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View Full Version : Skate 2 Master List - What's been implimented

01-25-2009, 09:43 PM
This is the exact Skate 2 Master List we had going before the game came out. I figured that in light of everyone complaining about anything they can possibly think about, let's get something a bit positive around here. Everything bolded is something that is either now in the game, or is irrelivent because of another feature that does the same thing/something better. Hit the bottom of the last post for my impressions.

Tricks: Anything related to tricks and how they are done in the game.

· When in vert ramps, be able to catch your flip tricks with your hand to make a smooth, more realistic animation. Do this by pressing and holding one of the grab buttons while your trick is flipping perhaps.
· Less air in vert - Real people can't really fly 15 feet out of them, land and then fly 15 feet off the other side consistantly. The hang time in the pipes is also a bit over exadurated.
· Longer stalls - no reason for a board slide turned stall to make you fall off if held for too long, Just stop counting points after a certain amount of time. Tailslides and lipslides would be better if held longer as well, let the player get off when he wants, but stop counting points after a while.
· The ability to grab while stalling
· Flatland tricks, commonly referred to as "Rodney Mullen" tricks. Nothing too crazy is needed, just a few basics at least such as caspers, primo etc.
· Darkslides - People want their darkslides a lot.
· Tricks: Impossible, Haslam flip, Dolphin flip, Japan air, Madonna, Judo, Airwalk. Boneless, No Comply, Hand plants and variations, lay backs.
· Variation in the speed of flip tricks
· Drop ins - to make halfpipe and mini ramp skating better, allow people to drop in as they would in real life rather then just rolling slowly.
· The ability to "catch" your tricks at any point in its rotation. This would also allow for an "expert" difficulty in the game where all tricks need to be caught in order to land.
· Let people 360 shuvit out of nose/tail slides. I'm not sure why this isn't possible in Skate 1, but it's a realistic trick.
· Tresouta sauce! If you don't know what that means, it's the ability to do 360 flips out of any type of grind.
· Be able to get into fakie stance at any time instead of having to 180 first, and then hold a grab or ollie to trick it into not moving your feet back into place.· Late flips while playing SKATE. Also for players who know more about skating, stance and direction should be included as well.
· Pumping on kinked rails - so the board doesn’t leave the rail and automatically spin your character to land the trick, only to land back on the same rail.
· Be able to revert while stationary.
· The ability to revert more or less then 180 degrees. Some people land their tricks after spinning only 100 degrees or so and then revert the rest. At the same time, some people like to 360 revert out of tricks.
· The ability to grab during grinds (ex. Crail slides)
· Have the board flip independently from the skaters body. If you do a backside 180 and a 360 shuvit, the board ends up spinning 540 because it moves relative to the feet. This would also allow body varials
· Be able to pop out of grinds at a significantly reduced height - It looks funny when you can ollie a foot above the rail out of a grind, especially from a board slide. Also, this would allow you to do tricks without jumping up above the rail like in real life.
· The ability to use your buddies board. This would allow for board switching in the middle of tricks on mini ramps and such. You know you loved to see doubles runs on TV where everyone's switching boards mid run! haha.
· More descriptive tutorials/trick book for those who don't know as much about skateboarding. Certain tricks (ie. bluntslides) have similar stick movements, but the approach is different then other tricks. Perhaps a video of the trick being done would help.· The ability to do any trick without popping from the grind first. Instead of jumping up a foot or so above the rail to trick out, be able to do very quick flips out of grinds without olliing off first.
· Be able to hold variations of flip tricks such as 540 flips, 360 double flips etc.

