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View Full Version : Antwan - Pop Tricks

06-02-2011, 05:50 PM
So Some of you have seen what I like to call pop tricks..
just working on making them more legit
they are now
full ollie motion grab scenario with variations.


06-02-2011, 06:07 PM
definitely interesting, but like i said before, all the steps kinda take away from it. Anything more than one step in my opinion. But I can already see the progression and you gotta start somewhere

06-02-2011, 06:12 PM
It's a rolling trick concept man
Gotta walk to keep speed..
otherwise I'd be at a stand still or bite it haha
I'll have to film some of these over a hip or something when I go to the park
up stairs and things they look a little better
not the best flat trick I'll admit but pretty fun
unless you meant something else?
I just don't follow don't mean to offend it's not a footplant

06-02-2011, 06:35 PM
im sure right now you need to walk to keep speed, im just saying it is possible to do these tricks at that speed with just the one step. For example that first trick, the step off nosegrab thing. Damien's got those one step at pretty crazy speeds, like down hills kinda speed. Didn't mean to come off as a dick or anything, you're a cool dude, just in my experience less steps has equaled more fun

06-02-2011, 06:49 PM
It's all good..
Just think I have to disagree here not quite as concerned for my steps
and really have a hard time grasping what you even mean
how can you possibly keep speed if you're doing one or two steps?

06-02-2011, 08:36 PM
You skate how you want as long as you're having fun. That's the end game right there.

What PLG is saying is right now with all the steps you're doing to continue the trick it's making things look stilted and resulting in no flow.

From a visual standpoint with me as the observer I see you overthinking the tricks and walking them out seems like a coping point to reach the result you want.
This was most obvious near the end in a different way when you did the knee pop half-flip to like 4 clockwinders, then had to wait for the board balance so you could then drop it back under you.
You have to get the tricks more second nature so that when you for example do a half-ollie grab (Pop if you wanna call it that) to 360 board varial (hand rotated KF, HF, IH, etc) and back on that it becomes one continuous motion.
The pop to running tail stalls I don't quite get because you don't need all those steps since you're not going into a slide once you hit the stall landing.
Overall, I like seeing things that are different. And like I said as long as you're having fun then that is all that counts.
For the observer you just got to get these things a bit more dialed in so it looks less like you're just flinging the board and hoping it lands under your feet.

Hope this doesn't come off as rude, just offering some insight.

06-02-2011, 08:49 PM
That makes a little more sense
It points back to board control for me though
I don't think I need one step to make things fluid this was my first attempt at this trick and the variations one days work
not to mention I was a bit more focused on staying in the shot..
but I respect your opinions and appreciate the views.

06-02-2011, 10:44 PM
I used to have fun doing step off tricks back in the day, but I tried to keep it to one foot step downs. A little different than what you're doing, but I would step off with my left foot (I skate goofy), flip the board over casper with my right and sweep my right leg around spinning the board 360 and back from casper, and turn my body 180. it was like a no comply impossible half flip or some shit. I did try to do them without the step down but I would always wreck myself. I don't know that there was a name for it, but my friends coined it a krypton flip. this was me just trying some wacky shit, trying to be like Rodney or Mike V, and failing for the most part. but I did end up being able to do slow rolling casper stall spins or whatever those are called.

but I dig what you're doing, man. really cool in my book.

06-02-2011, 11:07 PM
I agree about the steps on a few tricks, the one where you spin 360 and the knee bounce one, but I think two steps is fine as long as youre still moving. I'm probably biased though because a friend of mine does a lot of stuff like this, all two steps and I think they look alright. he's got stuff at 5:15 if youre interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkB5VjcEvho

06-03-2011, 02:21 AM
Here's the best way I can put it: If you stop, so does your combo meter. If you slow down, so does the cool factor.

It inn't about how many steps you take, or whatever, it's about fluidity.

Coming up, stepoff's and boneless's only counted if they were one step unless it was a double foot plant on something. It's been a decade and a half, but that's my frame of reference.

For the record, the knee bonk flip would be cool if you let it go to the ground like that and rode off on it. That'd be pretty sick, actually.

Anyway, master one trick before you move onto the next. You're trying big things, but you need to build them out of many small ones.

06-03-2011, 03:11 AM
What Don and Rep pretty much