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05-01-2011, 12:18 AM
i Know there has always been beef between skaters and bmxers which is dumb because where all just trying to have fun:) I used to ride skateboards but i sucked so i started riding bmx 10 years ago . But i always loved watching skate vids and skating in general ! here's a little bmx edit i made last year ( im the fat dude) . my next edit will have both skating and bmx and will be called blunts and stunts Let me know how u feel about bmx ?

05-01-2011, 12:33 AM
It's not bmx that I have a problem with, it's bmx'ers.

05-01-2011, 10:18 AM
So, here's my story. I've been riding at the same park since 1998, and when it was built it had a big sign with all the rules on it. Amongst those rules was "no bikes." At the time, we had mad beef 'cause if a bike came in, they didn't belong there, and being a fairly small park, which at the time was a really hot spot for lack of other local parks, we didn't like the amount of space they took up on the decks and flying out. As a few years went by, the BMX'rs built a good rep with the skaters, and we started letting them in until eventually the city raised the ban. Now, we all get along just fine, as it's all mutual respect.

Though now, we have dipshit prepubes being dropped off by the retards who were barely smart enough to fuck and spawn kids on their scooters. They don't pay any attention to the people around them, don't bother to follow proper run etiquette, and just generally get in the way. I don't think it's the scooters as much as the little twerps that bug us. Seems the scooter kids are... I hate to say posers... But not there for the love of the sport. If they rode those things with the kind of passion the skaters and BMX'rs do at my park, I'm sure they'd be accepted, too.

Long story short, I have no beef with BMX'rs as they're at the park for the same reason I am and we all have mutual respect as riders in one form or another.

But, fuck scooter kids. And while I'm at it, fuck anyone who wears a "I heart Haters" t-shirt without being able to grow ballhair, or knows who OWNS DGK.

05-01-2011, 11:00 AM
With my town being a pretty much chav populated area, most of them ride BMX, but are the biggest stuck up cunts you'll ever meet. They go to the tiny park, and fucking sit around getting in the way doing nothing. No, you can't have a go of my board, fuck off. No, I don't want to buy a BMX because skatings "gay", fuck off. Then again is it just me or is it the like <16 kids who are stuck up pricks, but the older riders, >18 are generally just chill as fuck? For example of this, like, some rider from our town started a clothing company from the postcode of our town called SR7BMX and got it promoted online/in shops/mags. Anyway, now our park is literally covered in SR7, fucking everywhere, and it's always the stupid kids trying to fit in who do it who think "hurr sr7 be em ekz is so koo lol".

No problem with BMX'ing (unless you sit in the way), it's most of the riders are pricks.

05-01-2011, 11:30 AM
I used to ride BMX around the same time I started skating. but we had no skate parks, so the BMX riding was done on dirt stunt tracks and skating was done on the street. this was 91 or so, I was 12.

eventually I stopped riding my bike, even sold it when I was 16. I never really had beef with BMX riders because I know that shit is fun too. the only problem is when they come into a small skate park, if you get hit by a guy on a bike, or have to ditch your board or kill your line because a BMX rider ate shit or something it gets annoying. there were a couple that used to show up at the Huntington HS skate park, which was really the only one around when I was skating, and that thing is tiny and it actually got a little hairy with BMX dudes rolling around. I don't really skate anymore (old and hurt), but if I'm at a skate park just rolling around doing rocks on tranny I always keep an eye out for those guys. I know they close the Vans skate park in Orange to skaters one night a week and just let the BMX riders have their fun.

I have mad respect for the sport though, especially the vert guys, that shit is nuts.

