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View Full Version : Tony Hawks Proving Ground!

09-29-2011, 09:01 PM
So I decided to pick up a used copy of this game for 12 bucks at game stop, I already knew what to expect being a thps player up until Project 8...I expected to be pressing the fuck out of the break button to reduce speed and have very minimal realistic spots to skate mixed in with endless arcade lines, well in Proving ground its not really like that, in fact its almost like a different skating game out side the thps realm...

Why is THPG so good and imo better then Thrasher S&D but still not as good as EA Skate? First off there is a "Sim mode" that reduces trick height and reduces skater speed when rolling and even the grinding is at a realistic speed now! This is a huge improvement and works well.. Next is the large city that is very realistic this time, better then Port Carverton imo.. Im not going to record my tv but heres a decent vid that shows some spots http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V12nda2E_co&feature=related... The vids on youtube dont do the city justice because the the players playing are avoiding the spots and flying by everything doing arcade stuff.

Another thing thats really cool is that when you can turn off the grind/manual balance meter and balance by looking at the skaters position, this is a joy to do unlike in Ea skate were there is no balance system..

The game still isnt as good as EA skate but if you're looking for something new then pick this up.. If you're a kid that didnt grow up playing skating games other then Ea skate or are a animation snob then you you might not like thpg

09-30-2011, 06:00 AM
I loved THPG as much as I loved EA Skate.
The only downside with THPG is that there is no replay value. You do all the goals then you're done.

09-30-2011, 12:17 PM
no replay value?? fuck goals, its about realisticly skating the spots

09-30-2011, 12:45 PM
I have this game too, played it forever until I got Skate 2.

09-30-2011, 01:07 PM
I've always been tempted to try an make a video using my PVR and the replay editor. Don't know if i could play the game long enough though to get enough clips for a video. If anyone has THPG and a Cap card I'd ben down to make a video, even if its only for shits n giggles.

09-30-2011, 01:45 PM
Don't forget the park editor on there, it was pretty sweet.

09-30-2011, 02:54 PM
also double grinds are legit..bs crook to over crook, noseslide to nose grind, nose blunt to nose grind, smith to feeble etc...No more popping half a foot into the next grind and calling it a dub g

09-30-2011, 03:22 PM
I think I still have this somewhere in my collection. At first I thought it was great because it felt so different from mashing the square and triangle. But I tried playing it a few weeks back. Hated it. Everything was over exagerated and over dramatised. Every kickflip was 10 feet high. I think when I first played it it felt different so I had an idea of realism stuck in my head which led to dissapointment. It all felt so ugly.

Whats this sim mode thing?

09-30-2011, 03:51 PM
Every kickflip was 10 feet high.

Whats this sim mode thing?

you obviously didnt activate "Sim Mode".. You cant even do flat land 3 flips in sim mode let alone 10 feet high kfs

09-30-2011, 03:58 PM
I swear if i had a cap card and made a vid, people would be all over this game wanting to play it for the sake of playing and not to make montages

09-30-2011, 04:12 PM
Eternal I know how you feel. I played TH "religiously" like I play skate. Always have had that same realistic mentality while playing a skate game while cruising. But when Skate came out, it was extremely refreshing after almost a decade of THPS and the same buttons. No control scheme can top the Flickit System. It was more than refreshing. Seemed Perfect at the time, and still does...even with the glitchyness of S3 and HCmode.

09-30-2011, 05:06 PM
Saunders my man you're preaching to the choir...Me being the choir...I agree S1 - s3 is as good as it gets and when s1 came out I swore off all thps games...But theres nothing wrong with playing other skating games and lets face it Skate having no balance system for grinds and manuals can get boring....Hell I still play Thrasher S&D and even have another video come out for it...The first volume got 12,000 views, not to bad..

Skate 1 - 3
Proving Ground
Thrasher S&D

Best skating games so far!

09-30-2011, 07:43 PM
I remember the ability you got where you could bodycheck people, I spent so many days kicking ass and not even skating. that game was so much fun.

10-01-2011, 01:10 AM
I love the fact That it has a pretty Legit Love Park :)

10-01-2011, 02:32 AM
(sorry had to share, saw it a few under the video there)



10-01-2011, 03:27 AM
^^ to bad thats not actual game play :(

10-01-2011, 03:40 AM
^^ to bad thats not actual game play :(

I know....... I would buy Project8 if it looked like that, but that animation is Pefect

10-01-2011, 03:46 AM
If any game ever looked like this, never mind the control's, I would for sure buy it. Here's the full vid of what E posted.