Create a Skater: Everything related to C-A-S

· Be able to choose the colour of grip tape/bolts
· The ability to turn any hat backwards, sideways, or any other direction you can think of.
· Change the height of your character
· Face mapping a la Tiger Woods games. Should work for both systems now that PS3 has the PSEye.
· More facial features/expressions - Let him/her express pain when they fall or joy when they land a nice trick.
· More elaborate pants stock - There was a severe lack of clothing that covers the bottom half of your body in the game, while there were tons of shirts. I'll be looking for black cargo shorts in Skate 2!
· More accessories such as headphones, sun glasses, chains, necklaces, arm bands, bandana ect.
· More hairstyles - There really weren't enough in the game, and a lot of people were stuck with a character whose hair doesn't really resemble them too much. Being able to change the length of a preset haircut would also go a long way.
· Female Skaters - Girls want to play as girls... and so do some guys.
· Visible damage in game - scrapes, bumps, and cuts. Nothing that would affect gameplay though, and these would go away after a short period of time.
· Real wear and tear - board gets scratched in real time, breaks after a while from a large drop. Just respawn the board after a snap though rather then making you buy a new one... or maybe it can, but the Skate deck you get at the beginning is unbreakable so you don't HAVE to buy new boards if you are low on cash.
· More sponsors: Darkstar, DGK, Element, World Industries, Blind etc.
· Adjust the tightness of clothing. Perhaps a slider from 0-100.
· Change the colour of clothing. Ever find that style of pants/shorts you really liked, but there just wasn’t the colour you wanted them in? I did.
· Different skating styles (more then 3) that effect the way your character does tricks. I.e. Slightly different animations for different styles.
· More taunt animations - Can use diagonals on the D-pad to add in 4 more. Being able to choose and map them would be great.
· Layered Clothing - The option of wearing an unzipped hoodie, with another in- game shirt underneath.

Create a Whatever: Anything else that could be created by the player in the game.

· Totally Customized decks with picture mapping. Take any picture off your HDD and put it onto the bottom of your board. If this works, another cool feature would be to allow deck sharing (or purchasing perhaps) online, so you can sell/trade decks with a friend if you want to. OR -
· Layered create a deck - Use layers of pre-made designs to create your own, Need for Speed style.
· Create a Spot - be able to place a piece of plywood or two to make some places more Skate friendly. Nothing huge though.
· IF there will be create a park, put it into the story line so that your character can design it once he turns pro. That way it has more meaning to the player who gets to open their own park
· Create a Shoe - Use layers of pre-made designs to create your own, Need for Speed style.

Camera/Skate.Reel: Anything related to filming your character.

· Pre-trick camera set up. You can set a camera(s) anywhere near the spot you want to hit so it will film you like a real person would. Since people cant jump off the stairs with you and still hold a camera nicely, they usually find a nice spot 3/4ths of the way down the stairs or so and film from there, so having that option would be nice and realistic.
· Free range camera. Basically meaning your camera is everywhere all the time. You can put the camera anywhere you want, 360 degrees around your character in Skate.Reel. This way you can get any angle you could possibly want or need. There would still be presets for those without the time or knowledge of using a camera though of course.
· The ability to zoom in and out with the Skate.Reel cameras.
· Allow players to become cameramen. People want to roll around behind their friends and film a nice line; it would be great fun for people who enjoy filming a lot. You would have to get your friends permission to post it up, and if you do there would also be a caption to say who skated and who filmed it.
· Video editor recording longer then 30 seconds. A minute or so should do fine.
· The ability to cut multiple clips together to make one longer video.
· In Skate videos, you will often see a banger repeated once or twice from multiple angles since there is often more then one cameraman when filming a video part. Therefore, the ability to play your video from different angles more then once in the same Skate.Reel clip would be great to have.
· More slots for videos and pictures both online and on the hard drive - If you've seen the forums since the game released, you can tell that people really like to share their footage, and with only 3 video slots you often have to delete something you liked. It'd be great to up the number a bit online, and I don't see why there is a limit on how much you can save on your HDD for later use. I know a lot of people would pay a small fee to increase the amount of space they could have.
· The ability to put a song (from the game) into your Skate.Reel replays.
· Have the ability to save video replays as actual video clips (avi, wmv, or whatever format) to the hard drive. That way we could easily transfer videos to a PC for further editing.
· The ability to load other replays while still in the replay editor rather then having to go back to the main menu.

01-25-2009, 09:44 PM
NPC Characters: The skaters, pedestrians and motorists are part of the game as well, no matter how annoying they can be!

