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View Full Version : Top 10 games of 2008

12-20-2008, 02:07 PM
I decided to put together a list of my top 10 games of 2008 after reading an article on a friends website (www.kombo.com) earlier today, because I thought it'd be fun to try to figure out which games I enjoyed most this year. Well, I was wrong... it's almost a chore rating one game better then another when you've had so many good memories of each. Fortunately it's a chore I don't mind doing, because regardless of which games go where, I still greatly enjoyed my time with all of these games. It was a great year to be a gamer... unless you like having money, because there were so many titles that demanded purchasing, especially near the end of the year. I sat down tonight and thought, what games did I really enjoy this year?

So, with a little thought and a lot of typing (would you have it any other way? lol), I've come up with this list:

1. LittleBigPlanet (PS3)- Purely because it's so creative. Never has a game been more community focused with user created content. Tons of fun, old school platforming style.

2. Rock Band 2 (360)- The music game craze was huge, and it effectively captivates even those who don't play games... hence, this game got the most play time of any others. I rock the drums now, no need for a guitar anymore, but singing can be quite amusing once in a while. I'm a bit over music games now so I don't play it nearly as much, but now and then I hop on for a few songs.

3. Battlefield Bad Company (360)- Destructible environments = great fun. A little disappointed it takes so many shots to kill a person, but once you get used to it it's not hard at all... and hey, when you're as good with a tank as I am, who cares about rifles? haha. Lots of multiplayer fun.

4. The World Ends With You (DS)- If you own a DS, you need this game. One of the very few RPG's I played this year, but easily one of if not the best RPG I've ever played. It's got style, great controls, and an amazing story. I was in awe from beginning to end.

5.Left 4 Dead (360) - Teamwork, something most games are lacking. No other game requires as much co-operation as this does, because if you don't work with the other 3 players, you're dead. I'm not a fan of zombies, but this game is just too much fun to care what they are. I only rented it, but I'm likely getting it for PC on Christmas.

6. Fallout 3 (360)- An RPG with guns. This usually doesn't work out (a head shot only did 30 damage? I have to shoot him 4 more times...?) but Fallout 3 does it well. So many places to go, so many people to meet, so many choices to be made. Play good or evil, either way it's going to be a 50 hour or so blast of cool. Still have yet to finish it, but it can be played over time for sure.

7. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)- It's Brawl, what more can I say? Well actually, I can say that the original for N64 still remains the king of smash... but this version has Sonic in it... SONIC! Never really played it much until a friend of mine found out I had it... now we play it almost every time he comes over for about an hour, and it's still fun.

8. Skate It (Wii/DS)- It's a Skate game... that's what we're here for right? The main reason I bought a Wii and DS, and I wasn't really let down by those BlackBox fools (and the others from around the globe actually). It's not perfect, but they're a lot of fun to play when you've only got a little bit of time or are on the go. Also, there are dudes named Trevor and Clay in the Wii version... which I have yet to find out if it's because of Clay and I yet... though they do somewhat resemble us. Someone please tell me?

9. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3): Guns of the Patriots - A cinematic masterpiece... literally. There are 2 cut scenes that last at least an hour in the game, and a ton of others throughout the game. It feels like playing a movie basically... or watching a game, I don't know. Either way, it was awesome to play through even though I didn't 100% understand the story line. My buddy filled me in on anything I didn't know from some previous games, and talking about it for hours was also good fun.

10. Grand Theft Auto 4 (360)- GOTY almost everywhere else, but it's on the bottom of my list.. why? Well, it was a great game no doubt, but it wasn't the perfect 10 game. Despite using the Euphoria engine, I actually got bored of the game fairly quickly for some reason, but I know I'm not alone. Euphoria isn't the god of ragdoll physics that it's made out to be... there are still plenty of little problems with it. Honestly, I don't feel it's needed to make Skate 3 a great game just yet, though if used a lot over time, it has the potential to be an awesome engine.

