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View Full Version : The Ruins (Xbox 360|DLC)

05-09-2011, 04:38 PM
For a couple weeks this park was invite only. It's my custom bowl park with a death box and deep end and a street training facility for anyone who doesn't wanna skate tranny. It's based in an old public pool untouched for ages and converted to a TF. Here's an over view:

The bowl (Skatable death box with beer bottles to knock over and a deep/shallow end)

The Training facility is located on the bottom floor and has lots of space to be techy.

LINK! The next park will take a bit more time as we're filming a promo the most recent three should be good enough for now :D

05-09-2011, 04:53 PM
Don't bother bookmarking this.

I'm going to destroy it tonight and you all will just cry.

Edit: So serious the i hooked up the cap card BEFORE i got high.

05-09-2011, 04:57 PM
Ohmid runs CAP!

This looks fucking dope, gonna skate it later.

05-09-2011, 05:02 PM
Cheers bros :D the next release is going to be touching on something that people fear to attempt at :D Enjoy this one whole we cook up something beastly.

05-09-2011, 09:59 PM
Boomarked to partake in later. Pool looks crazy vert and the street area looks clean and open with some nice height variations.

05-10-2011, 05:24 AM
looks good man, diggin the opening in the pool wall 2nd main pic down.

05-10-2011, 07:43 AM
Thanks guys hope you enjoy skating tranny because I found a formula for something epic!

05-10-2011, 07:25 PM
Loved the detailing in the "street area, but I had the same feelings on some objects :P

05-10-2011, 09:30 PM
Hahaha river, just never gunna let me live that down. I dunno I don't really love low pop skating I just try to use my guy as a scale when building stairs and ledges and use the hieght meter as a scale when building a drop. I like things sized realistically but I also like to skate stuff that I'd be to scared to hit in real life hahah.

05-11-2011, 04:45 AM
The street area wasn't too bad. I enjoyed the double rail incline ledges the best to the right from start. The end ramps are a bit of fun as well. The pool however after an hour of skating I just could not get a feel for. It had too many janky edges here and there (which might be on purpose) that would throw my guy like a ragdoll on runups. Plus the ramp height and lack of run speed made the death box kinda the Holy Grail there. When I hit it though I got some cool tricks since it has a nice inset depth. I switched over from HC to Normal/Easy and it was a night and day difference for the park. To me it's not very HC Friendly, but for Easy/Normal people it'll be fun for them.

05-11-2011, 05:41 AM
Well two things, one that was one of my first attempts at a custom pool so yeah it's bound to have a couple jacked spots because it's a tough build. I know the death box is high but if you start from the shallow end, drop in carve from shallow to deep and give your self maybe one more gratuitous carve you should be able to slash it. It's been tested a few times by myself and a few others. It's a hard spot to hit but it is possible. I do apologize for the fucked parts though, maybe I should have made the whole pool one size. Thanks for the feedback love the new banner btw XD

05-11-2011, 05:46 AM

05-11-2011, 06:09 AM
Well two things, one that was one of my first attempts at a custom pool so yeah it's bound to have a couple jacked spots because it's a tough build. I know the death box is high but if you start from the shallow end, drop in carve from shallow to deep and give your self maybe one more gratuitous carve you should be able to slash it. It's been tested a few times by myself and a few others. It's a hard spot to hit but it is possible. I do apologize for the fucked parts though, maybe I should have made the whole pool one size. Thanks for the feedback love the new banner btw XDHehe, thanks on banner. Yeah, I was starting in the shallow with a run and usually hitting the right side transition since it was smoothest (minus couple offset edges at middle transition) and I could get the death box, but once I hit it I felt like I didn't have anywhere to go. If I go back center I bank out into the shallow and if I hit right/left transition I don't have enough speed left to hit coping. Like I said this was in HC and it felt mad different in E/N where speed pickup was quicker. With runup I was able to go high enough in HC to bluntstall the box or powerslide to grind no problem. Above the box was a whole different monster. I think my main thing was it was a money shot trick spot. BAM! BS Blunt... reset.

05-11-2011, 06:42 AM
Only problem I found was the shallow to deep tranny. I don't swim much but with pools it's usually more of a mellow rollin. Add a huge waterslide!

05-11-2011, 06:45 AM
Yeah that sounds about right, think of it as a huge beta test for what I'll be doing next. I wanted to see if people would be stoked at all on skating bowls, and was getting bothered by a few people to upload it lol. So i did, the feed back is great though.

05-11-2011, 06:46 AM
Yeah i was trying to stay away from using that rollin though it kills the uniformed texture of the pool.

05-11-2011, 06:48 AM
Yeah eitherway it's pretty sick your parks give loads of ideas! (Waterpark would be beast!). Deathbox is great too, should of added a grill with water behind it!

05-11-2011, 07:00 AM
Pool skating can be sick since it's all about keeping the flow going and not just constant pushing. Looking forward to the next pool.

05-11-2011, 08:36 AM
Everybody's asking for water parks hahah, the problem is the sizing of the mega ramps for slides they're huge, and the only option is to build them in back lot, and I can't be bothered with that, it freezes every 5 minutes.

05-11-2011, 09:23 AM
Speaking of water parks this closed a while ago and it's near to me. Intending to skate it! Just shows how dirty pools are! Might give a lil remake a go!

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/222291_10150233577896427_155734271426_9025218_1495 283_n.jpg