· Varying skill levels between NPC skaters. I think it would be cool to be able to tell if an NPC is good or just starting out at skateboarding by watching them a bit. Also, this way everyone in town isn't a pro at skating, so you could meet and challenge skaters of various backgrounds and abilities as well as skill. In Tony Hawk games, you could watch an NPC skate for a bit and would see dumb things happening all the time. An example being, after watching a skater land a kickflip to primo, shuffle around a little and then double flip out of it and ride away smooth, he would fail to land a normal kickflip. Everyone was the same as far as skill went in that game, they could do 1 or 2 awesome tricks, but they couldn’t kickflip to save their life. I think it would be great to see skaters of various skill levels hanging out around town.
· Smarter pedestrians - they'll get out of your way if you're headed straight at them.
· Add characters on bikes, it'd make for funny crashes! Do NOT make bikes rideable though.
· Cars that swerve to avoid hitting you. There's a heafty fine for running civillians down, even if they're on a skateboard.
· More random skaters that aren't storyline characters or pros. These skaters can hang out in small grounds or on their own.
· Civillians enter and exit buildings, even if the player can't. The entire city can't be aimlessly walking right? People have places to go and things to do.
· If you annoy pedestrians too much, they could chase after you like security does. This way, people who are more used to the Tony Hawk style camera can get it more often without the fear of losing cash if they're taken down.
· Pedestrian rag dolls. It would make for some more interesting skater-pedestrian interactions.

Single Player: All that is related to the single player experience only.

· Day/Night cycle
· Multiple session markers - Being able to place markers on the map where you want them to be would be a great feature, because you could use them to easily get to your favourite areas quickly.
· For some photo challenges, be able to place the camera man, but he would shoot photo's the same as in Skate
· Be able to change your board sponsor after picking it at least once - Hey, sometimes people make hasty decisions and regret them later... give 'em at least one chance to fix it.
· Be able to quit or even get fired from a sponsors team. If you don't skate their brand at all, why would they want you anyway? Then you could do a pro challenge or two for the company of your choice to get re-sponsored.
· Transferable data from Skate 1 to Skate 2, allowing you to keep your stats and character from the first game and continue with them.
· Better film challenges. Things like "do 3 fliptricks, grind 2 rails, hit a set of stairs", Instead of ‘get 6000 points’. Points based objectives are fine sometimes, but the higher it gets the crazy things you have to do to make the video.
· Smarter challenge areas (regarding session markers) - Some areas allow you to go further away from a point and spawn back without loading then others. If a challenge may involve retrying multiple times, don't make us wait through a loading screen if we've only gone a block away, make sure that each challenge has its own distance for instant retries.
· More sponsor incentives - give us a reason to use our sponsor’s equipment over the others. 100 extra dollars for using it really isn't a great incentive after a while since you get so much money anyways.
· More sponsor activities - Make us work to get our sponsors, as well as to keep them. One or two challenges and you're set for life isn't really accurate. You need to impress them multiple times, and keep them happy after they've signed you or you'd be dropped from the team. More video/photo challenges and demos/tour/competitions to keep them happy, and give the player more to do.
· More contests - Sponsor demos should occur a few times in career mode, as well as more competitions to win.
Sponsor specific challenges - Sponsored by Spitfire? then they are relying on you to sell their product. Stick some spitfires on your board and take a photo focusing on the wheels.
· Fewer games of SKATE against the pros. or at the very least make them in different locations!
· Allow SKATE games to take place on objects such as rails or fun boxes. Grinds can be challenging as well, and that would add a whole new way to play the game.
· Incorporate real life tours such as the Dew Tour, Free Flow Tour, Warped Tour
· Persistent character development – Shingo is a good friend for the first quarter of the game, but then he pretty much disappears.
· Put the player in more cutscenes - We decided how to sculpt his face, but we get to see it once maybe? It'd be nice to see the character more from the front rather then just the behind view all the time.
· Buses as a second mode of transportation (on top of the subways)
· The ability to turn off the Hall of Meat - It's cool at the beginning, but if you're trying to hit something big repeatedly it will get on your nerves because you have to wait every time.
· In Death Race mode, remove the arcade like timer between gates (Single player only). Perhaps I made a mistake at the beginning of the race and fell, but who's to say I have no chance of catching up again? When I get a DNF because I didn't get to a gate in a certain amount of time, why do the AI get to finish even if they were behind me. Shouldn't they get a DNF for being even slower then I?

Online: Everything regarding online skating with friends.