05-01-2011, 11:54 AM
BMX is so tight.... BUT the people who ride them (at least fools around me) think they fucking own the skatepark

they snake us all over the place, and act like they deserve to

ya BMX is Awesome, BMXers SUCK ass (in colorado)...... and they chip off the coping but thats ok, cant get mad at that

05-01-2011, 01:17 PM
There are lot of dicks in bmx , but there in every sport .Being a bmxer i always felt that we should just get along .Etiquette, Etiquette, make eye contact with people before randomly snaking someone ( thanks for letting me know how u feel )

05-01-2011, 02:37 PM
There are lot of dicks in bmx , but there in every sport .Being a bmxer i always felt that we should just get along .Etiquette, Etiquette, make eye contact with people before randomly snaking someone ( thanks for letting me know how u feel )

true that.... I wished more BMXers here had that same mentality...... its always the 12 years olds and BMXers who snake me

05-01-2011, 03:37 PM
Though now, we have dipshit prepubes being dropped off by the retards who were barely smart enough to fuck and spawn kids on their scooters. They don't pay any attention to the people around them, don't bother to follow proper run etiquette, and just generally get in the way. I don't think it's the scooters as much as the little twerps that bug us. Seems the scooter kids are... I hate to say posers... But not there for the love of the sport. If they rode those things with the kind of passion the skaters and BMX'rs do at my park, I'm sure they'd be accepted, too.
fucking right. we got tons of toddlers on kickscooters and their stupid ass parents standing looking proud of the new, exciting hobby for their kids (which they only do so that they can brag about being modern to their disgusting friends over a soy latte)
and you cant run into them (that's how we solved the kids-with-rollerblades-problem) because they are FUCKING TODDLERS and would die. they also do not feel fear, for some reason. /rant

05-01-2011, 03:49 PM
they're not as bad as those god damn faggoot ass rollerbladers!

05-01-2011, 04:55 PM
fucking scooter kids, they are the worst attribute when it comes to heading down to our new skate park, i'm all for the little ones being active, but this park is extremely cramped and they do not look out for any body, there is a few points in the park where bikers/skaters stand to be out of the way, but prepared to get a run or hit something, but around 90% of the time, there will be a train of 5 or 6, 8 year olds doing this 'train' around the park without showing the slightest bit of respect for anyone else other then themselves and when eventually one of them gets hit because of their stupidity, it is all the sudden the other person's fault.

I've seen this happen a good four or five times so far since the park opened, one of the accidents involved a skater pumping around this perm, kinda of like a pocket bowl to carve around, you go in and out in around three seconds. The skater looked around to make sure no one was near going in or out so that he could go and he goes in, half way around the bowl and a kid just enters into the bowl without a care in the world and the skater can't see him because he is turning around and he destroys the scooter kid. Mother comes up and starts bitching at him to look out for children while the rest of us try to explain that her kid doesn't seem to grasp the concept of 'look both ways before you cross the street' and she just storms off, all butt hurt.

long story short, I FUCKING HATE SCOOTER KIDS.

05-01-2011, 05:21 PM
"long story short, I FUCKING HATE SCOOTER KIDS." i also hate them lol

05-01-2011, 07:20 PM
From what I recall, I only had problems with BMX riders when they would destroy our ledges with their pegs or snake us in the park going like 35mph when they're probably not even supposed to be there.

I have friends that bmx and one of my favorite skateparks in Florida was owned by a couple of pro BMX riders, flatground dudes though, so a different type of biking.

are u talking about mesh skatepark by chance ? and i have pegs that are aluminum with a plastic sleave over . ( NO damage to ledges )if anything it would be like waxing it up a little :)http://mellonbmx.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/slicker1.jpg

05-02-2011, 12:18 PM
The sleeve thing is interesting.. never seen that before..
There is no versus man.. not unless you make it a competitive thing.
I respect anyone who has enough courage to express themselves..
BMX, Skateboarding, Art, Basketball, Music.. etc. it's all the same.. classification is bullshit.
Listen to Nike if you must.
Just fucking do it.

05-05-2011, 01:17 AM
The sleeve thing is interesting.. never seen that before..
There is no versus man.. not unless you make it a competitive thing.
I respect anyone who has enough courage to express themselves..
BMX, Skateboarding, Art, Basketball, Music.. etc. it's all the same.. classification is bullshit.
Listen to Nike if you must.
Just fucking do it.

i was not trying to make it a competitive thing i was just wondering everyone thoughts on bmx as most of u skate and i bike ( but i have mad love for skating and skating videos)

05-05-2011, 04:43 AM
Alright, I am a skater from the 70's to the present. Initially I learned to dislike BMX riders mainly because they were privileged little twats in the early to mid-80's. Being a kid in low-mid income there was no way I could afford the Mongoose and Haro bikes out and the guys who had them in my area loved to rub your nose in this fact. So, there was a common dislike between skaters and bmx riders mainly because of the opposite side of the tracks mentality.

