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View Full Version : Intro-Don-tion

03-23-2011, 05:12 PM
Hey all, I just followed my man Replicant over from the GameFAQ's board. Our scene, though tightly knit, is feeling the "this game has been out for how long now and we're never going to see another?!" pinch. Figured best bet is to find somewhere more active to play around.

I'm not quite as old as the guy, I started my illustrious career in realskating in 1987 on my 4th birthday. My mom had a co worker with an older son who was a skater of the era, so I started off on a Powell Peralta and haven't officially quit yet... Even if my 8 hour daily sessions have turned into biweekly hours of old man's glory.

My turn on's are Bigspins, Hurricane grinds, and long walks on the... Uh... Deck of a mini-ramp.

Look forward to lurking on ya'll.

For credential's sake, here's my YouTube User ID is: DonVigoAbstrakt (If you wanted to look it up.)


03-23-2011, 05:13 PM
welcome to fluckit

03-23-2011, 06:50 PM
im glad you've decided to come chill with us. welcome.

03-23-2011, 08:48 PM
fluckits the happening place to be, especially for those of us who are, how do you say? pre-90's children.

Motto here is, show respect, get respect. I think i remember you from the gamefaqs boards (I was knomad over there)

Welcome welcome and all that jazz. Look forward to seeing some vids from you.

really pumped that fluckit has gathered alot of new talent. re-assures that the community wants to live. It's places like this that will give hope to the next generation of skateboarding games. Somebody will take the ball and run, and I feel like fluckit will be here ready to roll. Hard.

03-24-2011, 04:06 AM
Heya DV, welcome to fluckit. Pull up a recliner.

And Roc you'd know him from there as "PunkSmurf".

03-24-2011, 09:57 AM
AH! The KnomadRoller! Hecks yes I remember you! Constant competition in our old 5-in-1's. Glad to know I know someone who's doing so much over here. Lurked a bunch of the vids, and this defiantly seems like a poppin' place to be.

I'm already working on an intro vid, but I still have to converse a bit more before I can post any links, so I think I may be taking my time on it.

03-24-2011, 12:30 PM
punksmurf, that's right. I knew i had seen donvigo somewhere from over there, musta been your YT acct

03-24-2011, 11:05 PM
this dude. this dude disappears for months then pops up with 5 full length vids in the span of 2 weeks.

good to see you around here though.