· User defined freeskate areas - select a bit of the map (a few blocks around the selected area) and block off where you and your friends want to ride. To add to this:
· Seamless transition between single player and multiplayer (think Burnout: Paradise) - perhaps by selecting something in the backpack you could open your area and 2-3 blocks around in all directions to the public. This way, you could freeskate wherever you wanted to with friends, and there would be no going back to the main menu to join a multiplayer session. Also related:
· Player set game markers - Start a game of SKATE or a jam on any object in the world so no location becomes stale, and every game truly is different. Great creativity could come from this. Also, creating your own deathrace gates would be a nice feature as well.
· Team based multiplayer modes - You've seen that this game creates Skate Crews, so let them face off in a few different game modes!
· Playing for virtual money online (bet system)
· Best Bail contest online - with great ragdoll physics come great bails... why not make it a contest for those who really enjoy wrecking themselves?
· Call your trick system feature in SKATE. An advanced option so people can’t do random tricks they didn’t mean to during SKATE.
· Online spot battles: Turn the multipliers off so people don’t spend 3/4ths of the time getting a 3x multiplier before busting some crazy trick to get the most points.
· Show a replay after a best trick contest, it would be cool to actually see the trick someone won with.
· Less lag, better server performance - The net code is a bit weak for the game unfortunately. There are a lot of dropped players, slow downs, inability to hear certain player’s mics, etc. This needs to be patched up, and playing online would be much more enjoyable if it was.
· Online, players can easily link an infinite amount of flip tricks to manuals to get huge scores. To eliminate this or at least stall it, it could be impossible to land in a manual if the person does the trick at the lowest possible height.
· Transition from skater to spectator without leaving the game.

01-25-2009, 09:44 PM
Extras: Unlockables or other skaters/locations people want to see.

· Unlockable long board/mini board/old school boards - Maybe just the old school boards, they would be cool... but that’s up to you guys.
· More skateparks - all kinds, concrete, wood, indoor, outdoor etc.
· Ideas for real world locations: El Toro, Brooklyn Banks, Wallenburg, Mecba 4, Pier 7, Camp Woodward, DC training facility, Love Park, Venice Beach, Kettering Skate Plaza, Freedom Plaza
· A couple gritty looking locations to skate, because the world unfortunately does have some less attractive looking areas... luckily they can make great places to Skate!
· Pros and Ams such as: Alex Mizurov, Greg Lutzka, Mike Mo, Mark Appleyard. Many others both pro and am.
· More unlockable characters - Whether it be silly things like Dem Bones, or other pros/ams. Anything for people to look forward to unlocking.
· Make Big Black a playable character.

Others: Everything that doesn't really fit into a specific category.

· Walking! What more do I need to say? This includes variations such as running and jogging, and a bit of climbing would go a long was as well.
· If you bail and your board is within a certain distance (close distance), you could have the option of respawning with it or just walking and picking it up. If it goes too far away, you automatically respawn.
· When you bail from simple tricks, you can walk away rather then go limp and fall on your face.
· Keep your legs up after jumping over some objects (picnic tables and rails often make your character extend his legs to land, even if there is a large drop afterwards. It looks strange)
· The ability to actually land on a car and not fall, while not completely unrealistic to do on a stationary car, I'm pretty sure if you hit a car going 30 you would most likely visit the hospital… not manny flip out or something.
· Split screen multiplayer
· Increase top speed of the skater on flat ground a little
· When you try to push but hit something that turns you around, you still push even if you let go and don't want to. Make it so that if you are turned around, the push is cancelled.
· When you fall after hitting an object, spawn the player facing a different direction rather then a foot away and still facing the object.
· Add animations for inactive players - after standing around for a certain period of time, the character could pop his board and stand around wondering what's going on etc.
· Warehouse audio should echo so it sounds more like you're actually in one.
· A sponsorship video for every deck company - Some companies had little sponsor videos you could watch when you had to choose your sponsor, while a bunch of them did not. Let's get a video for at least all of the board sponsorships!
· Give the streets names so finding specific spots would be easier.
· The character you create in Career mode should also be available in Party Play mode.
· Any unlockable characters should also be available in Party mode
· Add rumble when you land bigger drops, right now the controller only rumbles if you bail.

