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View Full Version : Okay, so when the hell did it become a "biggerspin?!"

05-13-2011, 10:49 PM
A rant, sorry fella's: As a grown-ass man with a grown-ass job and lame-ass grown friends who quit skating years back, I've fallen out of the loop. One quick question:


A) That sounds two-types-o-tarded.

B) At least in my neighborhood, that was a 360 spin 540 shove it. There was a pair of crazy talented tech kids I lived near who did those, triple(or more) kick/heelflips, 540 flips, and I think one of 'em was working on the 540 shove by itself. But I quite remember calling THOSE biggerspins. Not sure if any pro's made anything of 'em. (Rep, Pawn, other oldschoolers, anyone know?)

Sorry, seen it around here and around here only, and I had to ask. It's driving me nuts.

05-13-2011, 11:48 PM
*forgive the long post, but trick nomenclature is one of my pet peeves*

If I understand you correctly, the trick you're talking about is a gazelle if done nollie backside. It's an older freestyle trick that Mullen invented (or at least coined the name). Any other body 360/board 540 spin would have a unique name. EX: bigflip 360, full cab inward heel, switch bigspin 360, etc etc. People have been incorrectly calling them biggerspins recently as it's popularity has risen.

A biggerspin is a body 180, board 540, and it just kind of stuck within the last few years. I don't think it's been attributed to any one person, though.

Not sure where else you get your skate fixif you only heard it here though. It's been in mags, webclips, other various forums...

05-14-2011, 12:13 AM
tricknaming is hard and unprepictable at times, this beeing a prime example

bigspin: body 180, board 360
biggerspin: body 180, board 540
biggestspin: body 360, board 540

so in this case it follows no real system and is hard to build on, since we lack a term superseeding 'biggest'

in this 'series' the board only goes 180 more than the body, but i have no suggestion to naming i.e. a rotation where the body goes 540 and the board 720. (sounds farfetched, but def possible on tranny at least)

05-14-2011, 01:22 AM
Nah, the nick of "Biggerspin" has been around I'd say since Mid/Late-90's, but only popular to use in past 5 years or so. The trick it describes isn't exactly what most people tend to associate it with. Many people automatically tack Biggerspin onto any 540 flip trick which isn't correct, but that is pretty normal for constant trick nicknames. I'd say no Pro has really coined the term, but some do use the tricks in competition and vids.

As for a 540bv/720b I'd say whoever pulls it off can name it whatever the hell they want. I'd name it the Gingerflip myself because whoever does it has sold their soul.

06-01-2011, 11:08 AM
So, here is the easiest explanation. When you do a big spin you will land in switch, but your board will be facing the same way (Nose at top) Now when you do a bigger spin the nose will be at the bottom instead of the top at the end of the trick. Watch your character in game and just remember that when you do a big spin your board's nose will stay pointed forward.