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teh m1L3z
09-28-2011, 12:36 AM
add me: im rob white

i want some ppl that'll play that shit with me. more ppl more fun.

09-28-2011, 04:51 AM
So xbox/ps3 or pc? :P I'm on the xbox beta atm. getting the open beta on pcon the 29th. Seanne1986 on both xbox and origin.

teh m1L3z
09-28-2011, 09:28 AM
xbox as well.

xbl is im rob white

origin is mjlez

09-29-2011, 08:09 AM
goddamn the game is awesome, and i know it's a beta, but it's got so many glitches and bugs, snipers should be a little bit stronger, because come on, headshot not 1 shot kill??

09-29-2011, 09:20 AM
goddamn the game is awesome, and i know it's a beta, but it's got so many glitches and bugs, snipers should be a little bit stronger, because come on, headshot not 1 shot kill??

There is indeed alot of glitches atm.. But that's what the Beta is for.. So the players can give DICE some feedback.

Played alot on xbox from 27th till yesterday.. Tried the beta on the PC today on ultra settings.. My god what a graphic boost from console. And it's running so much more smooth than the console.
Eitherway.. still getting it for PC and console.

09-29-2011, 01:18 PM
Apparently the same ppl working on the skate reel is in charge of the multiplayer on the beta; because all im getting is "connection to ea online lost" at title screen.... >< grrrrr.

09-29-2011, 01:55 PM
Beta = limited server bandwith, hence the connection issues.

Gameplay is miles ahead of any shooter. Haven't had any trouble with snipers... Double tap is your friend. Later recon lvls get smg secondary...

09-29-2011, 02:17 PM

09-29-2011, 02:50 PM
Beta = limited server bandwith, hence the connection issues.

Gameplay is miles ahead of any shooter. Haven't had any trouble with snipers... Double tap is your friend. Later recon lvls get smg secondary...
so true, it seems like all shooters before were childplay..

@ monk, i'm having the same problem now too

@Seanne, wish i had a good pc :( damn, ultra? that's a pretty sick pc you got there

09-29-2011, 03:44 PM
so true, it seems like all shooters before were childplay..

@ monk, i'm having the same problem now too

@Seanne, wish i had a good pc :( damn, ultra? that's a pretty sick pc you got there

I can currently run ultra at around 30-40 fps even though I just overclocked my gfx card a little.. should overclock my CPU but have no idea how to do that.. Currently playing in high settings at 60-70 fps.

About my pc.
Yeah I bought this gaming rig like 2 month's ago just for this game.

Currently have a 6-core processor, 16gb RAM, amd hd 6950 2gb gfx card and so on :) Shame though that the motherboard doesn't support Crossfire. Give 2 gfx cards lol

09-29-2011, 03:54 PM
This game is phenomenal. No FPS comes close.

09-29-2011, 04:13 PM
Apparently the same ppl working on the skate reel is in charge of the multiplayer on the beta; because all im getting is "connection to ea online lost" at title screen.... >< grrrrr.
Weirest thing though.. Is when Kush and I tried to join the same server and squad.. ended up with us on same server but different teams lol. happened all day yesterday on xbox.. like wth? :P

09-29-2011, 04:51 PM
Downloading beta for Ps3. 27% to go...

Watching atm all the gameplay footy on youtube for hype purposes.

teh m1L3z
09-29-2011, 08:10 PM
im getting on now. hit me up if anyones down.

im rob white

09-29-2011, 08:59 PM
Weirest thing though.. Is when Kush and I tried to join the same server and squad.. ended up with us on same server but different teams lol. happened all day yesterday on xbox.. like wth? :P

Embers and I were having the same issue. Not sure what's going on.

BTW.. You can use battlelog with the beta. Everything everyone has said is posted on the forum so dice knows... but battle log is fuckin cool

09-30-2011, 02:14 AM
Weirest thing though.. Is when Kush and I tried to join the same server and squad.. ended up with us on same server but different teams lol. happened all day yesterday on xbox.. like wth? :P
yeah i had that too! so strange.. and how much did that monster cost you?

oh and just a minute ago, i got killed by nothing xD i just got hit out of the wall and died, and then seeing that nobody had killed me lol

09-30-2011, 03:27 AM
yeah i had that too! so strange.. and how much did that monster cost you?

oh and just a minute ago, i got killed by nothing xD i just got hit out of the wall and died, and then seeing that nobody had killed me lol

1150 euro it cost me.. which is quite cheap tbh.

teh m1L3z
09-30-2011, 04:15 PM
add me on battlelog


10-01-2011, 03:42 PM
oh I won't be able to play BF3 because I'll be banned!

Right I've found a glitch

I was laying down on the platform station trying defend B in the metro right after the first outdoor part yeh! This guy who was on the enemy team was shooting at me for a while now and I didn't notice it! I didn't loose health while he was shooting at me! I thought it was my mate who was randomly shooting at me since I didn't loose any health so I thought nothing of it. I then realise it was an enemy shooting at me so I got up quickly and killed them!

Now He's getting me banned from the real game because of a glitch I did not notice about!

Is that Pathetic or not? actually banning some1 that wasn't my fault! Thts so Pathetic!

Has any1 came across this before?

10-01-2011, 05:00 PM
PSN agusbmxargtcub

I'm pawning americanos like a madman atm.

10-01-2011, 06:01 PM
oh I won't be able to play BF3 because I'll be banned!