__________________________________________________ _____________________

So you've skimmed through, and hopefully you've realized something... BlackBox does indeed listen to what we have to say about their game. Some things that have been bugging me lately with everyones attitude on the forums:

1. Skate 2 was not made specifically for you. BlackBox made a game to appeal to the largest audience they could with the features they put into the game, because they need to sell as many copies as they can. Such is the nature of big business. You don't like a feature? Don't use it.
2. BlackBox does not owe you anything. Many people seem to think that EA has to do something for them because they purchased their game. They made a great game, to which they have the right to do what they want with. Obviously they are going to try to please as many people as possible, but you can't make everyone happy.
3. If Skate 2 is really so terrible, feel free to trade it in and leave the forums. Someone else will surely get more enjoyment out of your copy, and you obviously don't seem to like it. Instead of pissing off everyone who DOES enjoy it, get rid of it... all of your problems with the game will dissapear instantly.
4. I remember a time when people said they'd be happy to pay 60 bucks for a new city to skate in and maybe a few new tricks.... well, we've got much more then that, and you're still unhappy. Some people are also saying that they wouldn't care if it took another year to make the sequal to the greatest game ever better. If this is the case, why did you complain so much when we found out the game wasn't coming out in 2008?

Skate 2 is not a perfect game, but no game is. The fact is: because Skate 2 is a sequal and not the completely original, never been done before game we had all been waiting for since Tony Hawk 2 (OG Skate), you won't get the same feeling you did when you first played OG Skate. I think this is exactly what people were expecting for some reason. In my opinion, you're the one to blame because YOU "overhyped" the game, when it is totally Impossible for BlackBox to deliver that same experience again.

Anyway, Now that this is out I feel a bit better. I've never seen such a great community turn into an inconsiderate, selfish, nit picking crew of flamers in my life... It's very unfortunate to say the least.

01-26-2009, 12:03 AM
Buses? Where?
Custom Freeskate Areas? How?
El Toro? Where?
Players as filmers? How?
Changing colour of clothes? How?

Never seen any options for any of these; someone please enlighten me.

01-26-2009, 10:03 AM
Buses aren't needed because we can teleport automatically to tons of different locations on the map.

Custom freeskate areas are made by someone starting in Career Mode and starting up a freeskate. It makes one from whenever they are.

El Toro... well there are tons of stair sets with over 20 sets. None may be exact, I don't know, but the feeling is there regardless.

Filming other players is possible, watch my vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDmqHygp3GA

You can change the colour of some generic shirts, but other then that there is also a glitch that allows you to change the colour of anything on your upper half.

Piss Peddler
01-26-2009, 10:33 AM
good thread. if they had put all this stuff in it would have been amazing but it just goes to show that there still is room for a skate 3. (In Paradise City, hopefully)

PS3 Skater
01-26-2009, 12:07 PM
yeah i love skate. 2 and most of the stuff i wanted in the game is in the game. This is a awsome list btw

01-26-2009, 01:24 PM
Buses? Where?
Custom Freeskate Areas? How?
El Toro? Where?
Players as filmers? How?
Changing colour of clothes? How?

Never seen any options for any of these; someone please enlighten me.
They found a glitch to change shirt colors.:)

Embers BLS
01-26-2009, 03:36 PM
I actually read that whole post.

Very well written. I think it shines a great light on a lot of things.
Those who enjoy the game will continue, and those that complain and complain will be gone in no time.

on the EA forum it felt like i had to "weather the perfect storm"...

glad to be on here.:D

01-26-2009, 05:46 PM
not needded.

01-26-2009, 05:56 PM

01-26-2009, 06:48 PM
Some things you pointed out arent 100% true

such as adjusting the tightness of the clothes ( pants shirts etc ) you can only choose what size shirt you want not the tightness,

and the change color of anything. sure there's the glitch but the glitch is only limited to torso clothing, and theres limited colors.

itd be nice to pick pants and say i want this color and BAM its there

01-27-2009, 05:28 AM
"Tricks: Anything related to tricks and how they are done in the game." the fact that so few of those are highlighted is what disappoints me the most about Skate 2

Why thing's like this were left out I will never know..

"Be able to pop out of grinds at a significantly reduced height - It looks funny when you can ollie a foot above the rail out of a grind, especially from a board slide. Also, this would allow you to do tricks without jumping up above the rail like in real life."