It's not even Proving Ground, it's Project 8, so the game before it. I remember first watching and thinking, wow the next TH will be great! But when I realised it was for the game I was playing, it was nothing like the actual game.

Can't believe I've had this game since release and never heard of or found this 'Sim Mode'. Gonna have to give it a try.

10-01-2011, 04:19 AM
tht animation is amazing! Wud love to see if it could be done in the next skate game (which isn't gonna happen) I think I could be done jst have to do alot of motion capture stuff!

10-01-2011, 04:47 AM
How to you get Sim Mode? I have P8 and PG. I am assuming it's a difficulty.

Edit: One other thing I love about Tony Hawk's is that you can change the color of everything.

10-01-2011, 05:49 AM
What Matty said. Imagine "S4" with thoes animation and physics. Would probably shit my pants if that happened!

10-01-2011, 07:55 AM
tht animation is amazing! Wud love to see if it could be done in the next skate game (which isn't gonna happen)

Who's to say that there is no chance?
Sure, it seems very unlikely, but with tony wanting to make another game and skate being out of the picture, picking up on their success would be a smart move, nothing along the lines of stealing their ideas, I'd hope, but making the game much more of a simulation of skateboarding.

Which you can tell that he is trying, the board controller concept would have been cool, had it actually functioned properly and the game went in a different direction then the same ol' arcade style.

Eternal put me in the mood to try out proving ground again, but sadly, I sold it quite a while ago. I would like to see this 'sim mode' as well because I never saw it in game, although I did mess around with the replay editor and it was pretty sick.

10-01-2011, 06:08 PM
You turn sim mode on in the ingame options>controls.. The thing is in sim mode you go so slow that some realistic sized gaps are not possible and the pop is so low that doing most flip tricks into grinds are impossible...To deal with this simple turn off sim mode and use reg mode to do somethings...In reg mode you can turn the speed down (1 from 10) as well making reg mode just as fun/important as sim mode

10-01-2011, 06:11 PM
a neat gimmick is the ability to use six axis ps3 pad to balance mannys/grinds lol...I dont use it much but its fun

10-01-2011, 06:33 PM
Grover those variations were unbelievable...
Thats prove that they CAN do it...
Someone out there CAN animate actual skateboarding moves... They can take the small details and put it on screen.
We just need someone with the mindset to simulate skateboarding. How do we get that in their heads.

10-02-2011, 03:02 AM
I don't understand game design in the slightest, but it seems they did that for project 8, then it looked nothing like that. And since they seem to have got further away from anything close to resembling that.

Faaaak I wanna see a game like that so bad. If Skate had this look and feel, and a better city, I would never need another game again.

Oh and I always prefered Tony Hawks clothing options to anything else. You can change colours, way you wear it, logo placement, and there's so much choice.

10-02-2011, 04:49 AM
I don't understand game design in the slightest, but it seems they did that for project 8, then it looked nothing like that. And since they seem to have got further away from anything close to resembling that.

Faaaak I wanna see a game like that so bad. If Skate had this look and feel, and a better city, I would never need another game again.

Oh and I always prefered Tony Hawks clothing options to anything else. You can change colours, way you wear it, logo placement, and there's so much choice.

Agreed with the clothes.

The clothes in S2 was pretty good imo (haven't unlocked anything for S1 yet). Lots of options to choose from. I was extremely disapponted in S3.. just look at the at sweaters option. There's like 5 sweaters wtf? And I've never really liked any of the pants either.. seems everything is too bagy, and the skinny ones are too short. The best clothes in S3 imo, are the ones the pro's are using.

i am a snail
10-02-2011, 06:08 PM
welp, hearing you guys talk about it made me go out an buy it on clearance at k-mart.


10-02-2011, 06:52 PM

10-02-2011, 07:19 PM
hmm... im tryna search for legit vids on youtube

10-02-2011, 11:01 PM
good luck lol

10-03-2011, 03:25 PM
looking at a lot of the vid comments n I noticed a lot of ppl r not aware of this sim mode(??)

10-03-2011, 04:24 PM
Finally tried this. It does feel very different. But i think they decreased everything way too much. I'm pretty sure flat tre's are impossible. Trying to flip up anything larger than a curb is near impossible. The speed is like constant slo-mo. I did like the challenge of getting the speed and angle etc to bs flip the Love Fountain gap. And with no green and red the balance is a nice challenge to judge by the body.

