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View Full Version : Montréal Fall Montage

10-13-2011, 02:41 PM
Just seen this on Facebook and thought I'd share. All these spots are in and around Montréal. Lots of sick rippers, including Antoine Asselin. Take a look!


10-13-2011, 07:24 PM
these guys can fucking rip.. nose manny nose blunt over stairs was awesome. Montreal looks like it has some cool spots

sooo good

10-13-2011, 08:18 PM
haha indeed. I skated a couple of times with a few of these guys, and they can surely rip shit up lol it's missing a few super sick riders, but it's all good I guess lol We defs have a couple of spots that are really sick to skate, but we're missing good skateparks lol we have a few here and there, but they're TERRIBLE.. worst shit ever lol I envy Vancouver and Calgary for their amazing concrete parks/plazas :p

10-14-2011, 09:35 AM
"Thas how we do it in tha hood". Jk. Anyway that was some sick stuff.

10-17-2011, 07:48 AM
turned it off after I saw the skinny nose mannie nollie varial heel out on the curved ledge. Disgusting

ly SICK!!!!

10-17-2011, 12:44 PM
turned it off after I saw the skinny nose mannie nollie varial heel out on the curved ledge. Disgusting

ly SICK!!!!

hahahaha took some time to figure out what you did with the disgustingly sick, but I like it :p

10-17-2011, 02:05 PM

damn man not only siiiiick spots, but crazy fucking skaters having their way with them.
man i whis'd we had spots like these...and skaters like these....around where i live..


10-17-2011, 03:04 PM
There are a shitload of really dope skaters in and around Montreal, some of the best imo aren't even in this lol if you wanna see more insane skaters from Montreal, search up Mike O'Meara, Will Cristofaro, Steven Mazerolle, for example. Not sure if Steven has lots of stuff online, but Will Cristofaro has a good amount of sick stuff out there, and Mike O'Meara has been up on the Berrics in one of those Unified Shop clips (NDG (or No Damn Good)). If you wanna see a couple of other sick Montreal rippers, check out this channel: http://www.youtube.com/serialskateboards

In terms of spots, there are a lot of really sick ones downtown actually. Good for a shitload of street skaters. Parks are the worst though. I like skating parks a lot actually, but there's maybe 1 or maybe 2 that are decent, the rest are sketchy as fuck.

10-17-2011, 03:12 PM
I like skating parks a lot actually, but there's maybe 1 or maybe 2 that are decent, the rest are sketchy as fuck.

Man that's the same as here. Though i'm lucky as fuck. I live like, 3 km away from one of the countries(it's Denmark, so that's a small statement) best indoor skateparks. + we got the new outdoor one in Faelledparken, Copenhagen. But since it's turning winter, that's pretty much unskateable 75% of the days.
But i'm allways looking for street spots to skate. Last year they build a court around me, with a plaza like ledge heaven out front. That lasted 3 months before skatestops were put up. I was so sad. :(

10-17-2011, 03:38 PM
I thought Copenhagen had a really dope indoor park, the one they used in a competition with a shitload of well-known pros lol if that's the park near your place, then I hate you :p that park looks wayyyyyy too sick to skate. It does suck though when good indoor parks get so crammed it's unskatable though, happens a lot here as well, and probably everywhere else lol

I like skating street as well, but since I'm not so good, I like to just chill at a skatepark, and skate a rail/ledge, step-ups, hips, etc., stuff you can't really find in the streets I guess. You can certainly find some in the streets, but that are not built to skate lol That sucks about skatestops as well, there aren't many in Montreal, but there are a few on the handrails that have been skated a shitload, and a few ledge spots as well. So sad, fuck skatestoppers :(