In the Late 80's/Early 90's I saw a lot more BMX Freestyle/Ramp people and less track nerds. I also saw a blurring of the money line as I was skating with kids in multi-million dollar homes and watching guys on bikes tear up quarter pipes they had leaning against their trailers. During that time the animosity waned a lot, but we all still couldn't stand BMX track riders because the ones we knew were total assholes. I remember hiding in the woods at a local dirt track they trained at with friends and pegging the snobby bastards with my sling shot.

Early to mid 90's I saw alot more BMX Streetstyle guys coming out of the woodwork and raging ramp guys. Pegs were all over the place and everyone had Detanglers. This created a new problem which brought up new dislike for BMX riders. Steps, ledges, ramps, etc would get horrifically thrashed after a moderate BMX session. PVC Coping would snap a lot, metal coping looked like it had been hammered, chunks out of concrete, etc. So, pretty much it got to where you never allowed bike people around. Hell, we let fruitbooters on our half when we wouldn't let cooler guys with bikes session it.

If you had a bike then you could session my Qtr and Street Ramps, but you did not come near my halfpipe or mini. Your ass also better not be caught near our park. I had to patch so many ramps cause some dumbass bailed and pegged through a transition.

Over the years since thankfully pegs were redesigned countless times from the bigass hair curler ones to the uber old hexagonal solid sticks. Many of them now are smoother, have sleeves, roller designs, etc to help reduce the destructive factor. Nowadays I rarely hear much bad between skaters and bmx guys. Most just mutually dislike fruitbooters [::cough:: ROC ::cough::] and scooter kids these days, but even that is waning since those sports are dead anyways. :p

I personally have always been a fan of Flatland BMX and still love to watch it. Hell, I had a bike for a bit that I cheated on my skateboard with. As a teen I was sponsored a bit by a local Schwinn Shop on their skate team so I got a Diamondback and learned basic stuff like an Endo, Cherry Picker, Tail Whip, and G-Turns, but my board has and always will be my first love.

Even as a skater some of my prized possessions are a framed photo of Dave Mirra he autographed and an Expendable Youth VHS autographed by Dave Mirra and Ryan Nyquist for me when I worked on the Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX game series. Both are very cool guys.

Most animosity these days I'd say falls into the old school "LOCALS ONLY!" mentality for your favorite spots.

jerr bear
05-05-2011, 04:50 AM
Here in Holland, there always is one fucker on a regular bicycle - occupying the pyramid.

05-05-2011, 05:35 AM
Here in Holland, there always is one fucker on a regular bicycle - occupying the pyramid.lrn2broomstick

05-08-2011, 09:52 PM
Even as a skater some of my prized possessions are a framed photo of Dave Mirra he autographed and an Expendable Youth VHS autographed by Dave Mirra and Ryan Nyquist for me when I worked on the Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX game series. Both are very cool guys.

Most animosity these days I'd say falls into the old school "LOCALS ONLY!" mentality for your favorite spots.

A) My two best pieces of swag EVER are my autographed Steve Cabellero and Rick Thorne posters from Warped Tour 1999. Rick was the guy who, despite being in an hours long autograph sesh would actually take a minute, ask your name, use it a couple times asking YOU questions about yourself, and gave me an over-the-table bro-hug when I told him I was there to meet Cab, but he was my favortie BMX guy cause he owned the sketchy style, and I could NEVER do what he does.

B) In Washington State we're blessed with a lot of awesome concrete, so we're pretty open to the non-locals coming to our parks. We have a lot of pride in showing off.

And, for the record, we were all probably assholes at a skatepark once. You gotta talk to the kids without being a dick about it before you can really get too heated with them. I'd say I have a 75% success rate with walking up to the scoottards and nicely filling them in on what run ettiquite is and why they need to earn the bigger guys' respect. Worst comes to worst, confront their parents about the lack of manors. Again, could be where I'm from, but people are pretty apt to change if you extend kindness to them when someone else would just be a dick.

