My idea is for everyones part there will be a chick you dig as you see in this video preview im gonna do alot of drama and cinematics hope you will catch my scenic shit in this video where im going if you you dig the chick trying to get her attention through out your part then once she finally notices you at the end you bot die someway, she does some way or how ever you want it to happen but here is the short sneaker peek
you down to edit? i can send you the clips. we can shred a park if you have one or just all the CAPs. i don't really like editing, but if you want me to i will. my gamertag is rochskate so just add me
yooo you trying to do a mini collab?! you on xbox?
Amateur Flucker
Awful Awfuls!
Seeing the Light
Fluckin' Hatchling
Fluckit Master
Yes You Can!