I think if they could tweak this so it's near perfect. Add some more features (longer hold X bigger pop etc.) or maybe even a new control setting. And with the motion cap animations, non cartoony looking, rl spots, stick a video editor in their and I will for sure buy that. And probaby never need another game.

10-03-2011, 04:59 PM
thpg is definitely not perfect but like I said before you need to switch between sim and reg mode to make up for the problems sim mode has...It only takes a few seconds to switch to sim in the in game options tho, so no biggie...And dont forget to turn the speed up to 10 while in sim mod...Also when rolling in sim mode you need to press R1(ps3) to push for more speed..

So like if you want to do a flip trick into a grind then switch to reg and turn the speed down so when you grind its not to fast.

10-04-2011, 06:37 PM
I can't find a realistic mode in P8 :(

10-06-2011, 01:36 PM
Just bought it on Ebay. Looking forward to giving it a try. I played the demo a bit when it came out, i saw the sim mode, but couldnt use it in the demo. Could be fun, if for nothing else just balancing grinds and manuals. I loved how in THP8 you could just turn off the balance metre and balance manuals just by looking at how your skater was leaning.

10-06-2011, 07:12 PM
good to hear pawn...Maybe you can make a video with your cap card...Also the online still works so maybe we can skate the city and you can record some of my tricks then we can make a thpg collbo video if you're down :)

10-10-2011, 05:05 PM
good to hear pawn...Maybe you can make a video with your cap card...Also the online still works so maybe we can skate the city and you can record some of my tricks then we can make a thpg collbo video if you're down :)

Yeah, I'll let you know when it comes in, should be another week or two. We'll see how it goes, I lost interest very earlier on when i was making a Thrasher vid. Either way, should be fun for at least a little while.

10-18-2011, 01:07 PM
it came in today, gonna mess with it a bit, maybe even beat the career mode

10-25-2011, 12:11 PM
Just reviving this thread a bit, was anyone down for that video?

I fancy a short a little break from PC and San Van before I go on the mother of all editing missions soon.

10-25-2011, 03:02 PM
Man I tried proving ground and failed incredibly at it I liked project 8 gameplay and undergrounds story

10-25-2011, 05:24 PM
I really dont like the pushing. I like the idea of the aggro kick or whatever its called, but it works better while you hold X, but holding X gives you random pushing animations now and then

10-25-2011, 11:08 PM
I like doing Primo and Casper slides!

10-25-2011, 11:13 PM
Just reviving this thread a bit, was anyone down for that video?

I fancy a short a little break from PC and San Van before I go on the mother of all editing missions soon.

if you have a cap card......

I am going to see if pawn can film a few clips of me online but I dont think it will work cuz everyone I see online lags.

10-26-2011, 08:55 AM
if you have a cap card......

I am going to see if pawn can film a few clips of me online but I dont think it will work cuz everyone I see online lags.

Yes sir I do. I was filming some clips last night, going to go in a record them

As pawn said the push is awful, however I found that if I gave myself enough room before the spot i wanna hit it was pretty smooth, plus Sim Mode with 8 speed was perfect. Then for a slightly bigger gap sim mode off and speed at 4 did the trick.

the camera system/editor is a bit shitty to be honest. There are some good ideas but a lack of a free cam is a annoying. I like the idea of the user filmed line where you control the camera in real time it a bit janky though. for lines I'm triying to keep it simple becase like skate 2, follow cam had a tendancy to drift into objects and change it distance from the skater. I've had more success on single trick spots using Static cam and tripod. Tilt is kinda cool though, and loving doing Impossibles! lol.

I have like 8 clips already. I'll keep getting more. If anyone is going to send clips remember to remove the music from clip in the editor. this part is a pain tbh. You need to set the music start time to the end of the video bar and then move the clips to like 5 seconds in, otherwise you get this weird noise at the start of the clips. but atelast it shows the clips with outh music and just SFX.

I can add fisheyes and what not if need btw as the one in game is a little funky tbh.

10-26-2011, 09:23 AM
i wanna see this fabled sim mode in action, betchez! :D

02-16-2012, 06:51 AM
Diggin this back up.

Played this for the first time in a long while today. It angers me that the video editor sucks balls. If they tweaked the game in a few places, and incorporated the Skate style video editor, then the videos that could be produced from this game would be phenomenal.

The animations all look quite good, sim mode increases the game for me (except it's almost impossible to flat ground tre) and if you didn't suddenly jolt when you ollied, the game would be fucking awesome.

I never appreciated this game when I got it as I was unaware of the sim mode. Now seeing the potential it has/had sucks.