Right I've found a glitch

I was laying down on the platform station trying defend B in the metro right after the first outdoor part yeh! This guy who was on the enemy team was shooting at me for a while now and I didn't notice it! I didn't loose health while he was shooting at me! I thought it was my mate who was randomly shooting at me since I didn't loose any health so I thought nothing of it. I then realise it was an enemy shooting at me so I got up quickly and killed them!

Now He's getting me banned from the real game because of a glitch I did not notice about!

Is that Pathetic or not? actually banning some1 that wasn't my fault! Thts so Pathetic!

Has any1 came across this before?

Have you notifed EA/DICE about what happened?

10-01-2011, 07:29 PM
oh I won't be able to play BF3 because I'll be banned!

Right I've found a glitch

I was laying down on the platform station trying defend B in the metro right after the first outdoor part yeh! This guy who was on the enemy team was shooting at me for a while now and I didn't notice it! I didn't loose health while he was shooting at me! I thought it was my mate who was randomly shooting at me since I didn't loose any health so I thought nothing of it. I then realise it was an enemy shooting at me so I got up quickly and killed them!

Now He's getting me banned from the real game because of a glitch I did not notice about!

Is that Pathetic or not? actually banning some1 that wasn't my fault! Thts so Pathetic!

Has any1 came across this before?

lol you're not getting banned.

10-02-2011, 09:06 AM
pretty dope game. Never played the shit out of a demo/beta like with this one --> so PREORDERED :D

10-02-2011, 11:09 AM


10-02-2011, 01:01 PM
these servers are getting on my nerves like shit

10-02-2011, 01:19 PM
Note: Im Addicted. I cant wait for new levels:)

10-02-2011, 03:50 PM
haha me too

10-02-2011, 04:58 PM
SH0RT_R1BZ psn. that's a 0 and a 1. i usually play mw2 n skate 3 as i only own 4 titles right now, but ive been loggin in hrs to the BF3 beta. would play more but i always seem to get stuck on shit teams!

10-02-2011, 05:04 PM
Battlefield is hard regardless if you don't have a decent squad. So, since the beta is having trouble keeping squads matched up its tough. I'm trying to not play the hell out of the beta, i always have done that then you always have one map on release day that you're already SICK of.

10-02-2011, 07:30 PM
I cant even count how many times i've fallen through the floor in the first part while trying to capture A.

I still fucking love this game.

10-02-2011, 08:47 PM
Its a polished game by all means. However, bf3 is fucking hard haha. I realized that today. I can't see my enemy from 20 yards away. On CoD you can kill from across the map. I guess thats what is good about this game. It takes skill. It is going to fun to get good at bf3.

10-03-2011, 09:22 AM
There is indeed alot of glitches atm.. But that's what the Beta is for.. So the players can give DICE some feedback.

Played alot on xbox from 27th till yesterday.. Tried the beta on the PC today on ultra settings.. My god what a graphic boost from console. And it's running so much more smooth than the console.
Eitherway.. still getting it for PC and console.
Haven't experienced a lot of bugs,expect for the groundfalling,which happened maybe like 3 times and the random one-hitting.
Also about the graphics settings; there are barely any differences between the settings. It doesnt matter if I'm playing on low or high,my gpu usage is always about 90%,so these will propably be not the final graphics.

btw, 16gig ram is such overkill haha

[...]snipers should be a little bit stronger, because come on, headshot not 1 shot kill??
always was a one-hit for me.
sv is so easy to snipe with...

Origin: aIszheimerr

10-03-2011, 03:26 PM
Haven't experienced a lot of bugs,expect for the groundfalling,which happened maybe like 3 times and the random one-hitting.
Also about the graphics settings; there are barely any differences between the settings. It doesnt matter if I'm playing on low or high,my gpu usage is always about 90%,so these will propably be not the final graphics.

btw, 16gig ram is such overkill haha

always was a one-hit for me.
sv is so easy to snipe with...

Origin: aIszheimerr

I atleast thought there were ome difference in the graphics from xbox to pc. Realized later that the ultra graphics arent in the beta. So high and ultra is the same. I still though think this game will blow my mind away when it's released.. even though there's ALOT of hate on the battlelog/BF3 forums atm. Got some news that the beta is over a month old version of the game, and that this beta's main purpose is to test the new back end dedicated server structure etc (which I kinda already knew) http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2011/10/03/battlefield-3-open-beta-update-2.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage

btw the 16gb ram was included with the pc :) It said on the company site that 8bg was included. But later found out that it had 16bg in it :P
I ain't complaining lol.

10-03-2011, 06:41 PM
16gig Ram won't be overkill in 6 months...

10-03-2011, 08:19 PM

10-04-2011, 07:39 AM
wait what, caspian border? that's not from the beta right?

10-04-2011, 08:20 AM
16gig Ram won't be overkill in 6 months...

not sure if serious.

I atleast thought there were ome difference in the graphics from xbox to pc. Realized later that the ultra graphics arent in the beta. So high and ultra is the same. I still though think this game will blow my mind away when it's released.. even though there's ALOT of hate on the battlelog/BF3 forums atm.
btw the 16gb ram was included with the pc :) It said on the company site that 8bg was included. But later found out that it had 16bg in it :P
I ain't complaining lol.
of course it'll look better on pc ;)
i actually really like battlelog,nice fast start directly into the action and the ability to take a look into your stats when you're not in game etc.

@16gbram; nice surprise there i guess :D

wait what, caspian border? that's not from the beta right?
yea,you could play it on the pc for like 3 days or something

10-04-2011, 08:54 AM
I have mix feelings about the battlelog. Sure it might be convinent.. but I would like it even more if there ALSO was an in-game server browser/campaign/co-op option as well as battlelog.. Imagine if your internet goes down for some reason, or battlelog for the matter.. how would you play offline then I ask? :P
I've been looking around the battlelog forums a bit and I found a brilliant thread for feedback. Lets hope DICE takes alot of these suggestions into consideration.

