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View Full Version : Attention to Park Builders (Please read)

07-12-2011, 07:49 PM
Once a week, I'll feature a CAP on PortCarvertonS3TV (http://www.youtube.com/user/PortCarvertonS3TV) every Thursday. The idea of featuring your park is very simple. Since I've already seen tons of really dope parks around fluckit, all you would have to do is send the CAP link to me. Once I got your park, I take a look at it, and if it skates good and looks sick, then I'll feature it, simple as that. If you want to film it yourself, it would be a lot easier for me, if not, it's no problem either.

I started off with 45-60 second videos, but because some people thought it was too short, I've asked people to send me some clips. If you're down to do that, then please do so.

I don't know if people are actually interested to know, but I'll try to post up which park I'll be uploading for the community channel every week.

So far, the one's I've done are:

Briden's Parkersburg Plaza (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?platform=xbox&contentType=PARK&subType=VIDEO#itemId=1862427)
Video Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KJVfDq0c_0)

Mattyman's Town Centre (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#searchType=AUTHOR&query=Mattyman512&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME)
Video Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3j3EbduScA)

ItsBennn's Uptown Suburbs (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#searchType=AUTHOR&query=itsbennn&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1238950)
Video Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLCLRsKxkP4)

Ohmidineffect's Stop and Go (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#itemId=1874712)
Video Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLuv3kEz10w)

Up next (in order, for the next couple of weeks):

Fully's Tokyo Shopping Center (Park Storm Pt. 1) (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#itemId=1881300)

Riverking's Stoner Plaza (Not uploaded yet)

Duce's San Fran (Park Storm Pt. 2) (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#searchType=AUTHOR&query=Duce+NLS&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1889607)

SupaFly's SkyHigh Mall (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#sortBy=MOST_RECENT&filter=ALLTIME&slice=search&galleryType=USER&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&itemId=1887656)

Ohmidineffect's Port Venice (Park Storm Pt. 3) (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#sortBy=MOST_RECENT&filter=ALLTIME&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&itemId=1890759)

Deacon's Moonbase Alpha (Park Storm Pt. 4) (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#itemId=1892616)

If you guys want me to keep you updated, let me know, and I'll happily let you guys know in advance ;) If you want me to post the videos of each park here as well, let me know! Peace

07-12-2011, 08:18 PM
How soon are you ready to go with this? And what kind of parks you looking for? I've got that Parkersburg Plaza ready to go, but it's a skatepark and really looks like one. Not sure if that's gonna grab people's interest or not.

07-12-2011, 09:18 PM
I'm sure any realistic park would do

07-12-2011, 09:46 PM
How soon are you ready to go with this? And what kind of parks you looking for? I've got that Parkersburg Plaza ready to go, but it's a skatepark and really looks like one. Not sure if that's gonna grab people's interest or not.

what Riverking said. I'm down with anything well built, that looks and skates good, and I know there are a ton of crazyy good park builders on fluckit, so I'm sure I could feature everyone's parks here if people are down. Send me that Parkersburg Plaza link when it's done so I can make a little video there and put it up on the youtube channel

07-13-2011, 03:38 AM
Count me in! I just finished a park which is uploaded now and I've got another skatpark that I'm working on which is almost finished!

07-13-2011, 08:40 AM
Count me in! I just finished a park which is uploaded now and I've got another skatpark that I'm working on which is almost finished!
sick!!! really stoked to hear this dude. Briden just sent me a park for this week, so you'll get next week's spot ;) I'll try to feature one park a week on the channel, and I'll call it something like "PCTV CAP Thursdays" or something hahaha but yeah, just send me the link whenever you're done! ;) peace!

07-13-2011, 11:04 AM
Damn dude you are totally permitted to use any of my parks for this. That would be too cool =)
I love your style and ways you're trying to keep our community alive. That deserves some respect.

07-13-2011, 11:52 AM
I really appreciate your support wiltz :) I'll definitely use one of your CAPs at some point, since you have multiple dope ones. Right now I'm working on Briden's remake of Parkersburg (or something like that, can't remember the name exactly lol), and after that, Mattyman seems interested in sending one in, so he'll have next week's spot, so the week after I'll feature one of your parks :)

07-13-2011, 07:33 PM
Mattyman seems interested in sending one in, so he'll have next week's spot, so the week after I'll feature one of your parks :)all do
cheers man

shall I upload it 2morrow! and send u the link so then u can start getting clips? TBH I dont think it looks as nice as my TOWN CENTRE park but u can feature that if u want! arh u'll have a look when I send u it!
I don't mind if it actully does get featured but I would lobe my Town Centre to be featured but like I said that is up 2 u since u do have complete controle man!