01-28-2009, 08:30 AM
"Skate 2 is not a perfect game, but no game is. The fact is: because Skate 2 is a sequal and not the completely original, never been done before game we had all been waiting for since Tony Hawk 2 (OG Skate), you won't get the same feeling you did when you first played OG Skate. I think this is exactly what people were expecting for some reason. In my opinion, you're the one to blame because YOU "overhyped" the game, when it is totally Impossible for BlackBox to deliver that same experience again."

i agree, i knew that people were gonna have too high expectations for the game and would be disappointed because not every single thing they wanted would be put into the game. And for those reasons i didn't care about every little thing i wanted in the game because i knew what they were able to put it was gonna go in and want they couldn't was not so i wasn't let down and i think skate 2 is a great sequel and a lot funner than og skate.

01-28-2009, 08:58 AM
I like skate 2 way better, and i think that you do get the same experience as when the full version of OG was released. by then we had all played the demo 482390489023 times and just wanted to see what the city was about. And we explored. and that's what made it fun. And now we have a pretty blank canvas with this new one, and it'll be fun too.

06-30-2009, 08:10 AM
"Tricks: Anything related to tricks and how they are done in the game." the fact that so few of those are highlighted is what disappoints me the most about Skate 2

Why thing's like this were left out I will never know..

"Be able to pop out of grinds at a significantly reduced height - It looks funny when you can ollie a foot above the rail out of a grind, especially from a board slide. Also, this would allow you to do tricks without jumping up above the rail like in real life."


thats what popless and baby pops are for ;)

06-30-2009, 10:04 AM
thats what popless and baby pops are for ;)

I totally agree with that statement. It seems like a lot of people would like EA to turn off the "moon gravity" and fix the pop out system on rails. But, I think that's what makes it fun. That you can't just do it easily. You have to work for it. If it got "fixed" then it wouldn't be as gratifying to do a perfect line or get that perfect trick.

Also, people are asking for real world spots and specific things, but I personally would like a surprise. Give me something completely unexpected in the DLC or patches.

I would like a couple things though that would be suttle, gates you can open so you could skate the gate or maybe make a stair set accessible, chains that react realistically so you could catch your leg or even boardslide them if you're super patient. Little things just to up the realism of the environment and increase the immersion factor.

OK, I'm done rambling. Back to work.

07-17-2009, 02:50 PM
Is there a Skate 3 list that we can send EA since they are apparently already working on it?

I love Skate 2, it doesn't need to change for Skate 3 but there are plenty of things that could be added or refined.

I'd like more hidden spots in the game, like a rooftop skate park that you need to find the stairs to get to, or someones back yard pool that you can get sammy to drain. (the owners could even call the cops and they'd arrive to kick you out)

Smoother animations, and at the moment the skater in the game thows down his board wrong. In real life most people hold the nose with their leading hand and then step onto it as the throw it down now just on it. I'd make look cool in videos too where you have a limited approach and so you have to run up 2 or 3 stairs, throw your board down and get a quick push in to try and get enough speed to clear a set of stairs or a gap.

Proper no-comply flips. That nifty 360 flip footplant to tail that the one guy does at the end of Volcoms's Chicagof on the mini in the woods.

The ability to catch flips with your hand and then put your board back under your feet, not flip - catch with feet - grab.

The ability to do foot plants without having to grab your board.

The ability to lift your feet during grinds, for one foot tailsides etc. (Don't say its not possible, Eric Koston invented the Fandagle or whatever which is a one foot noseblut slide.) Not to mention one foot manuals.

The ability to catch flips with either your front or back foot by holding either X or SQUARE after you've flipped, so that you could do a kickflip one footer without having to catch it with both feet and then take your front foot off again. Or by pressing X or square you could catch a flip halfway enabling darkslides and casperslides.


Make hippie flips easier by pressing X and Square to raise your feet after you've flipped.

Snappable boards.

Caps, glasses, chains and shoes etc fly off after a particularly hard bail. There could be a hall of meat challenge to bail hard enough that both shoes come off.

Proper custom signature product. When you are awarded a shoe sponsor, you are presented with a basic shoe template that you can them customise by choosing panels and colours and placing the logo, or your own logo. Same goes for trucks, you get to choose the colour of your bushings, baseplate and hangar and add a custom logo.

Bearing sponsors? With different colour casings.