Pretty much agree more or less on everything. Warning though.. it's a wall of text


SK8ERatWAR. The CB map was a passworded server which only a few random/selected players could play.. How ever the password got out quickly and the servers where flooded.
I never got the chance to play it.. which I guess is good because I don't wanna ruin my reactions when the full game is finally out.

The CB servers are now down like maqqot said.

10-04-2011, 09:04 AM
I'm heading downtown today, will pre-buy this game. Goodbye savings...

10-04-2011, 12:54 PM
I was dead serious, wanna debate it? People said the same thing about 8gig on my lappy when I got it last year.

10-04-2011, 02:19 PM
the only bad thing about BF3 on consoles (imo graphics arent nearly as important as fun gameplay) is that the servers are going to be restricted to having games of 24 to maybe 32 players. The pc will probably be in the 64 - 128 range.

10-04-2011, 04:23 PM
the only bad thing about BF3 on consoles (imo graphics arent nearly as important as fun gameplay) is that the servers are going to be restricted to having games of 24 to maybe 32 players. The pc will probably be in the 64 - 128 range.

It has been already confirmed that PC will support up to 64 players.

I know, PC graphs are better, but c'mon some of us can't afford a PC upgrade for BF3 usage; console bf3 is playable as hell.

10-04-2011, 04:24 PM
I friggin love this Beta, at first I was abit like "wtf!" what with the glitches n all that, but gotten into it now and cannot wait for the game to be released. The Beta was a good idea really, cus now all the cod fanboys will stick to mw3, ha! I do enjoy abit of cod I admit, but BF3 is where it's at for me.

10-05-2011, 03:05 AM
I was dead serious, wanna debate it? People said the same thing about 8gig on my lappy when I got it last year.

i bought my new rig about 3 months ago and only have 4gb... way enough for me.
you should rather spend that money on a good gfxcard

10-05-2011, 01:58 PM
i bought my new rig about 3 months ago and only have 4gb... way enough for me.
you should rather spend that money on a good gfxcard

You're just barely in the 64bit range. Adobe cs5.1 is minimum 4 gigs. I can happily alt-tab between premiere, after effects, photoshop, and bridge. I got 1gig on the gfx card and she still struggles with 1080p footage once I get over approx 2min on the timeline. Remember though this is on a laptop so my 8gig offsets the poor performance of mobility series gfx cards.

But 16gig on a gaming rig is far from overkill especially when online gaming is usually launched from a background program/task such as your internet browse or a game manager such as steam.

10-06-2011, 07:24 AM
Well,I gotta admit I'm not an editor so I'm not really in need of alot of RAM
Using 64bit though,since I'm planning to upgrade later on...

Ah whatever,I can play BF3 fluently on my PC and we should let this BF3 Thread a BF3 Thread again.

10-06-2011, 09:30 AM
Well,I gotta admit I'm not an editor so I'm not really in need of alot of RAM
Using 64bit though,since I'm planning to upgrade later on...

Ah whatever,I can play BF3 fluently on my PC and we should let this BF3 Thread a BF3 Thread again.

Well ur right so...

870 in the tunnels > *.

I like how operation metro is setup in 3 sort of sections, like 3 maps in one, all very different. Nobody really dominates. I sniper the first base, shotgun the second smg the third and stealth AR the last, I hope a lot of the maps are set up this way

10-06-2011, 10:17 AM
I'm an old BF fan. Played BF since the first game BF1942. And I want bigger maps for conquest.. I'm bored of Rush and the urban warfare, especially Metro.
I want huge maps this time, and I'm glad DICE announced that CB aint their biggest map so far.

But I really can't wait for Back to Karkand remake.. Loved that map in BF2 and I can't wait to test it out in BF3 style.

10-06-2011, 01:55 PM
I'm an old BF fan. Played BF since the first game BF1942. And I want bigger maps for conquest.. I'm bored of Rush and the urban warfare, especially Metro.
I want huge maps this time, and I'm glad DICE announced that CB aint their biggest map so far.

But I really can't wait for Back to Karkand remake.. Loved that map in BF2 and I can't wait to test it out in BF3 style.

conquest is where this series shines.. The console versions are getting downsized maps due to player limit.. I just hope they aren't too small..

10-06-2011, 04:03 PM
conquest is where this series shines.. The console versions are getting downsized maps due to player limit.. I just hope they aren't too small..

Indeed. I liked Rush in BC2 (didn't play BC1).. but after like 4-6 month's I sorta got bored of it and when back to the old roots and jumped on conquest, even squad death match was more fun than rush.

Yeah no idea how much they will trim down the console maps. It was kinda dull playing conquest in BC2 on console with only 24 players.. took ages to find someone.. Hence why I'm glad I bought me a new pc that can handle newer games such as BF3.

10-07-2011, 12:10 AM
Xbox gamertag : Wiltzuh
Most of you got it but if not...just take it or leave it =D
BF3: Loved and preordered <3

10-07-2011, 05:40 AM
Caspian Border servers are back up for PC.


10-07-2011, 07:50 AM
Caspian Border servers are back up for PC.


Yep!! Join the game all!

10-07-2011, 08:44 AM


10-07-2011, 09:14 AM
Wtf. give new maps.. and no lag please.

Looks like they have improved on alot of things. Hope the finished product is just as sweet as DICE describes it to be.