05-08-2011, 10:45 PM
Cab is my all time favorite skater and Thorne is a badass. Cab is supposed to be hooking me up with a new autograph since my original Bones Video he signed got stolen/lost in my move some years back. Cab, Vallely and Kilian Martin are the most down to earth skaters I have ever talked to. Nyquist and Escamilla are most down to earth bmx'ers I've ever gotten to meet.

In my old age I've gotten very accepting of people at local parks and areas no matter their ride. Helping a kid a a few weeks back learn how to do his first grind was one of my coolest days in a very long time. When my ass is sitting in a wheelchair I need people to entertain me so I'll help them as much as I can when I see someone trying.

05-09-2011, 10:44 AM
Being a bit younger, I was all about the Bones Brigade as a little kid. I was like four the first time I saw the Video Show, and at that age, these skaters are right up there with cartoon characters for idoldom. Cab, Hawk, and Mountain have always been my favorites, but I remember not liking Hosoi in the 80's because the big kids in the neighborhood would always talk about him like it was like you liked Tony Hawk or Christian. By the time Middle School hit, and I realized I was the "old school kid" in my school, I dropped that rivalry and realized how sick Hosoi's skating was. Still think the dudes are all great. Doesn't seem Hosoi is all too preachy for someone who found himself some jeebus. Lance and Tony are both doing good things for the industry, and have passed their awesomeness down to the next generation. (I flipped out the first time I saw a Riley Hawk ad.) And Cab still rides EXACTLY like I wish I could.

I've always had weird feelings about Mike V and Rodney Mullen, though. Like, I think they rip, and they seem cool as shit, but they just never were favorites of mine per sey. It's almost like I respect the hell out of 'em but feel guilty for not being a bigger fan of either.

a red bicycle
05-09-2011, 02:28 PM
i used to ride some dirt ramps near my neighborhood. It was like an everyday thing for a good while. we had shovels and all. after a couple of my friends moved away it kinda died, though.
I used to be able to (and probably still can after a few tries) feeble grind, 180, and 180 pivot.

you would think with all this, i would have no beef with bmxers....wrong.

they're probably the douchiest people i know. constantly snaking and just not giving a fuck about whether your skating or not. Total disrespect. fuck them.

05-16-2011, 07:29 PM
i used to ride some dirt ramps near my neighborhood. It was like an everyday thing for a good while. we had shovels and all. after a couple of my friends moved away it kinda died, though.
I used to be able to (and probably still can after a few tries) feeble grind, 180, and 180 pivot.

you would think with all this, i would have no beef with bmxers....wrong.

they're probably the douchiest people i know. constantly snaking and just not giving a fuck about whether your skating or not. Total disrespect. fuck them.
thats cool you used to ride but your basically saying fuck me so FUCK YOU ! whats up with your name then?:mad:

05-23-2011, 08:59 PM
i guess i've got the same problem as everyone else with bmx'ers... i don't mind the sport at all, in fact i've got a few friends who are bmxers, but the great majority of the ones i occaisionally see at skateparks are pure fuckin retards. they always get in the way, don't give a shit about who's "turn" it is or whatever, they just go for it even if they know you're about to go for a run or trick. i don't mind the sport at all, just most of the riders themselves are bigtime douchebags if you don't ride a bike. lol

05-23-2011, 09:19 PM
So, here's my story. I've been riding at the same park since 1998, and when it was built it had a big sign with all the rules on it. Amongst those rules was "no bikes." At the time, we had mad beef 'cause if a bike came in, they didn't belong there, and being a fairly small park, which at the time was a really hot spot for lack of other local parks, we didn't like the amount of space they took up on the decks and flying out. As a few years went by, the BMX'rs built a good rep with the skaters, and we started letting them in until eventually the city raised the ban. Now, we all get along just fine, as it's all mutual respect.

