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View Full Version : Where did the skate series go completely wrong?

08-17-2011, 03:52 AM
I have not been having a good time playing skate 3....as most other people havent either for various reasons...then i saw this trailer again...


I feel like we never got this quality out of the game...i mean look at that shit....

it looks like it was ran on a PC with those graphics....look at how the shirt moves and how motion blur combine with the 60 frames to make it look crazy good...

then look at actual gameplay....


its all ashy and shit........................
I AM MAD....Why?
Skate 1 servers are shut down....Skate 3 servers are complete dog shit...And skate 2's are probably fine (someone test it for me)...

Why the hell cant i have a good time with this game...am i not allowing myself or is it EA not allowing me...

I started this thread because i still love that first skate 2 trailer but now this is turning into a 6 am rant just because....

so this is just all anger from here on...

in skate 2 and skate 3 go skate as any pro and tell me you dont get instantly mad...INSTANTLY...
its worse in skate 3....The pros showed up im assuming in what they wanted to wear in the game....the took pictures and bam thats what they look like in the game....EA, taking no notes from the pros they have in the game, gave us basically nothing again...

All the pros is wearing there clothes in a unique way for the game....Shoe tongue above pants, hood over hat, baggie jeans with no bell bottom, Jerry hsu is wearing tight jeans that reach his shoe and Michael Burnette is wearing knee huggers with the bottem cuffed over the top of the shoe..

as a CAS we get one type of each clothing with a different skin on it...and the thing with the most variety is the hat..

Pros are wearing grown man shirts and we cant even get atleast and option 2 on the custom tee....

in every game you always looked exactly like everyone else....
skate 1 pretty much gets a past because it was the first..
skate 2 was either a caveman or a skinny white caveman with that 1 hair style everyone used..
skate 3 youre either white with a backwards hat or white with a beard...not to mention the 3 different types of Bald(ing)...and theres no black your just a white guy painted brown...and you could try to be different with those dreadlocks that took 3 games to get...that we had to pay for...

Im not that fashion heavy of a guy considering i wear all black in real life and in all games but when i got to look at this guy the whole time im playing it sucks that after 3 games it doesnt feel like a human...ive created players in tony hawk games that looked more like me grinding power lines and shit...

what else can i type for the fuck of it....

even as a girl wearing a beanie makes you bald which is just flatout laughable and im assuming lazy on Dev side...

All the challenges in skate 3 are fugly....
skate 1 had sexy challenges like 3flip back crook and stuff that was right on the edge of real and fake...
Skate 3 on the other hand has challenges that are just gross and are not fun to play...all the photo challenges are fuck ugly and i wouldnt save a picture of any of that bull....atleast we could take are own mag photos...
and also that damn time limit BS....why does this game have time limits for stuff outside of contest....you are asking me to do something thats hard to do even on easy mode and you put this deadline on it for no good goddamn reason....


It started out in skate 1 like it is in real life...your just skating along and something bad happens to you...you bail or you get hit by a car and Oh look at that i broke my pelvis...


then you take that idea that was real to its irl counterpart and you say lets make a whole damn game mode out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!............
so instead of skate 2 and 3 we have instead HALL OF MEAT & HALL OF MEAT 2.....

miracle whip goddamn clothes

I understand why i hate this game....but why is it so bad...

FUCK Skate 3.....................................

Im getting on skate 3 in a couple hours cause its 1 of 2 games i got....


pairsprowlin 666
08-17-2011, 04:16 AM
you are so right about that skate 2 trailer everything on that game is really vibrant but on that trailer it looks good and it sound good damit

08-17-2011, 05:09 AM
Dude demos even felt different the shades and shit were overthought asthetics but if you cant enjoy skate 3 bite your fucking tongue more updates than the other skates just because they cared and more complained delete your update and play offline and try to film shit and in hardcore you pop higher you dont even know.. Blackbox went out with a bangin in my eyes.. I dont know how you can hate on arcade air in megaparks though.. So much fun getting huge air and switching to hardcore for certain things not mentioned but just sayin Personally I hate all the negativity and I dont mean advice dont get it twisted.. People getting kicked from online sessions others that just check in to leave a rude remark on videos.. Were lucky we even got skate 3 dude.

