
Type: Posts; User: robertofool

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  1. Replies

    Hey guys, Woot has the Hauppauge HD PVR 2 on sale...

    Hey guys, Woot has the Hauppauge HD PVR 2 on sale today only for $99.99 with $5 shipping.
  2. Can someone help me out? I'm probably doing it...

    Can someone help me out? I'm probably doing it wrong but I can't even create a park without signing into live.
  3. Replies

    If you're doing a lot of video editing or...

    If you're doing a lot of video editing or Photoshop work or After Effects work, you'll want a Mac. Final Cut Pro is pretty much the industry standard. People often say that Macs are overpriced but...
  4. Replies

    Does your "Skate.Park" section work in the game?...

    Does your "Skate.Park" section work in the game? Mine was working last night for about 20 minutes and then I got the "unable to connect to EA" or whatever it says. I'm not able to view parks or...
  5. Yeah, I posted in their tech support section. In...

    Yeah, I posted in their tech support section. In one of the threads, the mod gave the user a free pack so I'm gonna follow the same thing. Sucks that I have it on the PS3 but just bought it for the...
  6. I spoke with one of the customer service reps and...

    I spoke with one of the customer service reps and they want me to send in my game plus the case and my receipt. I think I'll try speaking to someone else. Game Stop said they didn't know it was...
  7. I just bought a new copy of the game from...

    I just bought a new copy of the game from Gamestop and it didn't have a share pack code. I thought all the new copies were supposed to have them?
  8. Thread: Hey

    by robertofool


    Hey guys, I've been playing Skate since the original "skate." was released. I have always watched the numerous videos people make and have made a few of my own. Since EA gave up on the Skate...
Results 1 to 8 of 8