Though now, we have dipshit prepubes being dropped off by the retards who were barely smart enough to fuck and spawn kids on their scooters. They don't pay any attention to the people around them, don't bother to follow proper run etiquette, and just generally get in the way. I don't think it's the scooters as much as the little twerps that bug us. Seems the scooter kids are... I hate to say posers... But not there for the love of the sport. If they rode those things with the kind of passion the skaters and BMX'rs do at my park, I'm sure they'd be accepted, too.

Long story short, I have no beef with BMX'rs as they're at the park for the same reason I am and we all have mutual respect as riders in one form or another.

But, fuck scooter kids. And while I'm at it, fuck anyone who wears a "I heart Haters" t-shirt without being able to grow ballhair, or knows who OWNS DGK.

That's gonna be my new quote...jus sayin Lol Anyway...I have no problem with BMXers in general. Just like most have already said..its jus some individuals I have problems with. They always take up the minramp. Either jus by standing there while their huge hunks of metal take up 3 feet of space..or by never leaving the ramp giving others a turn. That, or they just speed around the park airing out all over the place. Or scratching all the wax off the ledges with their goddamn pegs. If you're gonna remove the wax..put it back on with some of your own. That's jus how I feel. Also, I hate little scooter kids and their parents who bring folding chairs to sit in the grass (that happens here, IDK bout where you guys are) that pisses me off too cause they get upset when someone falls and happens to say a swear word cause they got hurt or are frustrated for not landing a trick that they've been trying for a half hour. /End rant

a red bicycle
05-24-2011, 08:28 AM
hahaha good point

oh yeah and when i said i could 180 and 180 pivot, i meant on flat ground. not off the jumps- that would be insane

05-24-2011, 11:23 PM
when I worked on the Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX game series. Both are very cool guys.

Thoes games are amazing.. What was your job when making them?

05-25-2011, 05:26 AM
Thoes games are amazing.. What was your job when making them?I did beta test work for Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Remix. On Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 and BMX XXX (Was Dave Mirra 3 until Shawn Rosen from Acclaim Max Sports screwed us over) I did alpha/beta testing and worked in R&D as a Freelance Design Consultant. Basically, besides playing the games a lot I got to work with the Level Designers in every point of level ideas, concept, layout, creation, and implementation. Getting to be part of the process from writing notes on paper for level ideas, to wireframing the inital base levels, then applying textures, and finally riding it was one of the most amazing things ever for me. My favorite thing in DMFBMX2 is "Replicant's Drop" which is the only Rail-2-Rail Offset Axis grind that a rider can be credited for in the game. The actual game engine couldn't properly cover those variables without making a PS2 just seize up everytime. Todd Robinson one of the LD's figured out a way to fake it, but wouldn't ever show me how he did it. All I know is that he has every corner of that building spot unmerged in wireframe. =)

05-25-2011, 11:56 PM
Man thats cool replicant.... You lucky sob... I wish DM3 didnt turn into BMXXX :(

I still play those games..

Heres a vid I made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSHoPpFbFtg&feature=channel_video_title...

When I get a cap card I'll make DM2 vids for sure

05-26-2011, 12:29 AM
Man thats cool replicant.... You lucky sob... I wish DM3 didnt turn into BMXXX :(

I still play those games..

Heres a vid I made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSHoPpFbFtg&feature=channel_video_title...

When I get a cap card I'll make DM2 vids for sureVery nice. That brings back memories. Loved the Alley Oop stuff. I was always a half-cab nerd and still am. I still play them too when my PS2 works (on 4th or 5th one >_<!). Might look into the PS2 emu scene and see how it is.

05-26-2011, 12:52 AM
Very nice. That brings back memories. Loved the Alley Oop stuff. I was always a half-cab nerd and still am. I still play them too when my PS2 works (on 4th or 5th one >_<!). Might look into the PS2 emu scene and see how it is.

my ps3 slim doesnt play ps2 games so im trying to get this ps2 emu working....Im going to get a xbox 360 with a copy of DM2 hopefully soon

05-26-2011, 01:17 AM
my ps3 slim doesnt play ps2 games so im trying to get this ps2 emu working....Im going to get a xbox 360 with a copy of DM2 hopefully soonOddly enough on DMFBMX2 I have it for Gamecube, Dreamcast, and PS2. I don't have the Xbox version, but a quick google shows it for as low as $1.99 and up (Some $5 after shipping added). Ebay has some even cheaper.

