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View Full Version : EA Skate. 2 Community Day (Nov. 2-Nov. 4)

Get Stoked
10-29-2008, 09:03 PM
So, it's that time of year again! Ea has invited myself (along with Qweets, Sonickaos, Clayfighter, and some other random people from the media) to go to Vancouver on Nov. 2nd and spend two nights there (leaving on the 4th) to play skate. 2 and meet the guys making it.

If you were around last year in July, Fluckit was invited then.

Now, Qweets and I had started a thread on the EA forums to gather a couple of questions to ask the development team while we're there. If you would like your question to be asked, go on over to the dungeon (EA forums) and ask, it's a stickied thread.

Here at Fluckit I will be starting a new section on the forums titled (Blogs) that will be for me to post about preparing for the trip, what goes down while we're there, and a review of the trip and a general list of all the new stuff we learned. That should be up tonight, could be some non-sense in there that you may not care about up until the trip (I'm posting about each day from now until I get back.)

If Clayfighter, Qweets, or Sonic would like their own blog section, let me know!

Anyways, I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date and try to bring you as close to being there as possible.

Thanks! Stoked.

10-29-2008, 09:18 PM
well....all i ask..and this is ALL i ask is.

1.will there be more styles? if so how many can we expect? and are they much different from one another in terms of tricks?

2.can we completely customize our character, like height,hair color,eye color, like EVERYTHIN'

3.Will jesus be a an unlockable character?

4.How long will the career.story mode take in hours?

5.Downlloadable content?

6.More skate park in New San Van? More real-life Parks?

7.Damage to clothes.board shoes?

8.How big is the city? bigger than san van? same size different look?

9.In skate reel is it possible to link mulitple clips to on another? or film more than 30 seconds? a minute n' a half would be nice

10.Can i get a free copy of skate 2????????:p

10-29-2008, 09:23 PM
wrong section buddy..... :P

Get Stoked
10-29-2008, 09:33 PM
We'll probably have the chance to only ask like four good questions outside of what we find out while playing. I'm only going to spend a little while finding out answers to questions while we're playing, as... I want to enjoy the game, haha.

We will have answers, I have a good memory so.

10-29-2008, 11:29 PM
Hmm, there's a lot of questions I'd like to have answered, but if it's only gonna be four from all of us. Damn. Fluck that.
I actually wanted to know if it's been confirmed what you can snap your board. It was one of the rumors a few months ago, but also one of the things that never got confirmed nor the other way around.
But I guess you can perhaps check that out once you're playing the game?

10-30-2008, 06:07 AM
what a good idea...
a blog with all the info i could ever want..

touche stoked...

everything i want to know has been confirmed....
playing the game impressions...

i would like to hear about how 60fps adds to the overall animations to your skater...
-if its noticable...
-possible animations that were brand new...or more exagerated..

animation talk...thats aoll thats left to ponder...

"the animation whore of hoodlum..."

Get Stoked
10-30-2008, 05:33 PM
By all means, ask all the questions you have here if you'd like.

When I say four, I mean questions to ask them directly at Black Box. I'll notice quite a few things while playing and should be able to answer most questions afterwards.

Mac, I'm almost 100% positive you cannot break your board though. Would be nice, as an animation on really big drops at least.

10-30-2008, 08:04 PM
wrong section buddy..... :P

volcom......ur pissin' me off..........jk.....kinda

10-31-2008, 10:09 AM
sounds like fun.

4 questions:

1. can djadam12 get an early copy?
2. yo, can djadam12 get an early copy?
3. fo reel tho, can djadam12 get an early copy?
4. ummm ya, so whats up with that early copy for djadam12?

11-02-2008, 05:31 AM
hey cann you ask if they will expand the offline portion of the game like splitscreen multiplayer, more slots for reel. vids., etc.? Despite the fact people dont think there will be, i wanna know for sure.


Get Stoked
11-02-2008, 08:35 AM
Check the blog section to see why I'm not able to go to CD anymore.

Qweets, Sonic, and Clay are most likely on their way right now, so it may be too late for questions. I can assure you, they will be retaining a lot of information when they get back, so they may be able to answer them then.

Check the blog in the coming days.