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View Full Version : The downfall of Antwuan Dixon

12-19-2010, 11:56 PM
He's in jail... again. But this time he's supposed to be there for roughly a year. Rumors are spreading that Baker/Deathwish plan on releasing him from the team. His destructive behavior seems to have finally caught up with him. It just really disappoints me because this guy could SHREDDDD a few years back (anyone remember his Baker 3 part?) and now he doesn't even have the passion to go skate with the team anymore. Drugs and alcohol have really taken his life over. I guess I'm just wondering your guys's opinion... on him, whether or not he's ever gonna be back, be able to kick his habits... lets hear it.

12-20-2010, 12:17 AM
Yeah, he really screwed up everything for himself. When Baker 3 came out he was the shit! But it´s just been downhill since then. I think that if he can´t kick his habits he should be kicked of Deathwish. But if he´s able to kick his habits later on he can get a big comeback like Mariano had :D

12-20-2010, 12:40 AM
http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm?A=968C73142093082F427C5273DE4DBF7D820F %201CDF&B='(8O%2B%232^,R%40%20%20%0A&C=EDKYT&CFID=461%2000673&CFTOKEN=55359273&jsessionid=f030e6c93402f3cd%20e2d731551c4d66323423


12-20-2010, 02:31 AM
i think he's either gonna turn into a crazy religious freak or he's gonna come out like nothing's ever happened...i doubt skating will ever be his top priority though.


12-20-2010, 02:59 AM
yeah when Baker 3 came out, he completely blew me away. But destructive behavior over the past years made me think he was some drugged up, uneducated idiot, who doesn't appreciate his gift on a skateboard. Then I saw those epicly later'd episodes, and lost what little respect I had left off him.

He should be kicked off baker, if he doesn't gets his act straight. and must important of all. Kids should not look up to a guy like this. Pro skateboaders are basically role models, in my mind.
And kids should not idolize a guy like Dixon.

12-20-2010, 04:06 AM
and this is surprising how?

12-20-2010, 05:09 AM
and this is surprising how?

because he's only got 1 leg

12-20-2010, 05:51 AM
Kids should not look up to a guy like this. Pro skateboaders are basically role models, in my mind.
And kids should not idolize a guy like Dixon.

Well said...

12-20-2010, 07:09 AM
And kids should not idolize a guy like Dixon.

12-20-2010, 11:00 AM
throw a vx in his hands and he can be like another beagle/shane heyl. then he can do a sw heel every once in a while and nothing will change

12-20-2010, 11:15 AM
remember when i first saw baker 3. it was mind changing and i sculpted my style into dixons. now i can't stand the guy. and to what pyro said, that is true. but make him a photographer. sucks he has all those tatoos. he is almost and eyesore.