06-05-2011, 07:11 AM
the BMX'ers are cool when they're off their bikes. (at least in my town) I've met some chill guys from out of town, but you don't see them around much.
Problem is, the skatepark in my town is very small, with almost everything falling into one line. The bikers hog this entire run, doing nothing at all, or just sitting on something random in the middle of the run. That, and it seems like none of them notice when you are skating something, and just ride by, almost freaking crashing into you. I have nothing against BMX'ing, I just don't like any of the ones in my town.

06-05-2011, 08:08 AM
the BMX'ers are cool when they're off their bikes. (at least in my town) I've met some chill guys from out of town, but you don't see them around much.
Problem is, the skatepark in my town is very small, with almost everything falling into one line. The bikers hog this entire run, doing nothing at all, or just sitting on something random in the middle of the run. That, and it seems like none of them notice when you are skating something, and just ride by, almost freaking crashing into you. I have nothing against BMX'ing, I just don't like any of the ones in my town.

Kinda similar scene around here dude..
But it varies haha it's weird
Some parks they will just be in the way but depending on the setup
sometimes they will just be chilling on the sidelines.

That happens with skaters too though.. I've run into a few people
had to stop for someone coming
the skaters actually seemed more aggressive around here.

06-05-2011, 05:55 PM
Mate that DM2 edit is awesome! nice moves man.

Here is a video I made of me riding the bike in THAW. I had it all modded so I could ride the bike in parks created by myself (that mod also gave me the chance to play online with self created maps, pretty much like skate 3 right now, had tons of fun with it back in the '07 hahah).


You can see realistic gaming is all I do (like in the skate series tho).

I find THAW the best bike game and it's not even a fully bmx game! THAW has smooth and realistic physics, too bad about the lack of tricks but, It's way too good for just a skate game with a bike as an option.

I've been playing both skate and bmx game for years (I've been riding my bmx for years too) and I find skate games way more fun. Needless to say Thrasher S&D was/is/will be beyond epic.

06-06-2011, 10:16 AM
i used to ride some dirt ramps near my neighborhood. It was like an everyday thing for a good while. we had shovels and all. after a couple of my friends moved away it kinda died, though.
I used to be able to (and probably still can after a few tries) feeble grind, 180, and 180 pivot.

you would think with all this, i would have no beef with bmxers....wrong.

they're probably the douchiest people i know. constantly snaking and just not giving a fuck about whether your skating or not. Total disrespect. fuck them.

what color was your bike?

06-06-2011, 02:12 PM
i hate everyone. easy.

06-09-2011, 11:00 PM
agusbmxarg you made THAW BMX look damn good, real dope stuff.. I d/led the pc of the game version but can you show me the mods you used? The game looks so fun!

06-10-2011, 09:40 AM
agusbmxarg you made THAW BMX look damn good, real dope stuff.. I d/led the pc of the game version but can you show me the mods you used? The game looks so fun!

Thanks a lot dude!, the only mod I use is called 'THAW-THEMOD' (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD (http://www.thmods.com/mods/THAW%20Mods/THAW-THEMOD.zip)), because the rest the mods affect the skateboarding aswell, and I like playing realistic in THAW too, I don't want perfect balance and endless grind, the main things this mod does are:

- bmx bike available in arcade mode/created maps/ online
-created maps available in online.
-set restart points anywhere.

It's been a long time since I last played online, I just cruise with the bike nowadays.
If you want to, I could upload my created maps. I did many famous spots (El toro, hubba hideout, MACBA, a LaFayette plaza I look up in Google Sketchup, and some Dew Tour/X games courses), like more than 40 in total hahah.

Actually I don't know if I could play online now, since the last time I checked, latin america was banned from some servers (I'm from Argentina).

06-11-2011, 07:54 PM
Awesome agusbmxarg, thanks dude....I got to get this game working then install the mod..Hopefully all goes well... If you can upload the parks that would be cool!...Thanks again!

