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View Full Version : Help with making videos fit screen.

09-12-2011, 07:09 PM
I notice a lot of you newer people have issues with making your final edits fit the screen and I don't know about the rest of the folks here, but that is one thing that truly irritates me and deters me from watching videos so I want to share with you a few techniques that may help you.

If anyone else has suggestions/tips/other methods then please post them here as well, but i'm just going to post a few methods.

1. Video Tags

Sometimes when your video doesn't fit the screen, you can fix it without having to go through your editor settings and re-rendering the whole thing over again, although this does cause a small lose of quality from your video.


Go to the 'Edit Video' options for the video you want fixed and go to the tags section then add this to the end of it, minus the quotation marks of course.

'yt:stretch=16:9 yt:crop=16:9'
now if that doesn't work, I would suggest putting this instead

'yt:stretch=4:3 yt:crop=16:9'.
I've only used those two methods for certain videos, but both have worked so that's why I only have those two listed.

2. Sony Vegas Event Pan/Cropping

I will post screenshots with instructions since this might be a bit more confusing for some of you, it isn't too hard and it really helps you make the video fit, even if all your problem is the little black bars on top and bottom. My screenshots will consist of skate 2 clips, but the same method works for 3 so don't worry about that.


1. When your clips are in the timeline, right click one of them and go to 'Video Event Pan/Crop'


2. When the window pops up, right click over the clip and 'Match Output Aspect'


Note: With skate 2 clips, you will only have to press match output aspect once for the clip to fit, but with skate 3 clips, you will have to click match output aspect, then match source aspect then match output aspect once again and then your skate 3 clip will fit.


If your properties for the project isn't set for what the resolution you want the final product to be in isn't right, (Such as you want it to be 720p, but you have the properties set up for 480p) I can't guarantee using the match output source method is going to make it fit properly, but you can work around this by manualing increasing/decreasing the frame size until it looks like the clip fits.

I will update this if anyone else helps since these are the only methods I can recall that work, for me, and I would like to help others make their videos fit.

If you ask for help with another editor, I cannot help you because I do not have any experience with them. Hopefully someone else can help you though.

09-12-2011, 08:04 PM
In Adobe Premier, at the render settings window, you can click the crop button at the top left of the video preview, then select 16:9 from the drop down menu to the right. This will bring up a white square on the video preview. Shrink that down (the box will remain at 16:9 so you can only resize from corner points) so you crop out any black on the preview and there's just pretty video inside the square, render and TADA!!! your video will fit snugly into YT widescreen scrumptiousness, Like so:


09-13-2011, 12:27 AM
If using Pinnacle Studio 12, you still have any crop options you want, but the program defaults to whatever your first clip selected is. So as long as all your clips are the same size, everything will fill the screen.


09-13-2011, 05:37 AM
I have never mastered this art

09-13-2011, 05:52 AM
Damn Briden nice to see there's another guy also using Pinnacle Studio =) I'm using 15 but it's kinda same programm. Do u have magic bullet extension for 12 ?
SOrry for jacking Noted.

I don't know about other programs (Premiere Pro, Vegas, FinalCut or MovieMaker) but you can ask me anything about Pinnacle =)

09-13-2011, 06:38 AM
note on the stretch tags.
they dont apply if your using the html5 player, so for the future all vids using this will be showed in the wrong aspect, same on all mobile devices right now.

09-13-2011, 01:43 PM
Damn Briden nice to see there's another guy also using Pinnacle Studio =) I'm using 15 but it's kinda same programm. Do u have magic bullet extension for 12 ?

I do have magic bullet, but never really took the time to mess around with it for more than a few minutes. Is it worth it?

09-13-2011, 03:52 PM
note on the stretch tags.
they dont apply if your using the html5 player, so for the future all vids using this will be showed in the wrong aspect, same on all mobile devices right now.

This... alot of y'alls videos look funny on my phone.