10-08-2011, 05:47 AM
m1014 in the metro rocks :D
sooo .. you guys using flechette or buckshot?

10-08-2011, 08:20 AM
haven't unlocked different ammo types for the m1014 yet, what's the difference?

10-08-2011, 08:27 AM
Same. Haven't unlocked any different ammo types either. But I sure am having fun in caspian border atm.

10-08-2011, 08:54 AM
Same. Haven't unlocked any different ammo types either. But I sure am having fun in caspian border atm.

flischette is bird shot, wider spread but less different.

buckshot is slugs/shells, little spread (like a bullet) but a little more damage and a little more distance.

10-08-2011, 09:26 AM
Nice rate lol


10-08-2011, 10:04 AM
News updated on the battlelog.

10-08-2011, 10:22 AM
M4 is so freakin' OP

10-08-2011, 10:25 AM
12 kills with the MKII? That's like the first base kiad!


10-08-2011, 10:26 AM
So who wanna do some CB?

10-08-2011, 11:31 AM
Tried jets with my razor onza te controller. much easier than kb/mouse.. needs more practise though ^^

10-08-2011, 03:02 PM
@PC Players
are you guys getting random game crashing aswell?
seems to happen when I'm doing real good real often ...

10-08-2011, 04:11 PM
had one just now.. and there was a fucking loud noise in my right headphone which made my eardrum fucking explode!

10-08-2011, 06:56 PM
I've decided today that the graphics suck ass...
However I heard they'll clear it up before it comes out...
I hope so, because right now the game is definitely not clear like this... right here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zw8SmsovJc&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsear ch_query%3Dbattlefield%2B3%2Btrailer%26aq%3Df)

10-08-2011, 09:54 PM
I've decided today that the graphics suck ass...
However I heard they'll clear it up before it comes out...
I hope so, because right now the game is definitely not clear like this... right here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zw8SmsovJc&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsear ch_query%3Dbattlefield%2B3%2Btrailer%26aq%3Df)

It's funny you mention that, and I totally agree. The field of view and depth is scarce. Can use a lot of work graphically, but the Beta thats going on right now is for server purposes. And the video you linked is Pre-Alpha Footage. I dont wanna have to spell it out now, quite clear Alpha is before beta. SO THAT MEANS. the degradation in the graphics. DID they fix it. Or was the video touched up. Are they going to fix it, or did they decide(realize) its better off to differentiate between scope's and hologram red dot etc... depth of view. either or I gaurantee the Gfx will be a lot better. If not, what can ya do....It's EA.

edit-still the best FPS so far.

10-09-2011, 05:30 AM
I've decided today that the graphics suck ass...
However I heard they'll clear it up before it comes out...
I hope so, because right now the game is definitely not clear like this... right here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zw8SmsovJc&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsear ch_query%3Dbattlefield%2B3%2Btrailer%26aq%3Df)

Well,you always gotta remember that this kind of footage is recorded with two GTX 580's. And most of us probably dont have two GTX 580s in our PCs...not to mention consoles;so far away from that.
Also,I guess that the beta graphics are turned down anyway to keep the downoload file as small as possible...just my guess at that

10-09-2011, 09:42 AM
You guys are complaining about a 2011 game graphics running on a 2006 console?


10-09-2011, 10:30 AM
E just literally calmed the storm with that comment, it's so true.
I can't disagree with what you just said.
And maggot that explains a lot too.

10-09-2011, 11:21 AM
bf3 is going to rape everything

10-09-2011, 11:56 AM
News about BF3 on xbox. Will have better graphics than PS3 (if you want to)

Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360 Contains Hi-Res Textures on 2nd Disc

GamerZines confirmed with Battlefield 3 producer Patrick Liu that the Xbox 360 version of the game will have the ability to stream higher resolution textures. These higher resolution textures will be on the game's second disc and is a voluntary install. Thanks BF Games.

The Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 3 will let users stream higher resolution textures by installing content found on the game's second disc, DICE has revealed.

"There's a voluntary install on the 360," said Battlefield 3 producer Patrick Liu speaking to GamerZines yesterday.

"I think Rage did it as well, where you can install content to stream higher res textures.

"We're pushing that technology to the limit, and compared to our competitors, I would argue that we're the best looking game."

According to Liu, the game's single-player, co-op and multiplayer are also split up between the two discs, although he wouldn't confirm which modes are present on which disc.

It's not yet known whether the PS3 version of Battlefield 3 will also include the same hi-res textures on the Blu-ray disc.

We went hands-on with both versions of the game yesterday, and in terms of visuals, the Xbox 360 version certainly took the edge over the PS3 version.


10-11-2011, 06:12 AM
10 major bugs that have been fixed - Source: http://www.enterbf3.com/

1. Battlefield 3 Squad issues: Cannot play with friends within same squad, squads get split up onto opposite teams, etc.
Squad management systems will be introduced to help players control what squad they're in along with other features: creating squads prior to launching Battlefield 3, squad member retainment (staying in the same squad when continuing into other matches, locking squads, inviting squad members, kicking squad members, and muting the annoying ones.

2. Regarding additional Open Beta content and fixes/patches for consoles, including PlayStation 3 issues with chat and party systems.
DICE is focusing their efforts towards the final release of the game, we can all agree that this is a better idea. "While we would like to patch the Open Beta, DICE is currently focusing its available resources on polishing the retail game."

3. Will DICE have enough time to iron out everything by release?
A lot of issues will be fixed, for a detailed explanation look here.

4. Can we have ability to change settings/options before deployment into match on PC?
The ability to modify your settings via the deploy screen has been added into the retail game.