The ability to map a Jpeg or something instead of using the graphic-creator. To be honest it's crap (Maybe I'm biased because I'm a graphic designer but seriously, microsoft paint is better). I understand though that 12 year old kids might not have photoshop or know how to use it. By making things mappable it'd increase the quality of the custom stuff people create.

Little sublty things to make lines easier, like signs to use on curbs so you can just ride up them. Or on sets of 2 or 3 stairs so you don't have to ollie up them and lose momentum.

I once tried putting two benches together in parallel so that I could nose and tailslide them both at the same time, tis not possible. I'm guessing your charachter locks into one of the 2 of the grind splines and ignores the other. I'm not sure how to solve this without making everying ungrindable and have it all instead be physics based or something. Perhaps use a flux capacitor, I mean it's game design not rocket surgery.

More realistic characters, with more options, but I think this will come as a given with the inevitable graphics updates that Skate 3 will get.

After shooting a trick for a magazine, you should be able to edit it like you edit a replay, by moving around your character and zooming in and out.

It would be kewl to have certain pedestrians cheer if you land something and girl pedestrians groupies that flash their boobs.

I think I'm running out of ideas.

Last thing! Less DLC, more awesomeness included in the game from the get go, less greed and money making from holding back stuff that should be in the game on the shelf, like the filmer pack.

That is all

07-19-2009, 11:37 AM
It would also be cool if you could put stickers on your board. Stickers of your shoe, wheel, watch, clothing sponsor etc.

And also do something about the "pull" that the grind splines create so that they don't pull you into a grind when you're just trying to manual a picnic table.

does anyone from EA read the stuff we suggest anyway?

07-20-2009, 11:11 PM
Is there a Skate 3 list that we can send EA since they are apparently already working on it?

I love Skate 2, it doesn't need to change for Skate 3 but there are plenty of things that could be added or refined.

I'd like more hidden spots in the game, like a rooftop skate park that you need to find the stairs to get to, or someones back yard pool that you can get sammy to drain. (the owners could even call the cops and they'd arrive to kick you out)

Smoother animations, and at the moment the skater in the game thows down his board wrong. In real life most people hold the nose with their leading hand and then step onto it as the throw it down now just on it. I'd make look cool in videos too where you have a limited approach and so you have to run up 2 or 3 stairs, throw your board down and get a quick push in to try and get enough speed to clear a set of stairs or a gap.

Proper no-comply flips. That nifty 360 flip footplant to tail that the one guy does at the end of Volcoms's Chicagof on the mini in the woods.

The ability to catch flips with your hand and then put your board back under your feet, not flip - catch with feet - grab.

The ability to do foot plants without having to grab your board.

The ability to lift your feet during grinds, for one foot tailsides etc. (Don't say its not possible, Eric Koston invented the Fandagle or whatever which is a one foot noseblut slide.) Not to mention one foot manuals.

The ability to catch flips with either your front or back foot by holding either X or SQUARE after you've flipped, so that you could do a kickflip one footer without having to catch it with both feet and then take your front foot off again. Or by pressing X or square you could catch a flip halfway enabling darkslides and casperslides.


Make hippie flips easier by pressing X and Square to raise your feet after you've flipped.

Snappable boards.

Caps, glasses, chains and shoes etc fly off after a particularly hard bail. There could be a hall of meat challenge to bail hard enough that both shoes come off.

Proper custom signature product. When you are awarded a shoe sponsor, you are presented with a basic shoe template that you can them customise by choosing panels and colours and placing the logo, or your own logo. Same goes for trucks, you get to choose the colour of your bushings, baseplate and hangar and add a custom logo.

Bearing sponsors? With different colour casings.

The ability to map a Jpeg or something instead of using the graphic-creator. To be honest it's crap (Maybe I'm biased because I'm a graphic designer but seriously, microsoft paint is better). I understand though that 12 year old kids might not have photoshop or know how to use it. By making things mappable it'd increase the quality of the custom stuff people create.

Little sublty things to make lines easier, like signs to use on curbs so you can just ride up them. Or on sets of 2 or 3 stairs so you don't have to ollie up them and lose momentum.

