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View Full Version : New to the site - Hoping to be placed on a team

Clarky T
01-02-2009, 03:07 PM
Wadup guys. . .

Stoked to finally be on the site. I have been trying to make a team for the last couple days and I am pretty close to giving up on it. If there are any teams or crews out there (new or veteran) I would like you to look into me a bit when it comes to recruiting new skaters. I bring a very realistic approach to my style on skate. and I know many killer spots around San Van. . .

If anyone wants to talk to me I am on X-Box Live, my gamertag is NeS Clarky T


be a debaser
01-02-2009, 04:11 PM
howdy dudey

01-03-2009, 12:23 AM
Welcome to the site dawgski!

01-03-2009, 11:01 AM
I had a feeling you would be here.

If anyone else wonder's:
A:I'm already on the team.
2:I'm new to these forums, but not to Skate.
Blue:I'm good with raster graphics(I.E. Photoshop, The GIMP).
Hexagon:I have a YouTube account: user/LedIris
Dog:I'm bored.