06-17-2011, 04:32 AM
my ps3 slim doesnt play ps2 games so im trying to get this ps2 emu working....Im going to get a xbox 360 with a copy of DM2 hopefully soonI've been watching ebay the past week or so and I was able to grab the Xbox versions of Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 and Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 for $6.20 ($4.00 of which was USPS Priority 3-Day Shipping). It was only $2.20 total for both games when I won the auction. Now to get back into practice. :)

06-23-2011, 06:43 PM
I ride a scooter, I am 24 years old and i know proper park etiquette. The problem isn't the equipment the person is riding, it's the person riding it. Yes young kids on scooters are especially annoying but on any given day I can point out the same amount of young kids on bikes and skateboards being guilty of the same things. Scooters get a bad rep but everyone at my skatepark gives me respect and I give them the same respect in return. R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

I love watching skateboarding and skateboarders, there is just something amazing about it. I consider myself blessed if i had any talent on a real skateboard. Nothing has ever come natuarally to me but I have always had a strange attraction to the obscure and smaller tight knit communities like this one and the scooter scene is the same way. Jest a bunch of people doing waht makes them happy and not giving a shit waht other people think abouut it.

Think about it like this I probably get the same response from people when I tell them I ride a scooter as you would get if you told someone you made skate videos on a video game.

Oh heyyy almost forgot! To anyone wondering, scootering is far from dead there have been huge progressions in scootering in the recent years and there are plenty of companies pushing invation and riders doing thing wyou would have never imagined.

This is waht real scooter riding looks like...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se1ZbIJahuc

03-22-2012, 02:33 AM
Bump 'cause this thread is really interesting.

03-22-2012, 07:55 AM
Bump 'cause this thread is really interesting.

Indeed. I get really mad when, at a spot full of bikers, some of them (who I've known for months, even years) start saying sh!T about skateboarders and skateboarding, with no logical explanation (because there's none).
In 2 weeks, the United BMX Team (some of, if not, the best, bmx riders in the world from the US and Europe) is coming to Argentina for 3 weeks and ride locals places, film stuff for their upcoming trip dvd and such. I know they wont want to shot park clips in a foreign, never-ridden-before country for a dvd, but, if some of those days, Mr. Corey Martinez and Nathan Williams would like to just cruise a bowl or something like that, they wont be able to, because there isn't any. Lol why do I care about them, I want to ride a bowl so bad ;(

03-22-2012, 10:37 AM
I hate that. Where I live we have rectangular pools. I've never had the epic joy of carving up a multi-elevation kidney pool.

03-22-2012, 12:54 PM
not to be a dick, but riding bowls is maaaaaaaaaaaad fun haha just riding one in circles is a blast. But Agus, those dudes that you mentioned seem legit, try to find where they ride and try to get a few photos! ;) that would be tight!!

03-22-2012, 01:17 PM
I ride a scooter, I am 24 years old[/url]

Unless you're insanely good or making money from it, it just isn't right on a full grow adult.

Never been a fan of scootering (or whatever you call it). Haven't rode a scooter since I was about 10, and that was only the odd time. Just dont think it requires that much skill. Yes most of that video did, but I could 360 and tail whip or whatever and I hardly touched the scooter.

Most BMX and skateboarders around here are pretty cool. (I don't know about at the park, its pretty poor and full of goth/emo junkies who believe they own the place, so I haven't visited in years) Everyone has respect for each others ability and stuff, just the guys who take themselves too serious who have the problems.

I don't know if what I just said had anything to do with this thread, but there's too many words to read.

03-22-2012, 02:28 PM
the bmx community has thee largest group of aggressive assholes ive ever seen in any sport.
i have no idea why so many are so pissed.
every other mother fucker thinks there on bonedeth.

i dont understand how scooters arent made in different sizes.
if a dude is 6,1 and he has a size 13 shoe give the dude a lil more room for his feet.
and lift the fuckin handle bars at least 6-10 inches..
the size of a scooter on a grown man looks like a desperate plea for comedic relief.
going fakie is the shit but i cant not see a toy commercial everything i see a grown man on one.

this all coming from a 27 year old who rides fixed freestyle as there current hobby.
why would i try to do tricks on a giant full size bike?
why would i use a fixed drive tran that never stops moving if im in motion. (wheels move=legs move)
because its fun and difficult and im an idiot.

do not want to spam with videos but two i suggest and two for shits.
matss production is on point.


tom is tom.



