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View Full Version : Fehér Attila-Földtörténet

03-05-2011, 08:27 PM

03-05-2011, 09:01 PM

in a good way.

rollerblading/skateboarding/bmx/scootering/hookering/and every other sport needs more creativity like this

freedom of fucking feet.

5050 to primo omg

03-05-2011, 10:57 PM
If my 'fake skater' was ever a real life skater, this is him.

Definitely the kind of style I lovvve in skating, beyond creative.

might just beat richie jackson.

03-06-2011, 12:51 AM
A little oldschool a little main stream a little freestyle..
It wasn't bad but I didn't "Love" it
I think "Freedom of the feet"
Will only be in the board sports.. scooters I can see wallies.. even jump to footplants but the handle bars will always be there that's what a scooter is known to be.
There is freedom but how hard do you strive to be different is the question.. in all my time skating that's all I cared for..
being different and having fun.. maybe more in the later years but I don't skate like anyone and no one skates like me..
I'm saying I think the possibilities are here, we're just not thinking; seeing clearly.. because we're blinded by what it's been shaped into through media..
and that sounds fucking cliche but the media is so much more popular every day.. channels based on sports like skateboarding and bmx alone.
even the video you've posted here.. it's all media.
Sorry if this is all philosophical but I just see it as basic knowledge of sport creativity.

03-06-2011, 12:35 PM
0:56 - 0:59 fuck yeah! :O

Pawn will top this in 5 years ha