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View Full Version : DonVigo's Go Skateboarding Day - or - How I know I'm getting old.

06-21-2011, 10:02 PM
So, I worked until 8, and the park I'm still something of a local at is on my way home. It being "Go Skateboarding Day" I knew I HAD to get in a sesh on the commute back to the household.

I bailed from work a bit early, got to the park, there's 7 kids on scooters and a dude playing with his RC car. I was a little unstoked rolling in, until some kid who is probably all of 10 years old rolls up to me and goes "DUDE! I know you! Do you remember me!? I had long hair!!!"

Two of his buddies hear this, and also come up to me, one asking what happened to my old deck. (I used to rock a stripe in my grip, kinda stood out.)

I got a few runs in, but I spent the better part of the hour I was there letting these little scooter guys show me their new tricks and got them stoked out on 'em.

Mind you, I don't think of myself as being "good," but I know I skate a different style than everyone else seems to. It was a very odd sensation having a trio of youngsters come up knowing who I am for it. Not something too common for those of us who love the sport to death but lack the real gift of talent.

Anyway, random, but you're all the closest thing I know to anyone who would "care." I know I'm getting old, 'cause I had one of my best GSD's supporting the local SCOOTER KIDS at my skatepark.

Fuckin' kids. They all better stay off my lawn.

06-22-2011, 05:08 AM
Don Vigo, you're such an old coot!