Let's do it.
Best Trick/Best Team Video?Best CAP, Best Graphic, Best Solo, Best Rail, Best Duckface, cuz Fuck Micheal Dukass.
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Let's do it.
Best Trick/Best Team Video?Best CAP, Best Graphic, Best Solo, Best Rail, Best Duckface, cuz Fuck Micheal Dukass.
I don't really like the idea of people saying they are better than anybody else especially on something thats as varied and dependant upon style and preference as skateboarding and its culture, but that being said I would be interested in seeing the results.
well inside best graphics by far
Not like this is original or anything, but I win all categories, i'm the best.
DJMack for best comeback video?
Perm for best duckface
stuff like that never worked and will never work. it's all a big ego show and the number of votes would be way too small to give a proper picture anyway.
styles and tastes are way too different to be comparable by any means.
best drunkin shoutboxing: monk
best use of the word "guy": notedderk
best walls of text: antwan
best flying through the legs cam: prowlin
best pan backs: Mr. Mark Murderous
best trick lining: albert™©
worst grammar/spelling: momadaddy
I was gonna nominate myself for best antwan style video in show. Ill take best walls of text though.:p
Best cat: Perm
Best disappearance: Prowlin
Best Perm: Derk
Best Parks: Ohmid
Best English: Wiltz
Best French: Wiltz
Best Finnish: Severheads
Best Solo 2013: Boxer (no words needed)
Coolest flucker: Momadaddy
Best twins: Booze brothers (H TIO & Cookie)
Best triples: Fantasy boys (Knex, Schnav and cat)
Best country: Sweden
Best carpet: My carpet
Best bathroom: Derks giant bathroom
Best indoor park: Varkoff TF by Platypus
Best team: Halcyon
Best full length by Halcyon: -
Best video by Halcyon: ...i can't remember any
Best asian: GotXasian
Coolest team 2013: Gorilla Kult
Worst team 2013: NCP
Best pizza: Pepperoni, pineapple, ham and bit of shrimps
Best company to play with: Derk or Briden
Second best company to play with: Matty and Deacon (Rushie too if he stays quiet)
Best german: TNO
Best aussie: -
Best Siberian: Wiltz
Best spot: Old pool outside Art Gallery
Best chocolate: Fazer blue
Best banned 2013: Rushie
Best woods: Fungus woods
Coolest guy EVER: Roke
Second coolest guy ever: Vibez
Coolest guy with Michael Jackson-disease: Roke
Coolest Michael Jackson: MikeNike
Best S2 full length series: Flashbacks by Push
Most speeding speeding tickets for skateboarding too fast: Perm
Best Nation: Morphine Nation
Best Key on keyboard: W
Best Key on keyboard that isn't W: I
Best name on fluckit: That "PenisMonster" dude...hands down
Best fakeskate mag: LikeButter...not sure tho
Most fakeskater friends on facebook: ValleyBoy
Most filmed new clips in 4 months: Wiltz (>700)
Most filmed full parts in 4 months: Wiltz (4)
Most cat: Perm
Best creativity: H TIO
Best dutch: Stevie
Best edits: E and Sickone...share the price boys
Best S2 video: JeanOlive
Most annoying font on fluckit: Goat
Best Graphics: Tex Freeman...sorry Deacon
Best own music: E
Best tutorials: Ayreon
Coolest Team on PS3: CAP Faction (i adore you)
Best fruit: Peach
Longest taken full length in history of fakeskating: Halcyon full (2 fckng years)
Coolest zilla: Demzilla
Coolest snake: Mamba
Best entertainer: Briden
Part 2 coming soon !
every time something list worthy comes up count on Wiltz to make the best of it
the truth and nothing but the truth! amen wiltz
I'll never get my own series.
Best Flatground - Pawnluv
I feel it's necessary since nobody's said it yet, he's the only guy who's been able to impress me with flatground tricks in a fakeskate edit
I'm the best at everything that has to do with tricks. so suck it....no really suck it....please :)
Best Kiwi: Goon_Panda
Every active/memorable fakeskater should get a trophy or two. We have all accomplished something in the last few years. So what do you remember? There should be a few traditional titles incase you arent nominated.. New Blood, Killed it, Fluckin Veterans something like that might be cool. Thats just what im thinking/text blocking.
I should win best twerk.
Best master-debater: mrmaster11
Best made CAP house: Masters "Wiltzuh's house"
I won something!! Woo!! That made my night haha :) I will say that this community as a whole is the best online group I've ever been a part of and am glad I got a chance to be a part and have many of you become a part of my life in a way. I need to ponder some on this awards thing though since there are so many dedicated members and so many who have worked to increase the enjoyment we get from this game.
Most audible consecutive bong hits on mic....bmxog420
Everyone should get their own title specific to them.
Best Kiwi: Goon_Panda
Best fucking motherfucker of fuck: kgchamp
Best- Andreas
Second Best-Exoskate89
Best shithead: Me
best trickliner Tod falcon
best basement mini - Banner...? naaah best basement mini edit - Wiltzwho.
Best airstrikes over here