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04-18-2011, 02:22 AM
Filmed on a Droid phone haha..
This was when I just started messing with ideas too so..
Going to work on angles and I'll worry about dimensions later on.
Yeah.. Cool.


04-18-2011, 02:36 AM
Dude, I'd skate around a tennis court once and be bored. MAD props for making use of flatland. It takes so much practice to be any good at that discipline.

I'll give you the same tip I give out at the skate park a lot: Bend the knees, and wiggle the toes. One of those two will help you immensely.

04-18-2011, 02:45 AM
some real interesting variations,

ender trick is gonna be sick when you land it hardware :)

04-18-2011, 03:41 AM
Always fun to watch things being fleshed out. *IF* you don't know him I'd recommend checking out Kilian Martin. He's an amazing freestyle/street skater with a lot of out of the box thinking. I've been talking to him for a bit through facebook and twitter and he's just this chill guy from spain who loves skating.

Some vids just in case you're not familiar and if you are, then it's just sexy reminders. :)

Kilian Martin: A Skate Escalation


Kilian Martin: A Skate Regeneration


Kilian Martin: Man About Town


04-18-2011, 05:43 AM
Of course I've heard of him man..
the fact that he can do a primo to tree plant manual on another board
and then the last video he put out amazes me.. so much style.

Honestly I was in a state of depression for a long time after my accident..
just being able to recover and finally getting back out there I can't tell you how much happier it makes my days
Really this promo is just me getting over my camera shy because not sure if you can tell
I'm a little out of shape.. but that will be gone in time, I'm going to keep at it so expect more soon.

04-18-2011, 08:44 AM
Heh, I'm 6'1" 315lbs so I'm all kinds of sizes, plus I was the victim of a hit-n-run years ago crossing the street and have arthritis. However, I still love to skateboard every chance I get. It's always been a passion of mine and hopefully always will be. Glad to see you picking yourself back up.

04-18-2011, 09:06 AM
Of course I've heard of him man..
the fact that he can do a primo to tree plant manual on another board
and then the last video he put out amazes me.. so much style.

Honestly I was in a state of depression for a long time after my accident..
just being able to recover and finally getting back out there I can't tell you how much happier it makes my days
Really this promo is just me getting over my camera shy because not sure if you can tell
I'm a little out of shape.. but that will be gone in time, I'm going to keep at it so expect more soon.

we've all had an injury that has set back our skating, glad to hear you're getting back at it...

nothing will get you in shape better than skating flatground everyday, hard...
I've lost 10 pounds since i got my new board, and im in shape haha

04-22-2011, 12:27 AM
I hear that haha
Feels like I finally got my stamina back though.. pumped.. been skating just about everyday it's dry out now.

Felt like editing something and haven't been playing much skate so here's an alternate edit..
Ha I slowed down the ender trick in greyscale so you'll see why it's landed one foot and the under-bounce I was talking about ;)
