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View Full Version : Burn's Kush

05-30-2011, 07:19 PM
my 2nd solo this week due to alot of extra time from the holiday.

i know the "kush" title has been done before, and im not saying i got the dank skate skillz or KB, :(

its just the title of the song i used.

anyway, here it is fluckers:


05-31-2011, 12:10 AM
I dug the faster skating and :33-:37 was hella tight. Think I put my only complaint on GFAQS.

05-31-2011, 01:02 AM
Man have I learned a lot from your style.

Here's my two cents, though: Don't be afraid to change your zoom.

I feel like you kept the same zoom through a lot of shots and it... Well, I can't quite quantify why it took away from the whole experience, but you should mix your static style with some changing depth of field shots.

Sorry, I probably just got like super-nerd on you... But your shit's so good all I can do is nitpick the little shit.

All around killer stuff, though. Not a song I'd want to hear by itself, but fit the film well. Good edit!!!

05-31-2011, 03:53 AM
thanx for the views guys, and i appreciated the feedback.

Rep- yeah, i gotta control my flippedness.

DV- good pointer, will mix it up a bit in the future with different zooms.

again, thanx for taking the time to check it out.