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View Full Version : Say there was a zombie outbreak...

11-02-2008, 06:06 PM
Ok, for a laugh, lets use our imaginations. Lets pretend a virus has spread around the world which causes people whom have died to reanimate into zombies. Lets just say that these zombies are like the ones in the movie Dawn of the Dead. For those who haven't watched it before, simply, they can run, require a head shot to kill, and can bite living humans to infect them and turn them into a zombie.

I for one, would do this.

I would grab my car, my laptop (with mobile broadband) and my gun (I am going to buy one when I am older, legal or not.) Then I would pick up as many friends as possible that are not infected, raid many stores for supplies, I would also try and steal some livestock from farms, and try to move out to an uninhabited island, after reaching said island, I would try to sustain us on meat from the animals and the natural plants. I would also try to contact survivors on the internet, looking out for news as to if the armies of the world have wiped out the zombies.

Ok, go!

11-02-2008, 06:52 PM

Get Stoked
11-02-2008, 07:07 PM
Plane/Ship to Easter Island, stocked full of food and drink. Would pick up some hot non-zombie Chilean women before heading out to Easter Island.

Yup, haha.

be a debaser
11-02-2008, 07:53 PM
the infected are not zombies... they are simply the infected.... traditional zombies can only be risen by ways of voodoo.


sorry it is a sore subject

11-02-2008, 08:05 PM
You're missing the plan to gther in a large group and travel to vancouver in which we would find a zombie-safe underground room with a bucnh of xboxs set up with final versions of skate 2 and food to last a group of 20 people a year.

11-02-2008, 09:16 PM
Boredom?... Stupidity?... Randomness?...

11-03-2008, 02:13 AM
Boredom and randomness in the middle of the night. ;)

11-03-2008, 04:16 AM
I would seduce then female zombies with my wit and charm

And then shoot them in the head with a shotgun

for gigs!

11-03-2008, 09:20 AM