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05-22-2011, 01:26 PM
Ok so recently the LED screen on my '08 Macbook cracked. For my birthday (August 16th) my parents offered to either 1. Fix the LED screen on my Mac or 2. Buy me a new laptop for $500 or less. I know there are some computer heads on this site...so I was wondering if I could get some opinions from you guys. Below is a picture of how bad (or not too bad, however you wanna look at it) my LED screen is. I've been doing SOME research and I've nailed it down to either Dell or HP if I were going to get a PC. Suggestions/Comments would be appreciated :D
P.S..the picture didn't post. Lol. IDK how to post pictures I guess.

05-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Once you go Mac you never go back

05-22-2011, 01:37 PM
Once you go Mac you never go back


05-22-2011, 02:10 PM

That's how I'm feeling at the moment. I read most macbook's last about 5-6 years. Like I said, I've had mine for almost exactly 3 (June will be 3 cause I got it as a grad gift in 08). So I should have a good amount of life left. I jus need to find out if it's possible to set my computer back to factory settings..besides a few programs. (Firefox and Itunes.)

05-22-2011, 03:30 PM
My HP lasted me 6 years. the only thing that stopped it was i traveled through Customs alot for school. The x-ray scanner fried the Hard drive on it. Mac's are pretty, sure, but they're way expensive for what they are. but for $500 you're prolly not going to get anything crazy either, but prolly a bit better than a macbook from '08.

i am a snail
05-22-2011, 04:26 PM
keep the mac, but if i turns out they can't fix your screen or something.....


05-22-2011, 05:19 PM
get your mac fixed man.... pc are just, well..... wild sometimes

I got a Like New Refurb Macbook for 600$... works perfect, you can find Imac 17Inch (only like 2 GB RAM , but you can upgrade that shit SO EASY) for like 300-500 dollars, might be an option man

Keep the Mac I say

05-22-2011, 08:36 PM
get your mac fixed man.... pc are just, well..... wild sometimes

I got a Like New Refurb Macbook for 600$... works perfect, you can find Imac 17Inch (only like 2 GB RAM , but you can upgrade that shit SO EASY) for like 300-500 dollars, might be an option man

Keep the Mac I say

I was actually thinking about refurbished today. My Ipod Classic Slim..that I got the same day as my Macbook..is still going strong. Of course and Ipod is much different than a Macbook. But yeah, that is deffinitely an option. Honestly though, if I got a new one...I would probably keep this one with the broken screen, and just use it to keep my music on and that's it. Clear out every thing else.

05-22-2011, 09:14 PM
PC haters.

Not a fan of macs, or apple in general.

here is the photo that tech was trying to show you guys:
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/226221_1747550171369_1317248420_31552059_1929173_n .jpg

05-22-2011, 09:50 PM
Friends don't let friends use Macs!
Get a x64 PC laptop and be done with it.

Being that my Job is to build custom PC's and maintain PC's for people I for one do not like HP/Dell/etc pre-fab machines.
However, if you look at them seriously you can find the ones that allow customization at a later date if you need something increased for school, work, or leisure.

I'm not a fan of laptops, but I do own a few. I did a lot of looking around at christmas because my mom wanted a new laptop and I got her a new Toshiba one.
They do come outfitted with lots of crap software to rip out, but otherwise it is a damn solid machine. Her laptop is a L650 series (16" monitor) and is great all
around except the video gpu which is your standard onboard stuff that I have no liking for, but it's good enough for most things up to minor gaming.

If you want a solid recommendation on a laptop then I need to know exactly what you want to use it for. Otherwise, it's merely guesswork.
$500 isn't a lot to work with on a laptop unless it's a basic model with a couple bells & whistles.
If you get me the model number of your laptop I can ask a friend who is an Apple Genius (aka Mactard >_<!) and he can give me a ballpark on repair.

05-22-2011, 11:05 PM
- refurbed macbooks from 750 $
- new generic screen , use your broken mac as a stationary machine
- ipad (still requires some other machine tho)

05-23-2011, 12:51 AM
@Derk: Ive never had a problem with any of my Apple products. I've had 4 Ipods, an Ipad for one of my classes this past semester, and my Macbook. I'm not a "PC hater" cause if that were true, I wouldn't be considering replacing my Macbook with a PC laptop. But thank you for posting the picture :)

@Replicant: I don't want an estimate from a Mac Genius cause they always over price things Lol I already got the cost of the repair from Apple, and for them to personally fix it, it would be around $500. A place here in Boise called "Mac World" said about $200 for the LED screen then estimated hour labor. I don't really use my computer for anything besides school (typing papers, doing homework online, etc) editing skate videos (fakeskating and real skating) doing random shit online (like coming to Fluckit for example), Skype to talk to my girlfriend cause she lives 45 minutes away and only see her once a week, and my Itunes. Soo honestly, as of now..I think I've decided to fix my Macbook.

