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View Full Version : 1st Skate 3 vid - Refined style/technique - Realistic - Hardcore

07-15-2011, 09:04 AM
sup guys! :D

i finally bought skate 3 a couple of weeks ago and have made my first solo.

skater influences in this are: pj ladd, paul rodriguez, ronnie creager, a mix of recent skaters parts, and watching this years street league. a few of the more tech lines are actually real lines from some of my favorite p-rod and pj parts.

please feel free to rate or comment. i don't think i will be playing skate 3 any further (think ive seen every spot now), but if you guys like this i might venture into making another one.


enjoy! :cool:

07-15-2011, 10:37 PM
Real good stuff man, not even by "my first skate 3 solo" standards. I def saw the PJ influence in there, solid tech but not over the top. That first sw tailslide 270 was perfect. A lot of nice, subtle touches throughout, landing with a little pivot and stuff like that.

As for the rest of your post, I'd be bummed if this was your last, but don't let the opinions of others be the deciding factor. Make videos that you're happy with; do what you like, not what you think others will like. You've got a knack for it, but if it stops being fun then it'll show in the finished product.

07-16-2011, 07:17 AM
your words are certainly filled with solid wisdom. thanks for that man :)

well, as well as feeling i have explored the city in full, the other reason i would not be continuing is because i have 'rsi' in my fingers and thumbs. playing skate can be taxing on them, especially when i am doing lines with pivots etc. i can film a standard line quite quickly, but adding those 'subtle touches' and making them look natural is time consuming. they were much easier to do in skate 1 + 2. with skate 3's hardcore mode it makes the player much slower. you need speed to make them work fluidly and also to keep your speed going afterwards. so basically, doing lines the way i want to takes me a long time and its not good for my hands lol. xD i would still come back to it though.. maybe i will get the itch again when the weather turns bad (very quickly here in the uk lol ;) ).

there are so many ea skate vids out there lol. i have watched quite a few over the past couple of days. do any of you guys do pivot/revert stuff like in this vid? please post a link if so. i would love to see. :D

and briden... can you give a link to your youtube page? i would love to check out some of your vids. thanks again bro. much respect. :)

07-16-2011, 08:30 AM
Ah that's a bummer to hear about your rsi; I have a friend with rmd (same thing? they sound similar after a little research) and I've seen what he has to go through sometimes for his rehab. I thought you were just over the game, but this is different. I guess I'll rephrase my main point: have fun and don't hurt yourself.

My fave fakeskater Eric Logan is really sick with realistic subtleties; he's got some stuff on my channel, but here's two of his skate2 parts, edited by thebullet:



My yt page is HERE (http://www.youtube.com/user/BriDenSkates?feature=mhsn) and it's mostly ea skate stuff, starting back 3 years ago in skate 1 and leading up until now. I have two different full-lengths on there, so it's not all me skating, but it's easy enough to figure out.

07-16-2011, 10:17 AM
those logan vids are very nice. he got some revert action going on there too!! i used to love those bad boys. this skate 1 vid of mine is a bit on the rough side (as far as the frame rate goes), but you see me doing about 10 different full revert tricks. ah... skate 1.. awesome days!! :D


i checked your page too man. nice stuff going on there. a lot of fun to watch. good solo and colabo stuff. thanks for the link! :cool:

07-16-2011, 11:27 AM
Love your style man! The reverts when exiting seriously sets you apart big time! First tricks exit was soo buttery!

07-17-2011, 03:38 AM
thanks so much for the nice comments mate! :)

i am noob here. there are too many 'skate' vids to mull over... can you give me a link to some of your stuff? cheers.

07-18-2011, 03:09 AM
dude,sick part.....really enjoyed that....keep it up.
i wish i could make my cams that smooth....

Shaydee UK
07-19-2011, 10:55 AM
Good stuff dude

07-20-2011, 04:18 AM
thanks so much again. :P

i saw your post and vids on youtube shaydee. i love that shizzle. great positive vibe going on. awesome work mate. :)

zeb, can you post a link to your vids or leave a comment on youtube so i can link from there. CHEERS!! :D