View Full Version : Kilian Martin [Video Section]

09-12-2011, 05:09 AM
Kilian updated his website yesterday with a video section showcasing his work with Brett Novak and also footage from various contests, commercials, and other projects. Enjoy!

Kilian Martin - Videos (http://www.kilianmartin.net/video-a-skate-regeneration/)

09-12-2011, 06:46 AM
at first it was kinda fun to see him reproduce Mullen's tricks...not as creative as every one says but whatever, it was different, not really 21st century skateboarding, still enjoyable though.
But the fashion part is so fucking lame...

Ps replicant : the gif in your signature should be removed ! it gives annoying lags even with a good comp / good connection

09-12-2011, 08:25 AM
at first it was kinda fun to see him reproduce Mullen's tricks...not as creative as every one says but whatever, it was different, not really 21st century skateboarding, still enjoyable though.
But the fashion part is so fucking lame...

Yeah, gonna have to completely disagree with you on pretty much all counts. He started out with Mullen's tricks (and other freestyle skaters of the 70's/80's) and then made them his own. It's the same sort of progression that you saw with Daewon Song really stepping up the program of tech and street mixed plus obstacles. Mullen, Song, and Martin all have moved (or are still moving) skateboarding in different ways. As for not being creative I think you and I watched different videos because Skate Illustration, Escalation, and Regeneration have pushed the envelope on creativity in ways that nobody has done in the past 6-7 years (Almost Cheese and Crackers the only real exception during this time period.).

As for not really 21st century skateboarding?... I have no fucking clue what you are talking about here. He's took the old and turned it into something new plus incorporated much of the new as well. Is he throwing switch-flips down a 9 stair? No... However, Prod, Tpud, Cole, Nyjah, Lizard, Mo, etc would break their damn necks trying to pull off half the shit he is doing. He's thinking outside of the box and skating for fun and progression. His Powell-Peralta sponsorship now might see him getting onto a larger stage and let him show off more of his talents in the street the way he did in the Concrete Circus Documentary. 2:14-2:19 in Skate Illustration by itself shows you he is in a class of his own right now among tech skaters in the 21st century.

As for the fashion thing... Kilian digs clothes, music from the crooner era, and they give him cash for a couple hours work that most of us don't make in a couple months. Can't blame the guy for getting a paycheck for things he likes. </shrug>

09-12-2011, 09:13 AM
my bad it seems i didn't watch the right videos. I saw an old one (man about town) and tricks were really similar to mullen's. And i recently watched that weird elite demo (too much ballerine stuff imo). my mistake was to think he only did that kind of 80s freestyle tricks in a fashion context.
i'll watch the other videos and i guess i will agree with you.

09-12-2011, 12:59 PM
i agree with the sig though. I'm not a fan of animated gif's for av's or sig's, they used to not even work here. There used to be some fucking annoying ass ones at EA and you could come here for a eye break. I like them for a quick look see, but they distract from what you want to look at (at least for me they do) and they are usually only funny the first time you see them.

I used to get amped seeing Killian Martins stuff kind of like I do when I see a well filmed Danny MacAskill part. But to me they have gotten a little repetitive, maybe to many 1 foot mannies. I'm still a fan and its nice to have the link to look at but he has lost his luster a bit with me. Ever since I started seeing some of that Asian stuff he doesn't seem as unique.

09-12-2011, 03:12 PM
definitely my kinda skating, could watch this stuff all day. Every trick was creative and out of the box. Love the quirky and freestyle kinda skaters.

09-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Ever since I started seeing some of that Asian stuff he doesn't seem as unique.
The very same thing happened to me, but with porn.

09-12-2011, 09:09 PM
The very same thing happened to me, but with porn.

Thin line between porn and this level of skating. Both give me a boner, to be quite honest.