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View Full Version : The Best Game in the Series

12-05-2011, 02:17 PM
If you could only choose one game in the series (the other two would be destroyed forever), which game would you pick to play?

Skate 1

Og skate just feels good. I play it the longest. Skate 1 is actually the newest game to me haha. I played Skate 3 before the other games. While having spent a lot of time on Skate 3, then switching to og, the feeling I got on skate 1 was amazing. The biggest difference I noticed was the vert physics. OG regs is the smoothest thing I've skated in the series.

*Start your reply with your choice at the top, give it space, then give a little explanation under it. Think of your choice as the title of your explanation. I have been debating whether or not I should make this thread. There are a few similar threads, but I like these discussions.

12-05-2011, 02:34 PM
Skate 2

The one I feel the most confortable with. It also was my first New Gen game (with everything that involves, such as online experience, enhanced graphics, plentiful content, and more), so that also made me pick it as a personal favorite. I just like the game as a whole; the city (even if I know it's not something 'new'), physics, controls, tricks, and more). Unfortunately, I don't have as much comparing material as most of you do, because Skate 2 is the only Skate game I own, so my other Skate releases experiences are not as intensive and sharp as they'd be if own everygame).

As Marco pointed s1 actually being the newest to him, I hope I get the chance to get myself a copy of another release (S1, I have strong opinions made towards S3, and I don't think theyd change If I own that game and play it daily), so I can finally confirm all the things I've been reading, and watching, since the very first day I'm a part of this very interesting, educational, creative, and supportive community.

12-05-2011, 03:21 PM
s3... me lovey

12-05-2011, 03:29 PM
S1 or S3.

12-05-2011, 03:38 PM
OG Skate

Eventually the S2 moveables will get old, along with the monkey faces and broken true switch

S3 is just so ugly/glitchy compared to OG. Sure it has the most features, but eventually We'll lose online ie CAP and then S3 becomes pretty much dead for the most part.

At least with OG we have the best/most authentic city with the smoothest and most forgiving physics. I think those are the things that will set OG apart in the long run

12-05-2011, 03:44 PM
OG Skate

eventually We'll lose online ie CAP and then S3 becomes pretty much dead for the most part.

i can see that if you dont make parks, but im still making new caps to shred, i will forever have new spots to skate

12-05-2011, 04:00 PM
S1 or S3.

You can't do that shit. Pick one. :p

12-05-2011, 04:05 PM
OG Skate

Eventually the S2 moveables will get old, along with the monkey faces and broken true switch

S3 is just so ugly/glitchy compared to OG. Sure it has the most features, but eventually We'll lose online ie CAP and then S3 becomes pretty much dead for the most part.

At least with OG we have the best/most authentic city with the smoothest and most forgiving physics. I think those are the things that will set OG apart in the long run

I like how you put that. Your insight is nice haha. "forgiving physics" haha
You put my thoughts in better words.

12-05-2011, 05:19 PM
Skate 1

I have investigated this for a while actually. Since I uploaded the ender for my last solo, I've strictly played OG. It's amazing, I keep getting re-lost (lol) in the city and the graphics are wonderful.
As the reel and online stuff is dead for s3 right now, I can care less about the filming aspect even though I love filming tricks.

12-05-2011, 06:12 PM
I'd have to say Skate 3. It has the coolest shoes, park building, styles we can borrow from each other. Most tricks.

I just don't like the pants size, they look to tight, or too fitted. I wanted baggy, Skate 2-like pants.

12-05-2011, 06:13 PM
HD PVRs make great christmas/hanukah/kwanzaa/festivus gifts

still like 3 the best because you can do the most trick-wise. but OG is probably all i will play in the future. feels the most genuine.

12-05-2011, 07:28 PM
OG, had it since it came out and i still find new shit to do every time. S2 plays smooth and there's cool stuff to do in S3, but OG has always been the most fun (and challenging imo).

12-05-2011, 07:54 PM
I feel like they made the most improvements without it feeling like they went to far back. The revamped city was nice and the graphics were subtle. not like 1 where everything looked like they smudged chocolate on it or blinding like 3... It was sorta glitchy though but it worked. 1 and 3 were still great though.

12-25-2011, 01:22 PM
S3 because you can walk unlike S1, and high/low angles. i dont own S2 but im pretty sure id like S3 better

12-25-2011, 03:29 PM
Skate 3 because of hardcore mode. ALso....
No city compares to the Original SV but S3 trumps over any iteration because of CAP. You can create pretty much anything.

12-26-2011, 05:35 AM
especially after doing the Skate. Series Colab with SG, playing which ever game i wanted, i kept going back to OG. Sure S3 has all the features, you can build anything, but for me OG's physics, just how smooth and forgiving everything is, makes it my go to game from here on out and the best of the series

12-26-2011, 06:14 AM
I'd vote OG Skate if I could get off my board in it.
I'll have to vote Skate 3 since it's pretty good "all around" and I like the Hardcore mode.

12-28-2011, 06:33 AM
skate 2

I've never played OG like I play s2/3, and I've sold OG a year ago :(
If you would've asked me a year ago, I would've said s3 is my favourite, because I hated the way you get sucked into grinds and popless tricks were so hard.
I'm still bad at popless, but by now I prefer s2, because of the city, and I'm getting a bit better at it.. And because I hate the looks of s3

12-28-2011, 07:02 AM
All I do is popless since I learned them midway through s2. I'd have to say popless in S2 is easier than popless in S3 but that is mostly due to terrain options. S2 simply has way more terrain to learn/do them on.

Only thing I've never been able to do in all the Skate games is a hippie flip. I simply don't have the patience or hand-eye coordination to pull off this feat of nature.

12-30-2011, 09:07 PM
OG has the best:
drop button
pivot shuvs, and pivots in general
miniramp physics/animations,

That, and for me i kinda like how we dont have to film in OG.
Im not playing the game nearly as much as i used to and Id rather spend that limited time just skating. Plus you can gather clips real quick in OG.