5. Issues with terrain stability and "falling into the map" on Operation Metro
This has been fixed for the beta via a server side update.

6. Kill cam sometimes zooms out too far or outside the map
This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

7. A bug that sometimes keeps some players from being able to sprint
This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

8. Screen flickering/stuttering. Blue screen remains after respawn. Game locks up after deploying C4 (360)
This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

9. Downed bodies appear to be dead, but are not
The DICE team has been looking into this issue - which is caused by a combination of incidents in a confined area - and are working hard to address the issue for the launch of the retail game. It could be this glitch or that the Battlefield 3 player is simply mistaken.

10. Why is the hit detection seemingly different from Battlefield: Bad Company 2?
The netcode is one of the many things that we are testing as part of the Battlefield 3 Open Beta and is not necessarily reflective of the final retail game. The DICE team appreciates and has heard the feedback you've provided and is further optimizing online play for BF3.

10-11-2011, 12:40 PM
Nice rate lol

holy crap how'd get such a horrible w/l ratio lol

i wanted to show my stats, but you can't view the site anymore.

are your beta stats going to continue in the full game, or am i going to have to start over?

10-11-2011, 01:47 PM
holy crap how'd get such a horrible w/l ratio lol

i wanted to show my stats, but you can't view the site anymore.

are your beta stats going to continue in the full game, or am i going to have to start over?

You start over thank god. Also I really hope DICE/EA removes the K/D ratio.. I don't want this to become another CoD where every kid is arguing that they're better because of higher K/D.

Playing for K/D = CoD
Playing the objective = BF

Much rather have 2 kills - 20 death but win the objective and win the round, instead of loosing but having high K/D.

10-11-2011, 02:35 PM
yo just wanted to say three things:

1. I will be buying BF3 this weekend and am going to be shooting you all in the face very soon.
2. my GT is Beat Chemist
3. Anyone want to throw me a few S3 clips for a video? Clean out your reel!!
4. I may be quite high right now.

10-11-2011, 03:54 PM
yo just wanted to say three things:

1. I will be buying BF3 this weekend and am going to be shooting you all in the face very soon.
2. my GT is Beat Chemist
3. Anyone want to throw me a few S3 clips for a video? Clean out your reel!!
4. I may be quite high right now.

This weekend? BF3 release date is the 25th in north america, and 27th in europe ^^

10-11-2011, 04:09 PM
1. I will be buying BF3 this weekend and am going to be shooting you all in the face very soon.
2. my GT is Beat Chemist
3. Anyone want to throw me a few S3 clips for a video? Clean out your reel!!
4. I may be quite high right now.

1. No you wont ;)
2. I know
3. Yes I do
4. Luuuuuucky. (stupid job)

10-11-2011, 05:17 PM
Well, I 'bought' the game like 2 weeks ago.

Pre-order, but, having in mind I've prepaid 100% of it, I think it could be considered bought.

edit: BF3 will reach the shop like nov 3rd.. hah.

10-11-2011, 06:10 PM
edit: BF3 will reach the shop like nov 3rd.. hah.

err.. no? It will hit stores the 25th and 27th of october :P

You thinking of MW3 or something?

10-11-2011, 06:30 PM
err.. no? It will hit stores the 25th and 27th of october :P

You thinking of MW3 or something?

My bad. I was talking about my shop, the one I've prebought the game for. BF3 will hit my country nov 1st tho hah.

10-12-2011, 03:40 AM
Really? thats kinda weird it's coming to south america in nov when the release date for the rest of the world is in oct.

10-12-2011, 04:27 AM
Really? thats kinda weird it's coming to south america in nov when the release date for the rest of the world is in oct.

Welcome to South America, a place where distributors couldn't care less about retailers and their customers.
Atleast the console FPS community down here is big and good enough for me to create a new, local PSN account.

10-12-2011, 05:09 AM
Welcome to South America, a place where distributors couldn't care less about retailers and their customers.
Atleast the console FPS community down here is big and good enough for me to create a new, local PSN account.

Oh.. did not know that.

10-12-2011, 03:25 PM
This weekend? BF3 release date is the 25th in north america, and 27th in europe ^^

haahaha yep obviously I WAS quite high.. thought the release was this week..

10-21-2011, 05:29 AM
You Will Want To Install Battlefield 3's "Optional" HD Texture Pack

Clarification: The optional HD textures are included on a second disk. The original story did not state this and we had some questions in the comments section regarding this.

Battlefield 3 is less than one week away and we still don't have solid details on the optional "high resolution texture pack" that was unveiled just a few short weeks ago. During a Battlefield 3 event in London executive producer. Patrick Bach, spoke about the texture pack.

The texture pack is the same technology used on the Playstation 3 and PC versions of the game. At its core the engine makes use of streaming textures. The reason for the optional installation should be obvious: even though all current Xbox 360 models ship with a hard drive developers must continue to design their games for the outdated core model from 2005.

So what will the difference be between these two texture packs? According to Bach without the texture pack you will be playing a "standard definition" version of Battlefield 3. That is quite the difference, let's hope they mention the optional install on the front or back of the game's case. If not, we're pretty sure a lot of people will be complaining about the visual quality of Battlefield 3 on the Xbox 360 without even knowing there is an option to install additional textures.

"The thing with the 360 is that you need to be able to give consumers a game where you don't have to install it on a hard drive, because there are 360s without a hard drive. So we need to give you the option of installing it, rather than just demanding it. You could call it a 'standard-def' version for the 360 if you don't have a hard-drive."


oh yea..

