Ea skate is turning 10
Video info
DEADLINE: sept 1st. I'll will start edit on this date so nothing after
WHAT TO SEND: anything. New footy, best of bangers from old videos w/e you want
SENDING CLIPS: send a zip file with your clips via pm on here or just paste the link in thread. Dropbox or other similar sights work great
FUN?: have it
Hello good folks. Skate is turning ten in two months. I can't believe I've been doing the stupid shit for ten years. If anyone wants to do stupid shit to celebrate with me I was thinking about doing some sort of video. I was thinking anything goes just send some stuff if you have anything. Maybe even your best tricks over the years from old videos. Or new shit. Any game. Anything. I doubt many will do this but if we get a few on board it might make for a neat thing, or not. Either way ten years is crazy. Bye now
Yeah, pretty nuts.
I have a few bangers in mind if you want them.
Other than that I just completely burnt myself out with a 7 minute solo lol.
I can send some stuff! Have only been active on here for a few month, but have been playing for 10 years aswell, wish I would've found fluckit earlier :D
Hi moma! 10 years already...wow. I'm definitely down for some kind of anniversary video. Think I would film some fresh stuff for that. Just need to know when and how much clips are needed. Love the idea!!!
Super down for this. If old clips are OK I've got a bunch of bangers I could throw your way, but if not I'm waiting for a full to get put out. Got like 2 1/2 reels full of clips right now. Either way I got you on something
is there a deadline ??? i think i have a bunch of clips to spare ... but i need to figure out how mega workd again .. lol
I edited the original post with the info needed I hope. Feel free to ask any questions you might still have. I am hoping for some footage from all three games since it is a ten year thing. might as well get all games inthere
I've got some old bangers and shit I could contribute. Let's see
Ayy I'd be down to contribute to this as well. I have some clips that I filmed my tv with my t2i from the time between no capcard and no backwards compatibility lol think they'd be fine? If so, I have atleast 15-20 clips I could send and you can decide wether or not they'd be decent for the video lol
I have cleaned my inbox. Appearantly it was full. If you tried to pm me and it wouldn't go through feel free to try again it should work now
ill get some clips for this.
this is still a thing. time is running low. get em in if you want...
Hi moma, wanted to film some stuff for this yesterday, but my stupid cap card has a lose connection somewhere. Cant record anything at the moment...hope i'll find some unused stuff that is worthy and to send it to you beginning of next week.
i have legit been sitting on footage for my "last" solo for the last 5 years.....
its time to use it lmao
i just wish i could find my grand larceny part :( i worked so fucking hard on that
whats the status here? am I late?
I read sept but just wondering hahah.
Omg I thought I updated everyone. My goddam hdd got corrupted while editing and I lost all my footage. I think some of the people sent prowlin their footage
Wait, Prowlin's doing this now?
I don't really know someone said they sent their footage to him. I'm refilminh stuff and I'll have a new pc in a few days. I'll get a hold of him and see what's up. I'm really butt hurt about losing all my footy still. I need to start backing my stuff up
I thought about doing another 411VM 10 year. I still have all my clips and videos from 1,2, and 3. if anyone is interested pm me.