08-17-2011, 05:36 AM
Dude demos even felt different the shades and shit were overthought asthetics but if you cant enjoy skate 3 bite your fucking tongue more updates than the other skates just because they cared and more complained delete your update and play offline and try to film shit and in hardcore you pop higher you dont even know.. Blackbox went out with a bangin in my eyes.. I dont know how you can hate on arcade air in megaparks though.. So much fun getting huge air and switching to hardcore for certain things not mentioned but just sayin Personally I hate all the negativity and I dont mean advice dont get it twisted.. People getting kicked from online sessions others that just check in to leave a rude remark on videos.. Were lucky we even got skate 3 dude.

i had to pause what i was listening to so i could read that.....

i didnt hate on big air or mega parks in that wall of text up there....i specifically hated on Hall of Meat and the Clothes....
Skate 1 had big air and such but it was still a skateboarding game....
Skate 3 on the other hand was built for 150 ft rails over 200 sets and ledges everywhere and then hardcore mode was thrown in as an after thought...it feels wrong

i dont feel lucky for getting skate 3...honestly i coulda done with out it if i knew it would be this bland.....YEAH I said Bland...its the same damn game they just changed the colors...they didnt fix anything....more or less broke things that already worked...
And if they didnt change something they just left it on the disk and made you pay for it again....

So basically im sticking with my main idea that skate 3 is a Piece O Shit

08-17-2011, 05:51 AM
I still don't think any of them have flowed as well as OG Skate when it was first shown on Rob & Big.
Rob & Big Season 1 Episode 3 "Travel" was when they went to Vancouver to do mo-cap work for the game.
They got to sit down and play an early build which to me just looked more solid and realistic in motion. It's roughly about 5m into the episode when Rob is playing the game with Cuz. Here is a link to the episode on mtv.com which is poor resolution to me, but still gives you the idea. I think this was the first showing of the game anywhere outside of conventions.


08-17-2011, 06:22 AM
Yeah, would have been great to get a game like that. Sadly it was all pre rendered and not actual gameplay

08-17-2011, 07:47 AM
Obviously if you rush a project for the fans it was not going to be perfect even og had flaws but it wont please everyone right go buy skate 2 if you hate skate 3 and keep playing it youre a douche.. Sorry. Skate 2 is like 17 bucks and my post was another rant "not mentioned but just sayin" but fuck reading it all eh discussions suck

08-17-2011, 07:50 AM
this reminds me of the old EA forums when any new info would drop we would all forget our beefs and screen cap the hell out of every clip. If you had any new incite to what we all had watched 1000 times already, you would brag about being the "FIRST"
I could remember the fluckit chat box was buzzing with speculations and todays lunch.
good times

08-17-2011, 07:52 AM
I don't get tired of saying how proud and I am of playing just skate 2 and exclusively skate 2.

Actually I can't be more happy having my ps3 broken. Because now the one who broke it is gonna pay me a new one, and I can play skate 2 from the start again, and ride some spots that resulted modified during carreer play (like area behind monster's and such).

I wont play skate 3 in my house not even If some dude give it to me as a gift or something. Not even that.

08-17-2011, 07:57 AM
What would they add to skate 4 anyway where would the crazy story go

08-17-2011, 08:22 AM
OG still has the smoothest animations and physics. Wonder how long it'll take till everyone comes crawling back...

08-17-2011, 10:50 AM
OG still has the smoothest animations and physics. Wonder how long it'll take till everyone comes crawling back...

skate 3 servers suck so i might as well play skate 1 or 2....

lol according to antwan im a douche for having an opinion that didnt match his?...skate 3 is a decent game to find in a 20 dollar bin but for 60 dollars plus dlc it coulda been hella better....disappointment at an all time high

Skate 4 they should have it like an EA sports game...no gay ass stories just focus on the skating...but whos gonna buy that game besides us? no one therefor it wont be made and we are stuck with 3 games that could have stepped up with each instalment but didnt....skate 2 was a huge step from skate 1 but skate 3 is just skate 2 with nothing in it

08-17-2011, 11:53 AM
Not gonna lie, I felt a certain way going from Skate 1 to Skate 2. That's why I only played Skate 2 for a day.

It was much later on that I heard it's praises from actual players rather than the usual reviews that just commend based on more features.

For me, I can't tell you what it was, other than I initially thought they were trying to turn Skate 2 into one of those later year Tony hawk games with getting off the board, park creator shit. Fan-service. OG Skate did look and feel smoother. I'm sure no one doubts that anymore. But I think with the "restrictions" it had(aka features that weren't in S2 and S3) I think it did MORE with what it had. And this allowed us to appreciate it more. It stayed pretty honest throughout. Very few games do that anymore.

That's how I see it.

08-17-2011, 12:15 PM
fuck skate 3
and fuckckckcckckckckc new bloodz

08-17-2011, 12:43 PM
(death of engine)
whats funny is after s1....
everyone asked for more shit thus in turn making the devs alter and fuck with the original code....
thus in turn making shit worse and worse...
while everyone was still asking for more and more skateboarding wise...
not improvements...
just more shit in general....

(death of hype)
i like how everyone remembers the 2 month old build from rob and big and thinks that was a reality when it came to the games "feel"...
im gonna sound like an ass here but...
we all know that it was never going to look like that from the first actual trailer we got...