10-21-2011, 10:02 AM
Did anyone see the Battlefield 3 SP trailer?? It's fucking EPIC AS FUCK lol.


10-21-2011, 10:20 AM
Mmmh just done preloading the game MOFOS! xD

10-21-2011, 11:00 AM
Yeah mine is at 55% atm going 10 mbits. Pretty slow since I have 100 mbit download and 10 mbit upload.. Doesn't matter though since I can't play until the 26th anyway.

10-21-2011, 11:14 AM
Yeah mine is at 55% atm going 10 mbits. Pretty slow since I have 100 mbit download and 10 mbit upload.. Doesn't matter though since I can't play until the 26th anyway.

on what do you intent to attempt to take over the battlefield world? (console wise)

10-21-2011, 11:23 AM
Doubt I'll play that much on console.. Will probably play the most on pc since I bought this pc just because of BF3.

10-21-2011, 11:25 AM
Yea dude. I bought mine for, well i was playing competitive cod4 for a while, but mainly because of BF3. And that's were i do 90% of my gaming now.

10-21-2011, 11:40 AM
Yea dude. I bought mine for, well i was playing competitive cod4 for a while, but mainly because of BF3. And that's were i do 90% of my gaming now.

gimme your origin man :D

10-21-2011, 11:55 AM
Btw. Origin/xbox Seanne1986 if you wanna do some bf3 stuff later on.

10-21-2011, 12:18 PM
gimme your origin man :D


man long time ago. xD

10-21-2011, 12:27 PM
added both of you

also BF3 buyers get access to Mass Effect 3 MP Beta :)

10-21-2011, 12:30 PM
o: o: o:!!!
How do you know that!?!! o:

10-21-2011, 12:35 PM
Early Access to Mass Effect 3 Co-op Demo!:

The Mass Effect 3 pre-release demo in January 2012 will have both Single player and multiplayer sections, giving fans a taste of what’s to come on 3/6/12.

Be first to the front lines in the multiplayer section of the Mass Effect 3 demo! Redemption of the Online Pass for Battlefield 3 will unlock this early access. But rallying for war is just getting started – in late November / early December BioWare will announce other ways for fans to engage the enemy with their friends from day one!

Down there ;)

EDIT: Actually just Early access to the MP Demo...

10-21-2011, 01:00 PM
FINALLY you can change your Origin name.

Worked for me and I finally have one of my old nicks which is The_Toez

10-21-2011, 03:21 PM
madsser. did you get your Physical warfare pack and back to karkand redeem code in your mail? I sure didn't.. or will we get that once the game is released?

10-21-2011, 03:26 PM
madsser. did you get your Physical warfare pack and back to karkand redeem code in your mail? I sure didn't.. or will we get that once the game is released?

Back to Karkand should be in the actual box,I think.

10-21-2011, 03:32 PM
Back to Karkand should be in the actual box,I think.

This makes me a bit confused lol.. Since I preordered from Origin, I downloaded BF3 which was around 11gb. And I'm pretty sure I preordered the retail version. not the digital one. So even if I downloaded the game, got charged, I will still get the box on release date? I R confused.

10-21-2011, 03:41 PM
This makes me a bit confused lol.. Since I preordered from Origin, I downloaded BF3 which was around 11gb. And I'm pretty sure I preordered the retail version. not the digital one. So even if I downloaded the game, got charged, I will still get the box on release date? I R confused.

haha no,didn't know you pre-ordered from origin man :D
I guess you should get an e-mail soon then (or maybe when the DLC is released).

rando guessing ftw

Edit: Retails from Origin? whaaaaaaaat?

10-21-2011, 03:45 PM
http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield3 - preorder - pc (not pc download) - pre order now on origin

Hence the confusion

10-21-2011, 03:54 PM
If I click on that I go to a site with all the bonuses
I click on preorder
theres something like "delivery-method" and only thing i can choose is "digital"

I r not no meng :/

10-21-2011, 04:16 PM
Guess I got the digital copy then.. but that doesn't matter. Question is.. where are my dlc codes lol? Might get an email when the game is out I reckon. Else I'll go bonkers and spam mail EA lol

10-22-2011, 04:01 PM


10-22-2011, 06:52 PM
Dont remember seeing so much hype for previous battlefield titles honestly I couldve done without the beta guess I expected more but look how the dead island game ended up looks were decieving and can be related to skate games dont get to excited I see myself renting this one

10-25-2011, 02:38 AM
Very interesting watch. Make some popcorn and enjoy this 45 min video.


10-25-2011, 09:40 PM
as much as id like to play this on PC my laptop only has 256 mb video card and i got like 15 fps on mw1 on the lowest settings; ill have to resort to console for this one no doubt- even tho i have been a tried and true PC FPS player most my life, but i cant let this game away from my sights!

10-26-2011, 12:18 PM
Saw this on YT made me LOL:


10-26-2011, 12:27 PM
Don't be afraid of console, hd texture pack blows anything you saw in the beta, or any other fps for that matter, our of the water.

Last night servers went down and everyone in the party went to play SP...

"Holy shit"
"Fucking amazing"

Was all you heard. Shit looks so good

10-26-2011, 12:32 PM

10-26-2011, 12:55 PM
Don't be afraid of console, hd texture pack blows anything you saw in the beta, or any other fps for that matter, our of the water.

Last night servers went down and everyone in the party went to play SP...

