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View Full Version : Industrial Alley,DLC needed

09-24-2011, 09:39 AM
Here we go guys, this is park park that i just finished up yesterday and i can't get enough of it
DLC: Create pack/after dark pack
Style: realistic, hardcore
Link: http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=xbox#sortBy=MOST_RECENT&filter=ALLTIME&slice=search&galleryType=USER&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&itemId=1965678

Main Road:

Alley entrance:



The mini inside the factory:

Drainage halfpipe:

P.S.: leave comments,concerns, and constructive criticism below

Inpired by: mattyman512,ohmidineffect,Ay platypus, and old-skooler 34

09-24-2011, 10:33 AM
I do have to say this but it looks like u have taken Ay Platypus's park and u have basicaly taken his park layout and changed a few things! Well it looks like u have!

You are getting better at park making and I jst think its about time you come up with something thats yur own. You can us other peoples spots but make it yur own!

P.S. Don't be hating on British people!

09-24-2011, 10:38 AM
all i used from Ay platypus was the entrance to the alley, and another thing, i don't hate on british people.I realize u think i stole his park just because mine and his look ALITTLE alike and once again the only thing alike is the factory style and the alley enterence which plenty of other people use too.

09-24-2011, 10:48 AM
I didn't say tht u stole it! what I said was that the layout was the say but the park isn't that bad.

09-24-2011, 11:21 AM
looks pretty good dude. have to say matty i dont agree tht hes stealin platypus park, there are a load of industrial parks coming out at the moment and you could say the same thing about alot of them. book'd.

09-24-2011, 11:53 AM
Strange, I got the vibe that he stole a lot of ideas from old skooler, I know those barriers in the middle of the street were his idea and using the tv's pillars upside down.

09-24-2011, 12:04 PM
derk- i used the upside down branded piece because it is more convenient than any other piece to act as a pillar

the barriers that i put in, i've seen lots of people use, not just old-skooler 34

09-24-2011, 12:22 PM
The park looks like a lot of fun. Good stuff!

09-24-2011, 01:37 PM
Just to chime in, mr. master has had a record of "stealing" peoples stuff, but we have seen him come up with stuff on his own. I don't think stealing exists in this game, it's just borrowing. All you really have to do is shout out the person when you borrow it.

09-24-2011, 01:56 PM
can I jst clear something! I arn't saying that he's stealing! I saying that the layout of the park looked the same! Is That Clear?

09-24-2011, 02:09 PM
As a veteran park creater...i have to tell u i like this. It's too bad i'm releasing lil bit similar park in couple days. I don't like using word stealing cause everyone does it. I mean everyones stealing. Everyone has stolen something since first parks created. In my opinion that thing is called "sharing". Have you guys ever heard about it ? That "sharing" keeps our tiny community alive. We really have to share. I don't mind if people here uses word steal from sharing but i guess theres another meaning for word steal hahah :)

Anyways; that park really reminds me from many industrial parks seen here before. It's probably not bad but people here would like to see something new. They don't want to download park they have seen before. I'm sorry but it's the rude true. I bet u have seen and skated my parks and u know ive made many of them. And ive been crating them for long time. my point wasnt advertise my parks. My point was to tell you to try to create something unseen. Im always trying to do that and that might be the reason why my parks are that popular. No hating for Finland or finnish people cause im the only one here :)

Edit: sorry for some writing failureS here because of writing this with phone :)

09-25-2011, 10:38 AM
wiltzuh make more parks, you fucking european
thIs PaRk LeWkZ CoOl

09-25-2011, 11:12 AM
wiltzuh make more parks, you fucking european
thIs PaRk LeWkZ CoOl

Two in progress...i'm targeting u. you fucking starman !
Still mean my words i said even i was bit drunk when i wrote that. Stealing = Sharing =)

09-25-2011, 11:55 AM
CAP is all about stealing, its what makes us so Gangsta..:p Seriously though just about every one of my parks has an Idea taken or given to me by someone else. I also love it when I see an idea I came up with in other peoples parks.

Park looks good! Consider the back left building in pic 3 stolen. If I had to give advice I would say only use the stock pad flooring as a last resort. Always try to use something with a more interesting texture first.

09-25-2011, 12:01 PM
CAP is all about stealing, its what makes us so Gangsta.

haha yeah when i clicked on this post i felt like i've seen evreything before but what got to me was the layout isnt really that different from the parks he got ideas from. lets face it most ideas have already been done but truley its how the ideas are arranged. its like coping peoples homework you get their points but you dont put it down exactly:p. park does looks pretty nice though just foucs on orginallity

09-25-2011, 01:22 PM
I don't mean to hijack this thread but some of you already did so I'm gonna throw my two cents in. Like Wiltzuh I've been building parks since day one and I'd like to think some people recognize my parks and my style by now.

Stealing = sharing, yes I agree. Sharing is gangsta too :p

However, and old-skooler touched on this, you have to give something back to the community! If you only steal/borrow/copy other peoples' ideas the park building goes into this vicious cycle where all parks are just more or less copies of each other. That takes us nowhere, fast!

I never ever release a park without at least one new idea in it. I try to cram in many. Some of my parks exist just because of one new idea (The Wall for example).

So steal away as long as you also build something that others can take and modify and play around with.

09-25-2011, 01:46 PM
Some words of wiseness from wise man of Sweden ! Swedish people can create parks. In fakeskating but as well they have best real skateparks in the world. So listen Swede ! <3