07-13-2011, 08:03 PM
all do
cheers man

shall I upload it 2morrow! and send u the link so then u can start getting clips? TBH I dont think it looks as nice as my TOWN CENTRE park but u can feature that if u want! arh u'll have a look when I send u it!
I don't mind if it actully does get featured but I would lobe my Town Centre to be featured but like I said that is up 2 u since u do have complete controle man!

sounds perfect dude! I don't have "complete control" though, I don't like to look at it that way lol you pretty much decide which one you want featured though, and I'll happily look into it and get some clips and shit for the community channel! let me know which one you want featured first. One thing I can also do is feature more parks in 1 video? haha idk, i'll have to think about it. If someone wants to film in it and send me the video, that would be dope as well :) that would save me some time hahaha

Edit: I'd also like to feature PS3 parks, but considering I'm only on xbox, I wouldn't be able to film stuff for the ps3 parks. Would be dope to have a volunteer to film a quick something for those ;)

07-16-2011, 12:23 AM
Next featured CAP I'm thinking of making for next week would be Sean Malto's Warehouse CAP. I think it was done by mattyman, but I figured I'd do this one next week, since I just found 6 clips lying around unused lol So I'll do that one for next week, but for the upcoming weeks, feel free to tell me which ones I should feature :)

And Riverking, we gotta finish that damn plaza ahahaha

07-16-2011, 03:30 AM
Next featured CAP I'm thinking of making for next week would be Sean Malto's Warehouse CAP. I think it was done by mattyman

well if it is actually mine then yeh u can do but if its not u still can then u can do one of mine later on this park: Town Centre (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#sortBy=MOST_RECENT&filter=ALLTIME&slice=search&galleryType=USER&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&itemId=1861950)

07-18-2011, 08:45 AM
well if it is actually mine then yeh u can do but if its not u still can then u can do one of mine later on this park: Town Centre (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#sortBy=MOST_RECENT&filter=ALLTIME&slice=search&galleryType=USER&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&itemId=1861950)

I think I could almost feature all your parks on a weekly basis haha I'll look into Town Centre though, seems really sick.

i am a snail
07-28-2011, 05:10 AM
what could we do about ps3 parks?

07-28-2011, 05:39 AM
Since I don't own both consoles, someone on ps3 should either volunteer to shred the parks and make the video or send me the clips, or the park builder himself gets clips and makes the video himself or can send me the clips

07-29-2011, 07:15 AM
could i grab the spot after Fully with my The Tranny Grounds

07-29-2011, 02:08 PM
well for now, CNBS has been killing it with the Park Storm stuff, and I told Duce I'd feature their stuff and he agreed to it, so I'll be featuring the Park Storm CAPs and then I'll happily take in submissions ;) sorry about that!

08-04-2011, 03:39 PM
you want megauploaded clips or .reel links?

08-04-2011, 04:37 PM
Whatever is easiest for you is better lol Considering it's a small amount of clips per person though, I think straight .reel links would be easier, but it's up to you.
Btw, original post has been updated with which parks will be featured for the next couple of weeks! I'll put another CAP in between Park storm part 3 and part 4, unless I don't have any other CAPs to feature in between lol

08-08-2011, 11:38 PM
My reel has been dying out a lot recently, so I don't know if I'll be able to film shit for this week's CAP thursdays... I've got clips from Bannerboy and Riverking though, so if I can't upload stuff, it'll be their clips in the video, without any overview shots of the park. If more people are down to send some footy, please do so. Look at the first post to know which CAP it is for this week.

08-09-2011, 03:06 AM
uh boxer i can get some overview shots if you want?

08-09-2011, 08:47 AM
Bannerboy do it :D

08-09-2011, 10:30 AM
I'll try to see if my reel works soon... I'll let you guys know soon lol

08-12-2011, 10:04 AM
Bannerboy, if you can send me your clips again, that would be sick. I know I downloaded them, but I can't find them anywhere in my files for some reason, and I had to clean out my inbox because it was full, and I can't remember if you sent them to me there, so it might've been erased, sorry about that. I'll wait for your clips, unless I find them lol

Edit: I found your clips haha I'll start working on the edit now then.