"Holy shit"
"Fucking amazing"

Was all you heard. Shit looks so good

..Aside from the pop-up and buggy spawning of enemies and their glitchy animations.
Its kind of boring at times; lots of context sensitive button promts and whatnot.. The campaign is more a display of "look at what we can do with particle effects and lighting" than it is a compelling story or series of memorable moments.
Minor gripes about the singleplayer are no big deal considering how good the multiplayer portion is--thats where the real bread and butter is at.

10-26-2011, 03:10 PM
Just got done playing through the 6½ hour campaign, and right now. I feel kind of disappointed. I was really expecting more.
If you've played MoH, BFBC1/2, you know that DICE are very good at making very good looking games. You probably also know that, DICE aren't that good at making amazing singleplayer campaings. (Sorry if anyone liked any of those games, I personally hated them)
I will say though, to DICE, bravo. I liked the way it was setup. No spoilers here so I'll just leave it at that.
And i will say, it was fun running through houses killing arabs, iraqi's whatever.
And the game looked beautiful all the way through. I mean, the lighting. No one's like DICE when it comes to lighting. Their Frostbite 2 engine is head and shoulders beyond anything I've seen in a LONG time. I'd say it looks better than Crysis2.

Back to the campaign.
It just lacks entertainment. It lacks fun(not saying it wasn't fun, just, I was expecting more). Can't really put my finger on it though.
It just felt like every other FPS shooter I've ever played. Don't know why I thought it was going to be different?

But I'll stick with my first impression of the game and leave you with that. I've yet to dig into the Co-Op and multiplayer fun, which were, of course why i got the game.

The campaign's great, but not different from any other war shooter out there. It has an OK story, with some amazing voice acting in there. It's beautiful, and the way they present it was great.

It's a 7.5/10 from me. I guess my expectations were too high. :/

10-26-2011, 04:01 PM
Dice and the Battlefield franchise in general, aren't known for their multiplayer prowess. If you're buying a shooter for the SP campaign, BF is NOT your best choice. That being said, I'm enjoying this more than i have the COD SP campaigns, maybe cuz i DON'T know what's going on.

It's better than most SP campaigns (I'm looking at you, Black Ops), but nothing special, but i don't think any of us expected it to be. I look at SP in BF like i do any other FPS game; its just a good way to learn weapons, game mechanics, vehicles, and (to some extent) controls to better your online play.

Battlefield WILL offer the best MP experience you've ever had on a FPS. I can tell you that from the few games i played.

10-26-2011, 08:21 PM
grabbing this tomorrow... hope to catch you guys online!

I am stoked.

10-26-2011, 08:27 PM
add this guy, we'll try to get you in. We had 2 parties and like 3 squads running conquest tonight. Servers seem to be working much better today.

Best game to date. Embers, Gym, Ryno, Kaioshun, gsun, and blackhawk on one team, me on the other. in a squad by myself, playing the ninja, poppin' in and out of trees, cappin niggas (and jackin' blackhawks chain), and cappin' flags by myself. Talking shit in the party the whole time.

most fun i've had playing bf in a solo squad ever. Game Rules

10-27-2011, 01:59 AM
The_Toez Origin, Seanne1986 xbox fellas..

Gotta say I find the MP quite entertaining.. But my god some maps are lazy and lame as fuck! Metro CQ is the worst CQ map I have ever seen in my bf life... It's smaller (YES SMALLER!) than Metro on Rush, 3 flags.. get the second flag first and you win.. Then it's just a camp fest with absolutely no flanking routes what so ever lol..
Siene Crossing feels like a MoH map, and Damavand Peak's 2 middle flags is a camp fest because they are in the mountain where it's narrow, because there are narrow corridors, you tend to get stuck with other team players, and then get blown away by an enemy engineer getting a 5 kill rocket.

The rest of the maps are enjoyable so far.. but if they have fucked up back to karkand maps.. then I will be pissed off, because them maps where my favourite maps in BF2.

Edit: fixed typos.. was clearly super tired when wrighting this

10-27-2011, 06:28 AM
If you've played MoH [...] you know that DICE are very good at making very good looking games. You probably also know that, DICE aren't that good at making amazing singleplayer campaings.[...]

Danger Close was responsible for the SP
DICE for the MP

just sayin'

10-27-2011, 06:45 AM
I liked the battlefield campaigns Can't say I know who made them all but I dig

10-28-2011, 03:47 PM
Just finished the campaign. It was pretty all right actually. Really liked them missions playing as the russian. They're some hardcore motherfuckers lol.

10-28-2011, 03:55 PM
Be careful on 360.. played on an EA official server for a couple hours the other night. Signed in yesterday and my savegame was corrupt. lost about 3 hours of campaignage (and all motivation to play it now). According to bf3 forums, its somehow linked to EA servers.

10-28-2011, 05:02 PM
Being broke sucks...

10-28-2011, 06:07 PM
Be careful on 360.. played on an EA official server for a couple hours the other night. Signed in yesterday and my savegame was corrupt. lost about 3 hours of campaignage (and all motivation to play it now). According to bf3 forums, its somehow linked to EA servers.

Happened to my mate as well on pc.. not to me though for some reason.

But give the capaign a go, You'll finish it in around 4-6 hours on normal difficulty. I thought it was a really good intensive story.

10-29-2011, 07:27 AM
hesh needs to start playing with us

roc and magic are literally the ONLY people to say positive things about the solo campaign

and my biggest complaint about this game is that my face is one big eyeball and I have the dirtiest contact lens of ALL FUCKING TIME

10-29-2011, 12:39 PM
hesh needs to start playing with us

roc and magic are literally the ONLY people to say positive things about the solo campaign

and my biggest complaint about this game is that my face is one big eyeball and I have the dirtiest contact lens of ALL FUCKING TIME

I figured you guys didnt want me on your squad for fear of loosing games, ha.
I play late but if youre online when Im on, Im down.

btw, I know exactly what you mean about the dirty contact lens..have you ever looked toward the sun on Caspian Border? Its fuckin brutal.