I once tried putting two benches together in parallel so that I could nose and tailslide them both at the same time, tis not possible. I'm guessing your charachter locks into one of the 2 of the grind splines and ignores the other. I'm not sure how to solve this without making everying ungrindable and have it all instead be physics based or something. Perhaps use a flux capacitor, I mean it's game design not rocket surgery.

More realistic characters, with more options, but I think this will come as a given with the inevitable graphics updates that Skate 3 will get.

After shooting a trick for a magazine, you should be able to edit it like you edit a replay, by moving around your character and zooming in and out.

It would be kewl to have certain pedestrians cheer if you land something and girl pedestrians groupies that flash their boobs.

I think I'm running out of ideas.

Last thing! Less DLC, more awesomeness included in the game from the get go, less greed and money making from holding back stuff that should be in the game on the shelf, like the filmer pack.

That is all

The two bolded will never happen.

The only things I really want in Skate 3 are better walking, the ability to climb, more moveable objects, either a park editor or at the least the ability to spawn objects, and better custom graphics (better tools in graphics creator, ability to upload images from your computer, able to customize more/all area on the items instead of just the chest/center of the board/front of the hat, etc).

08-03-2009, 01:03 PM
Did I mention...

Clothing and watch sponsors.

And ask Chris Haslam for more input, I want to skate as creatively as he does and be able to do the things he does. At the moment half of the stuff he does is not possible in the game... but I suppose that just cause he's so awesome.

Watch Globe's Create and Skate or whatever its called. Think outside the box.

More hidden skate spots, that are a chellenge to get to. and once you find it its unlocked, or you have to be invited by one of the pros.

I wish I could upload my replays to Skate.reel but I keep getting an error.


08-06-2009, 01:33 PM
great post!
I totally agree black box is listening. You need to listen to your customers to bring more satisfaction, it's just good buisness. I bet you If they released an unfinished version of skate 3, we'd all just go out and buy it, but it would suck. A complete, awesome skate 3 would leave people wanting skate 4.


08-07-2009, 09:10 AM
... how about more locations for purchase. As you progress through the game you can buy bigger and better "locations" such as houses. the more expensive the location the bigger the area available for you to then create a custom park using various objects.

I think it'd also be better to be able to move objects without having to do it realistically and have your character push it around. Most of the time I can't move an object to where I want it because my character can't get it there.

Possible locations.

Various Houses = paved back yard area with pool in various sizes.

Warehouse/loft = larger area with location appropriate elements

Downtown Apartment = Rooftop area

Your sponsor's headquarters = Sponsor skate park (like the training facility)

It would also be kewl to be able to save replays of film challenges and once you finish the game and get your part in a video, you can watch them all together like an actual 2-3 minute part...

08-07-2009, 02:48 PM
... how about more locations for purchase. As you progress through the game you can buy bigger and better "locations" such as houses. the more expensive the location the bigger the area available for you to then create a custom park using various objects.

I think it'd also be better to be able to move objects without having to do it realistically and have your character push it around. Most of the time I can't move an object to where I want it because my character can't get it there.

Possible locations.

Various Houses = paved back yard area with pool in various sizes.

Warehouse/loft = larger area with location appropriate elements

Downtown Apartment = Rooftop area

Your sponsor's headquarters = Sponsor skate park (like the training facility)

It would also be kewl to be able to save replays of film challenges and once you finish the game and get your part in a video, you can watch them all together like an actual 2-3 minute part...

Damn dude, those would be sick...

08-12-2009, 11:15 AM
· Be able to pop out of grinds at a significantly reduced height - It looks funny when you can ollie a foot above the rail out of a grind, especially from a board slide. Also, this would allow you to do tricks without jumping up above the rail like in real life.

What I do is before I pop I just Tap a grab button and jump a bit from the rail so he doesn't land on the rail.

08-12-2009, 05:03 PM
you ARE actually able to do a madonna in the game its just not labeled that name;

nose grab fs 1 foot to tail ( not a dog piss, the front foot button); i do them all the time on the slappys mini ramp :D

08-14-2009, 09:31 AM
Stray cats

killer kow20
08-17-2009, 12:15 AM
i got a head ache reading that list...or should i say novel. But it shows were the game can be improved on and also showcases some really good fetures that are in the game aready.

10-19-2009, 06:48 PM
If blackbox somehow improves on skate.2, they are champions.