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View Full Version : The final series before the final montage: DonVigo in the City - University District

05-21-2011, 11:54 AM
Okay, this one starts with a story. Two days ago, Microsoft updated XBox Live and screwed a lot of it's customer base. While my friends at the big M assured me that the update was "all backroom nonsense you wouldn't notice" the XBox support forums tell a different story. Many, many, many people are being reported as using modified consoles for seeking repair work beyond Microsoft's bullshit repair center and it's ungodly costs. Every rep I've spoken to, both regular folk and friends of mine have told me that there's nothing they can do. If I want back on Live, I need a new box. Money inn't coming out of my butt right now, so that's not an investment I can make. I have some evil scheemery in mind, but until I can be bothered to drop some coin... My fakeskating career is coming to an untimely end. I've created one final montage to bid you all farewell, but I'm not going to launch it until a week from tomorrow. In the meantime, I have a seven-parter for you all to enjoy. Seemed fitting to do a big tour of Port Carverton and it's extension districts. I present, chapter one of DonVigo in the City - The University District:


05-22-2011, 03:38 AM
Nice and clean work even if the Sundays were trying to put me to sleep. :p

05-23-2011, 12:45 PM
My mom taught me that when I don't have anything nice to say to shut the hell up, so I wont comment on the music selection.

The footplant backflip in the beginning was sick. Some smooth ass cam work all the way through. I liked the over and under shots on the flips, those were clean as hell.