10-29-2011, 01:17 PM
Finally got my copy today :)

10-29-2011, 02:27 PM
The lens flare, dirt, fingerprints etc are overdone.. It's way too much shit going on.. It's like if you are watching through a camera that's mounted on your helmet instead of your eyes.. Dumb desicion imo.
Works for singleplayer, but they could've left it out or have it dumbed down alot for MP.

10-29-2011, 03:46 PM
I think. I THINK! if you're playing on the pc, that you can disable some of that crazy shiit. :)

btw Maq, nice playing with you :)

10-29-2011, 04:01 PM
btw Maq, nice playing with you :)

get skill noob


10-29-2011, 04:05 PM
lols. It's kinda hard to adapt to this when you're used to be playing CoD xD

10-29-2011, 04:15 PM
I havent tried MP yet because i heard the servers were laggy so i been sticking to the campaign a couple of hours at a time in the morning to get the feel of console fps ( used to cpu) im used to firing at the hip with mouse and keyboard but it seems to me on console you almost have to be zoomed in sights to hit anything. a little differnt than what im used to- but i love it so far... stories kinda meh and the guys talking are some jackasses. but i like how it jumps around to different ppl. i got done with the russian and the tank levels today defending the bank. might start up later tonight if i can get rid of this damn sinus headache.

10-29-2011, 10:06 PM

11-07-2011, 01:47 PM
I wish this was facebook so i could 'like' Demz's comment.

11-07-2011, 02:48 PM
Be careful on 360.. played on an EA official server for a couple hours the other night. Signed in yesterday and my savegame was corrupt. lost about 3 hours of campaignage (and all motivation to play it now). According to bf3 forums, its somehow linked to EA servers.

Yup just had this happen to me, I thought I had lost all my MP progress. I always hit B, if you make a new game does your MP progress reset?

Oh also, I would love to play with you guys, GT: Menno93

11-07-2011, 03:09 PM
I don't even think you fluckers play BF3!! I never see you on!!


11-07-2011, 03:14 PM
I don't even think you fluckers play BF3!! I never see you on!!


I r on every night. from like 7-8 EST til about 11EST....

Menno - your MP progress is saved on the Dice/EA server under your GT. The only way to start over in MP is to use a new GT.

08-26-2012, 01:25 AM

08-26-2012, 02:10 AM
ill take your fucking tag on battlefield. nuff said

08-26-2012, 05:28 PM
Congrats Jebo, I see you online very often.

I've finished the campaign just last week. AMAZED with that M82 50. cal semi with IRNV x8 scopes. If we could use that rifle in MP...

08-28-2012, 10:04 AM
I'm gonna go sell a few of games and get this finally, not sure about all dlc tho

08-28-2012, 10:08 AM
I don't even think you fluckers play BF3!! I never see you on!!


I haven't touched BF3 in month's. Got bored of it and didn't get the BF feeling from it.. It's more like an arcadish shooter like cod.. which is horrible imo.

I'm back to my roots with counter strike again :>

08-28-2012, 10:19 AM
Loved it in the beginning...
Still love it...

love Back to Karkand...so much fun to fly attack chopper with your homie in wake island or Gulf of Oman...so much fun to cruise around the desert with dpv chasing some enemies and smashing roadkills

love close quarters...so much fun to rage with horrible gunmaster setups and terrifying bad spawnsystem...so much fun to grab your pdw and play ninja or pick up M60 and mow down the enemy team

WILL love armored kill...coming next month...lot of tank action...i love tanks...tanks are my strongest part in this game...so much fun to shoot down enemy little birds with your t90 main cannon in Noshahr Canals.

I've played it online over 600 hours and I still feel to play it. Never play it alone...i don't feel right when playing it alone...it's meant to be played with your amigos.
I still miss BC2 maps but i can't deny that Battlefield 3 is the best fps here...don't tell me about good old CS times...i've experienced that...hahah

08-28-2012, 10:33 AM
I havent tried MP yet because i heard the servers were laggy.

U've heard wrong, very occassionally I get the odd lag, but it's nothing compared to MW3

08-28-2012, 05:26 PM
Im never gonna hit 100. The game is so boring now. Im lucky to get one good game in without getting kicked/banned.


08-28-2012, 06:36 PM
U've heard wrong, very occassionally I get the odd lag, but it's nothing compared to MW3

I rarely get lag, almost never, and remember I'm from Argentina south america, and I play in South US servers (they work just perfect).

10-12-2012, 06:14 PM
got premium today (360) and i havent played in ages. anyone still play this? and any suggestions on server types that are good now that i have all the dlc?

10-13-2012, 03:14 AM
Bought premium cause I cba paying for 2 dlc's. So gotten back to it a little again. Pretty boring playing alone though.

10-13-2012, 06:09 AM
Bought premium cause I cba paying for 2 dlc's. So gotten back to it a little again. Pretty boring playing alone though.

my gamer tag is my sig we can play if you want

10-13-2012, 06:54 AM
any PC players add me on Origin: SiriusIsis. Im addicted. Lets get some Canals Deathmatch or Rush on the new Armored Kill maps.

10-13-2012, 08:54 AM
my gamer tag is my sig we can play if you want
Think I've played it like 20 min on xbox and about 120h on pc ;>

10-23-2012, 04:59 AM
Really well made video this one.