Just barely missed the Cut:

This is just a short list off the top of my head of a few games I enjoyed this year that just barely didn't make the list for one reason or another. Still great and definitely worth a look though. In no particular order:

Skate - Wait what? It came out last year? Could have fooled me... I'm still playing it.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - This game didn't make the list because I **** at it. Everyone online is a pro and I've played well over 20 matches so far... only won 3 rounds. That's 3 fights out of over 40... yea. In all seriousness though, Street Fighter 2 is pretty much the best fighting game ever, but it's not very new. The above is true, but I still really enjoy kicking the snot out of things in it regardless of whether I can't win a match against a real opponent... that's what the computer is for, right?

Burnout Paradise - The best example of great DLC in the industry. EA has kept this game fresh the entire year... and it was released in January. THIS is what other developers need to do to avoid people trading in used games (and because so much great content... FREE content, is awesome). It would have made it on the list if I had some friends to play it with most likely...

Pixel Junk Monsters - Such a great PSN game. I played it a lot with a friend of mine and damn can it be challenging. Looks like it's for kids, but when your villagers start dying by the masses because you don't have the right tower defense set up, you'll find it's not. Highly recommended, and it's only 10 bucks.

Mirrors Edge - I'm a sucker for creativity and originality in games, and this game had a bit of each. An FPS with a focus on running, not shooting. What does that make it...? My only problems with it are that it's not long enough, there aren't enough puzzle elements and... well, I wish there was even more running and a bit less combat. I'd give it a try for sure if you haven't already, but unfortunately I can only suggest it as a rental because it's over too soon, unless you like time trials a lot.

More? There were plenty of other games I played this year that held various degrees of fun within. Unfortunately I can't remember them all, but hey, that means they aren't the best of the best right? I passed over a few of the AAA titles this year as well such as Gears of War 2 (didn't like the first that much), Fable 2 (got Fallout 3 instead) and Call of Duty: World at War (Played the beta, didn't like it... first CoD game I didn't buy at launch. Might be getting it for Christmas though because I ran out of ideas).

I decided to do a comparison to my favourite games as well, just to see how different it would be. Below is a list of the same 10 games, ordered from what I believe to be the most hours played to least. It's funny how you can play some games so much more then others, yet still recall having more fun on the lesser played games.

Rock Band 2
Battlefield Bad Company
Fallout 3
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Left 4 Dead
Grand Theft Auto 4
Skate It
The World Ends With You
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Anyway, now you've seen mine, so show me your... list. I'd like to know what everyone else thinks about this year in gaming, and it's always cool to see what types of games other people are into most. You don't have to post a description like I did, just the list is fine. If you're up to it though, post your thoughts on the best of the best and perhaps even list a game or two you unfortunately had to skip over this year and why. Maybe they're on your Christmas list now?

Have fun trying to think of it all! haha.

12-20-2008, 04:56 PM
Here goes:

Funnest games of the year:

1. Rock Band 2
2. Call of Duty: World at War (Even tho I don't own it)
3. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Even tho I don't own it)
4. Grand Theft Auto 4 (Even tho I don't own it)
5. Bully: Scholarship Edition (Even tho I don't own it)
6. Civilization Revolution (Even tho I don't own it)
7. Guitar Hero: World Tour (Even tho I don't own it)

I really can't go any farther. Those are my top fav. 08 games. And yes, I rent a lot of games.:cool:

Here's my some that would've made it if they were 08 games:

1. Skate
2. Call of Duty 4
3. Halo 3
4. Test Drive Unlimited
5. Guitar Hero 2
6. NBA Street Homecourt (Old, I know)
7. Zuma
8. Forza Motorsport 2

Yep, that's it.:rolleyes:

12-21-2008, 11:08 AM
What games DO you own? lol. Thanks for making a list though anyway.

I've still got Homecourt for the PS3 lol, pretty fun and it's a cheap one to buy.

12-28-2008, 06:57 AM
My List: Most Fun Games to Play

1.) Skate.
2.) Call of Duty: World at War
3.) Guitar Hero World Tour
4.) NHL 09
5.) NBA 2K9
6.) Burnout Paradise
7.) Halo 3
8.) Blacksite Area 51
9.) Skate. It (Wii)
10.) Shawn White

12-29-2008, 08:31 AM
skate it is ok i dont like the balance board