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View Full Version : in game cam wack

03-31-2011, 08:17 AM
in my new park I have a spot that sends the cam up and down every time at every speed
not sure if anyone has ever had this problem or not. It is flat and close to a wall that goes into a building
when you go forward it makes the ingame cam bounce (best way to describe it) up and down. Its so bad it kind of gives you a headache and make that spot unskateable since the cam points down then up then down repeatedly until you leave that area.

I'd rather not delete everything without knowing what is causing it, or at least seeing if anyone else has had this problem first.
and it is a spot that has a nice spot to hit.

03-31-2011, 12:27 PM
I've had something that sounds exactly like that happen in the Downtown CAP on multiple occasions when I'm near walls. I want to say it's happened in PC as well, again in the downtown area close to walls. I've only ever had it happen when I'm stopped or going really slow, just crawling to a stop.

Can't give any advice as how to make it stop though, especially without a vid of it; personally I just turn the skater around but that's far from a real solution. Maybe drop a dumpster or something in the area where it happens to avoid going there?

03-31-2011, 12:38 PM
I've gotten this multiple times, check for these things -

-Close to an edge or large drop off? (most obvious)

-Ramp or something underneath of the flat you mentioned? Maybe you have a quarter pipe sunk way in close by or are using a ramp of any sort for the walls?

-You using the grandstands as a fence anywhere in the park specifically near the area? I've gotten a weird zoom in zoom out effect from them before.

-Even if you have a slight opening that your guy can fall in I've gotten this.

What area is the park built in? If you could post pics it may help. I also sent you a FR on PSN, would love to check out the park itself.

03-31-2011, 01:12 PM
Everyone ahead is right but i think your biggest problem is PS !

hahaha just kidding =D

03-31-2011, 08:17 PM
-Even if you have a slight opening that your guy can fall in I've gotten this.

thats the only thing that has happened to me..... didnt know about the other ones doing that..... hopefully you fix that action

teh m1L3z
04-01-2011, 05:33 PM
ive had some random camera fly's before.. it sounds like maybe having the cameraman option on could be causing it. i get some random stuff with it on. not so much with it off.

my two cents...

04-02-2011, 05:32 AM
sounds like a bad trip..
No but seriously.. never heard of it.. you can't film the area even with a long lens?
I'd love to see a video of it.

04-02-2011, 07:28 PM
It doesn't effect like your filming
While your skating it it happens
I'll try to videotape with my phone

04-02-2011, 07:38 PM

teh m1L3z
04-02-2011, 07:55 PM
thats so weird. ive nvr had THAT happen.

04-02-2011, 08:21 PM
thats happened to me a few times. i think its if you build your park up to high in the cap lot but i have no idea

04-02-2011, 09:48 PM
I take back what I've said before; I've only experienced a fast, violent shake. That's the first time I saw the (comparatively) slow, rhythmic bobbing. I'd try testing a different ground piece in the same spot. I can't tell what exactly you're riding on, but i know it's on some weird angle.

04-02-2011, 10:19 PM
After a few times it starts fucking with your head
It's a pad that the corner to corner diagonal half slants down, it's actualy not at any odd angle that's just the end
My entire section there is locked in place so it's always sketchy removing something. It actually is at a slight angle down in the direction I'm going as that whole half of my park is. Both my parks are on a slant so it forces you toward the bottom, like old town

04-03-2011, 01:59 AM
looks interesting..
did you try to put something under it?
it almost looks like you're floating.. if that makes sense..
if you remember skate 2 would do some funky stuff to the camera view when you were about to fall under the map outside of san van.
Still, very odd.. never seen it happen.. might be that one combination of objects and or the location of it.
I find myself removing a whole piece and rebuilding from time to time.. never had a weird camera but some things come out of sync..
might not be a bad idea to remove it and anything touching it directly and trying to rebuild.. I mean last resort.