View Full Version : First video :)

01-23-2011, 04:17 PM

Hope you enjoy - any critique would be great!

01-23-2011, 04:31 PM
I see your trying to make a video man. And I'm going to help you out, so those videos can look good in the future.

1. You just gotta learn the basic filming techniques. I'm not saying there's a certain way to film, but you should apply a few rules to making the video look good. For one, you should keep you cameras steady. I'm not sure if you are aiming at a fast pace style or a slow paced style....... however you camera could be a tad bit steadier. Since I don't know your style, I can't really further explain. Things like fish eye, trick choice, and camera movement is based on style. Are you trying to be realistic or "arcade-ish"?? (i don't know the proper terminology).

2. Sizing and no watermarks are important things for a video. If you are using Windows Movie Maker then send me a private message. I'll help with the sizing. You probably don't have the filmer's pack. If you plan on posting videos often, then you need to get it. With that you can remove the watermarks.

01-23-2011, 04:38 PM
Fo' sure, I am kinda goin' for the laid-back, realistic style of skating, at least I tend too! Nothing to fast and furious just clean skating (like I do in non-fake skating).. The filmer pack is on the agenda just haven't got around to going to the shop and buying some points and the sizin' is a little confusing but ive been messin' about with that and I think I have it now (worked it out, post-this video).

I thought the video was filmed pretty decent? It was edited to the music and such haha, then again I care more about music choice and sync than anything else, guess I have a lot to learn :).

Thanks for your input!

01-23-2011, 04:44 PM
yea man just keep watching the videos from the regulars on here... get some inspiration and pay attention to the camera work.

look at a few good vids that you like and learn from it... try not to jack anything though lol... take something and carve it into your own style.