View Full Version : DonVigo's last montoge EVER: "Cinemetropolis"

05-29-2011, 11:03 AM
To those who don't know: Last week, I was punished by Microsoft for taking repair issues on myself rather than paying them to do so. My console, thanks to a new disc drive is now considered "modified" and is banned from XBox Live. Until I get a new console, I'm stuck playing my games the old fashioned way, which means unless I wanna spend the same money on a cap card, my career in fakeskating is toast.

This is a culmination of my best work, which wouldn't be what it was without the feedback and influence of this community. Most of it is new, but to fit the musical tracks I did throw some of my favorite recent bangers in towards the end. If there's anyone here I've interacted with and forgot to thank, please thank yourself.

Also, I'd love to see this blow up. Even if it's just a quick "peace out" please dig the work and say something before you go onto the next thing.

This is a big blow to my free time, as this has become my favorite hobby. Oh well, time to get a real life.



Keep it rolling, keep it Reel.

05-29-2011, 12:54 PM
big thumbs up man. second song in part 1 is where u hit ur stride. very nice angles on the shots. part 2 kept the pace and finished with some nice tricks. wall-ride off the trailer was killer, then the wall to tre flip out,...nice job on getting diff angles of that!

i hope ur not gone for too long bro.

keep it reel DV!

05-29-2011, 12:56 PM
it shows how much you loved fakeskatin that you had so much footage to boot. real nice edit bro, sorry to see another fakeskater go down.

05-29-2011, 10:00 PM
Burn - Yeah man, I felt it was a slow starter but built up nicely by track 2. Thanks for the feedback! The good news, if/when I do come back, it'll probably be on a PS3!!! I'm going to get back somehow, I just don't know how quite yet, so for now, I'm just calling it done. You know me better than most of the crew, I've Jay-Z'd once already.

BannerBoy - You're right, man. Been skating almost 24 years, and honestly have always sucked at it. I enjoy the hell out of it, but I get a little frustrated that I can only do a few things. Fakeskating became my way to get all the stuff I've imagined but could never do out. I can still play and all, but it's boring not to share with the homies. I'm going to miss this shit, bad.

05-29-2011, 11:23 PM
Wallride off the trailer was edited superbly, Alot of weird skating, I'm loving all the dark stalls. Overall really goodshit. If you are reincarnated in the form of a man with a ps3 I await your next release. Thanks for the shouts and the park usage :D Great montage man!

05-30-2011, 10:59 AM
Thanks, Mid! You're probably my favorite CAP builder. I have 20something of 'em on my HDD and I think at least half of 'em are yours. Definatly one reason I've not completely ruled out figuring out something to do with another xbox.

05-30-2011, 11:04 AM
Was off the grid for the last two days working on 13 so I didn't get to watch till now. Take notes people, if your gonna go out, this is how it is done. There was to much slick shit in there for me to single in on a couple of tricks, it was all pretty dam sweet.

You have inspired me more then any other person in this game, for that I thank you. Sad to see ya go, but it was fun watchin you leave. Glasses up bitch's, toast to Don Vigo.

05-31-2011, 12:09 AM
Great work. Gonna have to do some work on the Epic Awning before Bat420maN pushes me off of it too. Hope it's not the end, but a simple break for a bit. Grab a cap card, cheap x360, or </grumbles> PS3 and jump back into the game. If not, then have a good one and keep in touch. You have my info to touch bases with me. Later man.

05-31-2011, 12:51 AM
Bats - You're the other reason I want my box back, bro. Seriously, I'm not one to make 'net buddies normally, but it was sick as hell getting a session in with you. Someone I knew but didn't know and all that. One of the coolest gaming experiences I've had. I need to get down like that again. And seriously, best complement ever. Thanks for both.

Rep - You know how hard it is to quit this shit? I'm working my balls off towards a promotion and have a new system lined up for a present to myself ASAP. I'll be back. You're the man, though. Probably communicated with you more than anyone outside of Burn (tied) and found Fluckit thanks to you. I still want a bike before a new tower, but I'm going to do what I need to to keep this going as soon as it's within my means. As long as Reel stays functional, we have a chance. I wonder if it'l ever carry sway with EA...

I think I'm going to bother you guys with my raps and maybe even some realskating in the meantime... But for Fluck's sake, I NEEEEED THIS SHEEEEET!


05-31-2011, 07:39 PM
Sounds like a plan.

05-31-2011, 07:47 PM
motherfuckin Falco and shit.

it's a real bummer you've been forced offline, I always enjoyed your vids and fakeskating collabs from the 5n1s (nice shout out to those btw) to the full GameFAQs vid you put together. I always wanted to see you throw together a fast gap vid or something. hopefully you can work something out and get back on it, though I guess you'd have to buy the DLC again which is lame. rumor is they're going to drop the 360 4GB to $150 after E3 if that means anything.

anyway, hope you stick around some, you've always been a good guy to have around the Skate boards, especially when we used to gang up on people like Burn for pushing mongo (nothin but love, Burn). I'll throw you a shout out trick in my next video, whenever I finish it.

peace out, homie.

06-06-2011, 09:00 AM
UPDATE: I know a guy who may have a fix. I just sent him a message to see if I can get in to see him tomorrow, or the next day. If it works, I'm baaaaaack. If not... Well, watch this ish again. It's good.

Update on the update... No luck, and I'm still too broke for hobbies that cost money.