend followed him to the one we are currently at,and he got me a job there
well tonight i more or less jokingly asked my boss if i could become a waiter so i could make more money, not expecting him to take me seriously, only because its only girls that wait tables. he then hints at me becoming a cook instead and to talk to him about it. he happens to say it right in front of my friend who has wanted to be a cook ever since the old restaurant but was never given a promotion, because well, hes not fit for the job, its not that hes a bad dishwasher, its just that he does enough to get the job done, but doesnt give the extra effort. i immediatley realize that this isnt good, because my friend has said before on numerous occasions that he would quit if i was promoted before him. he is seriously bummed cuz cooking is what he wants to do for a living and he hes kinda realizing that its not gonna happen anytime soon. i dont want him to quit because he kind of a lowlife so to speak, i mean i love the kid but hes barely makin it out of highschool and hes not really goin anywhere. i dont want to hurt him by takin this job, yet at the same time i want to do whats best for me...
and i talked to my boss and he said that he has his reservations about my friend and that i would be the most valuable asset for the restaurant in this situation. my boss is a good guy and he understands the relationship between me and my friend, and doesnt want to see him hurt either, but business is business

so my question to you fluckit is, Do i do what i feel is the right thing and not hurt my friend, or do i take the promotion and better myself.

and my friend did say i should take it but i could tell he was upset

09-04-2010, 12:13 AM
Not what I expected to see at all, man..
Do you want the job?
You've never been promoted, so is it likely this is your only shot to be a chef somewhere?
Of course he's upset, it's in human nature but if he's really your bud he'll get over it whatever you decide to do.

09-04-2010, 08:33 AM
take it dude. the job was offered to you and not your friend. in a couple years u might not even be talking to this said friend. look out for yourself in the business world.

09-04-2010, 08:37 AM
You should give the job to your friend, unless this job is the only thing going for ya. Are you going to school or college? If not, take the job. Like Ant said, if he was really your friend, he'd understand.

i dont really think thats a possibility, i think its either me or neither

09-04-2010, 09:24 AM
Take the job. Your friend has to come to the realization that he's never going to be promoted if he's not willing to put in the effort. You can't just put your time in and expect results. The effort needs to be there as well.