@Bohemian: How is getting a $750 refurbished Macbook an option, when I said I can't get anything more than $500??? Lol

05-23-2011, 01:01 AM
@Derk: Ive never had a problem with any of my Apple products. I've had 4 Ipods, an Ipad for one of my classes this past semester, and my Macbook. I'm not a "PC hater" cause if that were true, I wouldn't be considering replacing my Macbook with a PC laptop. But thank you for posting the picture :)

@Replicant: I don't want an estimate from a Mac Genius cause they always over price things Lol I already got the cost of the repair from Apple, and for them to personally fix it, it would be around $500. A place here in Boise called "Mac World" said about $200 for the LED screen then estimated hour labor. I don't really use my computer for anything besides school (typing papers, doing homework online, etc) editing skate videos (fakeskating and real skating) doing random shit online (like coming to Fluckit for example), Skype to talk to my girlfriend cause she lives 45 minutes away and only see her once a week, and my Itunes. Soo honestly, as of now..I think I've decided to fix my Macbook.

@Bohemian: How is getting a $750 refurbished Macbook an option, when I said I can't get anything more than $500??? LolIf you have a place that will do it for $200+Labor then that is your best bet since that is pretty basement. As for my friend he would have given me their prices and then his side-job prices which are always vastly different. He's pretty good at knowing parts prices and such. It sounds like you honestly use it like a netbook so I can't feel right recommending you buy anything better than you have since you'd simply be wasting cash. I still feel bad enough that you're using an Apple product. :p

05-23-2011, 01:03 AM
sorry for the tip..

i could care less what computer you use dude

05-23-2011, 01:46 AM
Windows is fine if you don't download anything ever.

05-23-2011, 02:18 AM
Windows is fine if you don't download anything ever.You're just jealous that we have enough people to merit having a virus written for us. :p

05-23-2011, 05:41 AM
You're just jealous that we have enough people to merit having a virus written for us. :p
I wouldn't call that a benefit.. become a little more tech savvy, use linux and have virtually no issues? Good Fight, Sir.

05-23-2011, 08:03 AM
I wouldn't call that a benefit.. become a little more tech savvy, use linux and have virtually no issues? Good Fight, Sir.What I said was mainly tongue-n-cheek. :p I have linux on multiple machines and have used it for 10+ years. Yes, command line and base instructions are nice, but user friendly makes the world go round. Many of the Linux types now are pretty user friendly while still retaining operator control, but still suffer from very poor compatibility with many software programs and sometimes hardware recognition is a serious PITA. Linux is far from being virtually no issues even for someone who is very tech savvy. Hell, I preferred it when I ran OS/2 Warp way back when, but if you're on a PC and not using a Windows based OS these days you're just creating more headaches for yourself no matter how many holes Windows has in it.

xI blisk Ix
05-23-2011, 03:46 PM
What I said was mainly tongue-n-cheek. :p I have linux on multiple machines and have used it for 10+ years. Yes, command line and base instructions are nice, but user friendly makes the world go round. Many of the Linux types now are pretty user friendly while still retaining operator control, but still suffer from very poor compatibility with many software programs and sometimes hardware recognition is a serious PITA. Linux is far from being virtually no issues even for someone who is very tech savvy. Hell, I preferred it when I ran OS/2 Warp way back when, but if you're on a PC and not using a Windows based OS these days you're just creating more headaches for yourself no matter how many holes Windows has in it.

damn you said it haha.

But I would go with fixing the mac. Also hows the RAM and Graphics card?

05-23-2011, 04:25 PM
Im not TOO computer savvy, but I do know the processor is a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with 2GB of memory and 667 MHz of SDRam

05-23-2011, 06:45 PM
Just gotta know how to find the run arounds really..
the tech savvy part is there if you want it
Linux is completely open source..
and there are so many utilities that are free all it takes is a little patience.

Not to mention many different versions for whatever you're trying to do..
I'm currently running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS which they constantly put out updates for
and I haven't had a non responding program yet.

All you have to buy is a blank disc and download the iso
even then you can try ubuntu without installing it to see if you like it.
You'll have to download things right off the back to get it up to speed
but that's the same thing you do on windows..
and in ubuntu it's right in the start menu.

05-24-2011, 04:42 AM
neither are better, it comes down to what you want it for..

final cut pro + logic for college and work.

sure it helps that i don't have to worry about viruses.

05-24-2011, 10:05 AM

05-24-2011, 10:36 AM
get your Mac Book fixed, and do a couple of upgrades to your machine with any remaining cash.

05-24-2011, 11:33 AM

Lol pretty funny

jerr bear
05-25-2011, 02:33 AM
I don't even know what you're planning to do with your laptop though...

05-25-2011, 05:30 AM
I don't even know what you're planning to do with your laptop though...Cyberz!

05-25-2011, 01:37 PM
I don't even know what you're planning to do with your laptop though...

I mentioned what I mainly use it for in a previous reply

05-25-2011, 02:21 PM
High quality porn!

05-25-2011, 05:04 PM
High quality porn!

Derk you aren't helping