(death of series)
i like knowing how much the budget was for s2 and s3...
because if you did your jaw would be on the floor in amazement for what we have now....

i could go on about insider info and stuff i directly helped with but at this point its all cannon fodder...

s3 as it was going to be....

same city...
create a graphic ingame...no sharing....
no cap....
no difficulty settings...
no style options...
no drop-ables...only move-ables ah la s2...

and to be clear macks arguments are just...
i agree with them...

could you only play one version of a game for ten years?....
you only get one COD for ten years....which one?....
your allowed only one madden for ten years...what year version?....

this mentality is lost with the post 1990 generation...
it is not directly your fault...
its been conditioned since cpu companies decided to marginally upgrade perfectly good hardware every year...
all the way up untill now where we need a the most in-signification upgrades to phones that work just fine and could work fine for many years...

go play s1 for ten years and get back to me...

08-17-2011, 01:25 PM
I hate s3 too. Mack is dead-on.

I think, if you love skateboarding (in the modern, current sense) then youre disappointed in the direction the series went--thats why the community went to shit and continues to die.
The game is made for gamers...not skateboarders. And why? ..because that was EA's way of increasing sales--impressing real skaterborders and giving them a game they would love was furthest from their minds.

What made OG great was that it was made by skateboarders for skateboarders.
My speculation is that, as the series went on, less and less of each development team actually knew about skateboarding, and they had no clue that what they were making was complete crap. Who in their right mind would try to pass off these shitty animations and ugly-ass character designs?

08-17-2011, 01:53 PM
The game is made for gamers...not skateboarders.

period. to the skateboader/ skateboarding fan...

the game thats most relevant to skateboarding wins. OG was about simulation. Skate 3 was about scoring points.

08-17-2011, 02:13 PM
Me and Jack talked about this just the other day... I agree with most people in this thread.

The game is made for gamers...not skateboarders. And why? ..because that was EA's way of increasing sales--impressing real skaterborders and giving them a game they would love was furthest from their minds. That (in bold) seems to have been nothing but a terrible business decision. Have a look at the Berrics, Street League, Dew Tour, X-Games. Concrete parks popping up everywhere like pimples on prepubescent boys. Skateboarding in commercials etc. Skateboarding is huge right now and it keeps getting bigger.

My speculation is that, as the series went on, less and less of each development team actually knew about skateboarding, and they had no clue that what they were making was complete crap. Who in their right mind would try to pass off these shitty animations and ugly-ass character designs?
I might be wrong; but, this decay so to speak could perhaps be traced all the way back to Blackwood leaving?

08-17-2011, 03:14 PM
Wether or not you comprehend it im not sure but you dont hate what skate 3 is or you wouldnt play it you hate what skate 3 isnt I skate and like all three so im done posting here you know where to find me.. If you dont like something and keep doing it it is a bit obscure its silly.. This is silly. A real skater adapts.. But beside the point keep filming in a game you hate.

08-17-2011, 03:27 PM
Wether or not you comprehend it im not sure but you dont hate what skate 3 is or you wouldnt play it you hate what skate 3 isnt I skate and like all three so im done posting here you know where to find me.. If you dont like something and keep doing it it is a bit obscure its silly.. This is silly. A real skater adapts.. But beside the point keep filming in a game you hate.
That is a bit contradictory. You said it yourself: a real skater adapts.
I'm only talking for myself but I hate the game only in comparison to its prequels. If skate 3 was the only skate game we had we'd all be thrilled; however, the disdain arises from how bad it actually is compared to what it should have been.

08-17-2011, 03:28 PM
If you dont like something and keep doing it it is a bit obscure its silly.

thank you!

08-17-2011, 03:36 PM
Me and Jack talked about this just the other day... I agree with most people in this thread.
That (in bold) seems to have been nothing but a terrible business decision. Have a look at the Berrics, Street League, Dew Tour, X-Games. Concrete parks popping up everywhere like pimples on prepubescent boys. Skateboarding in commercials etc. Skateboarding is huge right now and it keeps getting bigger.Skateboarding has definitely grown over the past decade and is doing well again after the 90's death/lull.
However, from a business decision is was a normal progression for the series.
They were trying to pull in the THPS crowd which is not skateboarders in general.
If you look at THPS for the most part it is a platformer with a skateboard motif (minor exceptions here and there).
Trying to get them to enjoy Skate meant allowing more leeway into arcade style gameplay.
This upset many of us, but having worked in the industry I understood the change.

I myself still enjoy certain aspects of OG Skate, Skate 2, and Skate 3.
Skate 3 is what I play the most simply because I have more options.
Long ago I did a write up on the EA forums of how I would like a remix game done.
To me OG should be the core, but 2 and 3 definitely have some nice features.
Play what you enjoy till you don't enjoy it anymore.
Hell, I still play Thrasher and that game is 12 years old almost.

