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View Full Version : skelli bonez vid

09-16-2010, 10:59 AM

hope you guys enjoy

disclaimer..haha: i know i got some ABD's in there, but i was working on this like on and off and was seeing new vids from everyone and spots i hit other people hit... blah blah blah, i just like my tricks so i kept them in the vid... virtual drama...

props to perm for the clip

you prolly wont see another vid from me in a while cuz im not playin much these days.. D:

also, if u choose to comment please write things u DID NOT like or stuff you would of liked to see better... i watch peoples videos and see the comments and everyone is just like "so gooood" or "best vid ever" blah blah.. lately so i just wanna have some honest feedback. It doesnt offend me so just go nuts.

from the comments of my last vid, people saying i was toooo close so i backed up a lil... sometimes :D i like the close cam and all u dudes know my filming is dumb so idk haha

rant over.... enjoy

09-16-2010, 11:08 AM
I thought you said you didnt care what people thought, or it was just for fun?

with that said:
sooooooooo goood

no but i will not say what you want me to say.
your videos are one of the very few I get excited about anymore. It's not that all other videos suck, it's just fresh and new. And your ability to get that extra 90-150 or so degrees after it appears the wheels have already touched the ground is amazing. I almost wish every trick you did you would try to get that effect but then again it would bore me soon enough.

here is some critisizm for you though. who fuckin cares if its your last vid for a while, or if you don't play as much anymore. I DON'T
just put out a video if you like and enjoy what people have to say about it. I'm so sick of all this emo bullshit as of late. Just fuckin leave, if you come back cool, if not nobodies is going to e-write you i can guaranfuckintee that shit. Not directed at you solely

09-16-2010, 12:21 PM
BEST VIDEO EVAAAAAAAAAR (until the next video from anyone drops)

09-16-2010, 12:25 PM
i love you
now for the hate
fuck you

09-16-2010, 12:26 PM
i didnt see a thing wrong with it.....

09-16-2010, 12:39 PM
whatever something lateflip at :27 was beautiful

treflip 5-0 180 at :56 looked amazing too

nice gap at :58, skinny sideways lander

my couch slide was cleaner ;)

I like your filming man, I dont think id like that kind of filming if everyone was doing it, but once in a while its refreshing.

Song was trippy as fuck.

09-16-2010, 12:45 PM
this is just nuts in the best way it could be!!!
0:25 nollie bigspin lateflip was so lovely
0:42 treshove revert insanity
0:50 treflip 5-O to fs noseslide with best filming
1:04 line was technically prefect
1:29 bsflip
1:58 SEX!!!
2:03 couch
song was strange but i like. supernice slomos!

09-16-2010, 01:17 PM
don't have anything to complain about on this one
another awesome solo
filming is bonkers and skating is good ol skelli

09-16-2010, 01:23 PM
that 'fade' you did after the shuv lateflip looked weird...
you break the ground and objects at times
that were the only things that weren't 100% awesome

I think one of the reasons for people only mentioning the goodness is that you evidently put alot of work into your shit
and if you don't, fuck you because it's brilliant

you inspire me to play this game and if that's not a compliment I don't know what is


09-16-2010, 07:56 PM
too much fish eye

09-16-2010, 08:23 PM
holy fuck skelli...you make everything look so damn good

09-17-2010, 05:29 AM
That song was annoying as fuck but in a good way--perfect for one of your vids. I wish there were a few more long-lense shots in there because I like how you do them, but its like whatevs 'cause your skating/filming is so unique and your use of spots is really creative. My favorite trick was definitely the wallie bluntslide. It seems like every trick could be an ender but the way you ended this vid was sort of anti-climactic. Nonetheless, Ill be patiently awaiting the next vid you put out because Im hoping this was not your last.

09-17-2010, 05:36 AM
it might be artsy, but your cams give me headache.

ill still watch a skellypart before almost any other part, because your really good

09-17-2010, 06:16 AM
1st off your skating is dope so negative is hard to come by.....but I'll try
Negative I tried gap at :58 for about 45min and couldn't land it clean like that so i gave up so negatively speaking fuck you :)
umm otherwise I love the 10mm cam now I really do only thing id say constructively is to maybe play with the keyframes a lil more especially with that one cuz it is a little to spastic but at same time works with your music so I dunno maybe for my eyes sake smooth it out just a bit

das all

09-17-2010, 06:36 AM
dude, no joke, this is in my top 3 favorite skate3 videos of all time.

Song: Crystal Castles = win. I can't get enough of em, and it goes perfect with your style

spots: so many spots that looked so hard to hit.

Tricks: combined with the spots, not one clip in here looked like it was easy to do.

Filming: Original, crazy, works perfect. Love it.

09-17-2010, 09:15 AM
S A V A N T.

Can your filmer come over to my basement and show me how it's done please?

(joking, I would never try to drug your camera man and then somehow force him to make sweet tri-sexual love to Bullet and Stevland's camera men hoping that they would have a three headed six eyed mega filmer baby. Really, your filmer wouldn't be in any danger at all, just let him come over for an afternoon)

09-17-2010, 10:46 AM
Oh yeah I forgot to say that all your boards were ugly.
Use this one next time you decide to play:
http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=GRAPHIC&platform=xbox#itemId=8af889c12aed6a5b012b20ccc6384 62d

09-17-2010, 01:38 PM
Oh yeah I forgot to say that all your boards were ugly.
Use this one next time you decide to play:
http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=GRAPHIC&platform=xbox#itemId=8af889c12aed6a5b012b20ccc6384 62d

That^ is awesome. you need to teach me to fade like that.

09-17-2010, 01:40 PM
yeah the fade is pretty dope dude, i think i can see how you did it in the teal part, but the rest is as close to perfection as possible

09-17-2010, 11:17 PM
yay, crystal castles again. their style of music fits to your skating perfectly.

wallride nosemanny, sick.
switch wallride 180 out
double flip to skinny
wallride to blunt

09-18-2010, 05:25 AM
so gooooood ! best vid ever !

ok i'm just lying on the best vid ever but it was good anyway
you don't want to hear this but this is how it goes

09-18-2010, 03:55 PM
lol what was with the random foreign text on some of the clips?

criticism: song made my ears bleed, filiming made my eyeballs bleed.

but i will say, your videos are some of the few that still seem fresh and original at a point in "the game" where that's rare.

keep it up skelli cats

09-19-2010, 08:28 AM

I love it!!

09-26-2010, 03:44 PM
that board is soooo tight, thanks for making it. thanks for the comments glad you dudes enjoyed it

09-26-2010, 03:56 PM
Skelli...can you teach me to skate like you?

09-28-2010, 09:30 AM
All this fish eye, no long lense shots. Seems to be that you do a simple trick, noseslide a really low ledge, then pivot out and land on your toes. It's cool that you're getting the animations and all that, but you seem to be a one trick pony (or cat in your case). Try a little variety. That goes for music too. Crystal Castles works well for you, but it's worked well on the last several videos for you. Try something that isn't Tupac or Crystal Castles. Seriously.

09-28-2010, 02:45 PM
yeah i know i used a lot of fisheye, blah... what can i say i like it in the game like 100 times more than long lense....

i dont understand the one trick pony thing at all, I dont like doing lines in this game really because watching a virtual skater push around is boring to me, so i do like short lines usually or i just throw a bunch of tricks in there haha. that noseslide was sooooo coooooooooooooooool imo

music thing i just throw a song in vegas and try to edit to it

its all good and thanks for the input

The Revolutionist
09-28-2010, 06:16 PM
Wallie blunt was cool.