03-22-2012, 03:48 PM
not to be a dick, but riding bowls is maaaaaaaaaaaad fun haha just riding one in circles is a blast. But Agus, those dudes that you mentioned seem legit, try to find where they ride and try to get a few photos! ;) that would be tight!!

For sure man, they'll be 1 week in my city, will stop at the local shop for pics signs and all that shit. As soon as they get on their bikes I'll be with the shutter half-pressed heheh.

I'm so stoked with this man, like, I imaging this dudes riding the tuffest streets spots downtown, everything we've always dreamed of doing, this guys will.

yay new flyer.

03-22-2012, 08:37 PM
I ride BMX. I also used to be a "Scooter Kid". There was no discrimination between bikes, scoots, skates and blades. Us bikers and scoots would actually give skaters and inline bladers priority over the mini/bowl at our local park. It's like scooter kid says "dude, you wanna hit the ledge?" Skater says "Yup," scooter kid: "go for it bro". Then the skater does a Shuvit to tail, and the Scooter kids and bikers are all like "DUDE THAT WAS DOPE!" , all in unison.

It still happens in my town today, and we actually have comps with separate discipline challenges, e.g. BMX best trick, Skate best line, Scoot best trick, Blades best line etc.

We do get the occasional problem with some bmx guys being total douchebags though. Some skater got landed on and broke his knee the other day, I had to drive him to hospital. There are tags all over the park saying "wanks on planks", and "fruits on scoots".

At our park, there's a section we call skater island cos it has all the rails, stairs, ledges and pads. The bikers are taking it over and the skaters are gettin' very sick of it. No biker cares about a skater hitting the tranny area, so I don't think there should be any problem.

I guess you could call our local park "dangerous as fuck".

03-23-2012, 12:06 AM
Snaking has always been a factor in everything from bmx, fruitbooting, and boarding. It's something you have to either learn to live with or be aggressive yourself to get in b4 the next person in a public park with no structure; PERIOD! There's alot of hate generated from all sides on this- but its a solid cold, hard, fact. its gonna happen- and ALOT..... you snooze you lose period! It's just the frequency has upped a notch quite a bit with the BMX'ers in small indoor parks than rather large outdoor ones than I remember. You can go 20 mph and shoulder block a fruit out of the way without the worry of a handlebar, axle, or spokes grinding in your teeth or up your ass. I always had a good non-spoken communication at parks with other ppl with sign language- if I'm going x mph after a trick and I see someone coming in on my personal space, I politely gave a finger pointing in the direction I wanted them to go around me or the way I was going, depending on the situation. If they couldn't read that; then they got the full rock botom of the impact they were destined to with me still stand looking over them saying what a dumbass. Snake if you want- be aggresive in it tho if you have to; and defend your stance to dipshits is the key to making your day at the park a much enjoyable one.

p.s. as far as scooters go; just run the shit over them no matter what lol

03-23-2012, 02:35 AM
p.s. as far as scooters go; just run the shit over them no matter what lol

Dude, it's not what people ride, it's the people who ride them. Don't douche.

03-23-2012, 02:01 PM
fuck skaters

03-24-2012, 01:28 AM
fuck skaters
Why would you say that? LOL, I shouldn't care. Cos I scoot, bike and skate. All fucking three.

03-24-2012, 04:42 AM
fuck skaters

in that case, why are you even on a skate/fake-skate forum...

03-24-2012, 06:00 AM
in that case, why are you even on a skate/fake-skate forum...


03-24-2012, 06:33 AM


03-24-2012, 06:36 AM
*fgf related post*

why would you do fgf instead of bmx? that constant pedaling shit inhibits you from doing quite a few tricks.

03-24-2012, 09:14 AM
I used to ride skateboards but i sucked so i started riding bmx

Isen't that how every bmxer starts?

03-24-2012, 05:49 PM
Isen't that how every bmxer starts?


03-24-2012, 07:40 PM

I made the same face when I saw "Isen't"