08-17-2011, 03:46 PM
Wether or not you comprehend it im not sure but you dont hate what skate 3 is or you wouldnt play it you hate what skate 3 isnt I skate and like all three so im done posting here you know where to find me.. If you dont like something and keep doing it it is a bit obscure its silly.. This is silly. A real skater adapts.. But beside the point keep filming in a game you hate.

I don't think you understand
i love being mad

08-17-2011, 05:57 PM
Antwan is sort of right in the fact that I hate what skate 3 isnt, but what he fails to understand is I also hate what it is -- horrible animations, bad character design, glitchy physics, non-functioning features, etc. The list goes on.. I think he also misunderstands that some of us want to play this game for a certain experience that it cannot offer, because its catered to a whole different audience and poorly supported. Being open-minded works both ways, dude.

I also think that replicant is also right in the fact that all three games have great features; to have them all wrapped up into one game (OG being at its core) would be a great thing that a lot of us would appreciate--its just not the way it worked out.

Knex said it best in that "the disdain arises from how bad it actually is compared to what it should have been," because we know what we could of had with s3, it just didnt happen the way we wanted it to. Myself personally, Im kind of offended by that.

We're allowed to be unhappy with it and still play the game regardless because we're trying to live the immortal words of Cuz, "its going to be what you make it." Its just that patience has worn thin for me and I hardly play it anymore. The only reason I do is in order to fulfill certain commitments to other players that still want to create videos. I do still like being a part of that stuff but, to tell you the truth, its getting harder because this broken peice-of-shit game wont let me.

08-17-2011, 06:19 PM
2 points and I'll step away.
1. the community is coming back to life slowly but surely, downloads for graphics and parks are crawling up to high numbers weekly I've seen shit with 100+ in 3-4 days.

2. Honestly, I feel we're to conditioned to having everything being tailor made perfect to how we want it, as antwan said, a skater adapts. If you don't like points, cruise with like minded people, if you hate the city skate caps, if you hate caps and the city you're kind of in you're own shit and should stop playing the game. But the point is skate 3 may not be perfect but the endless amount of range for creativity in the fields of personal style, graphics, C.A.P.'s and filming and how all these things can be carried out beyond the limits of the game is amazing in and of itself.

I won't say that anything is concrete fact, this is just my opinion on the whole ordeal that is Skate 3.

08-17-2011, 06:46 PM
The comunity is coming back?
For who? There is maybe MAYBE 5% of the og crowd still around.
Maybe 20% of s2 (that number is surely high)

No offense (yeah right) I don't want any new guys for the most part. Mostly because if they weren't around before now they were too young or they aren't the type of dudes I originally gravitated towards. Mainly curent or ex skaters that enjoyed similar interests not just the game.

As far as the game itself I respect both sides of the argument. I have gotten over a year of satisfaction out of this game which is just as much as the other 2. Some things totally frustrate me, but the trade off for the added features (cap for s3) (afc for s2) are fine with me. But if the way the game went caused other cool folks to quit playing then I'd rather have what they want. A lot of my friends moved out of state, have kids etc etc I was never part of any social network or forum before skate and besides like Facebook I doubt I ever will. When all this is over for good, I'll def miss the comunity more than the game.

08-17-2011, 06:57 PM
I still enjoy skate 3.

+ 2 cents.

08-17-2011, 07:02 PM
Eh. I just don't see why you'd put a hinderances on the growth of the community by saying you don't want any new people. Like I didn't use the forums till this game played every game since OG just hated xbox live and if the locals only mentality was carried I'd have never met all you rad people.

08-17-2011, 07:12 PM
There are cool new guys, that's not what I'm saying. But the very few additions of cool guys are coming waaaay slower than the departure of current cool guys.

08-17-2011, 07:21 PM
To answer the op original question, you would absolutely have to agree with knex or hesh I can't remember who mentioned it but that when Scott Blackwood left "thing changed"

I can't put my finger on it and I have 0 inside knowledge but the entire "feel" of the franchise changed

quantum ch33ze
08-22-2011, 10:15 PM
i dont mind the game, theres things i like and dont like about it, OG was still my favorite minus a few things, but s2 is iffy for me, i tried it today, but wasnt really feeling it, id be stoked(and so would many other people) if EA went with replicant's idea on a "remake game" where they change a few things to make it better for people who actually skate. when i first bought the game i thought it would be the best it was gonna get as far as realism for skaters. but like i said, i still like the game, it just annoys me that its not as good as it should be, because of what hesh said, its meant for gamers, not people who skate.

08-23-2011, 01:37 PM
Where did the skate series go completely wrong?

ea produced it