I made a full fledged departure from the EA forums a week or so ago and that was something I thoroughly enjoyed doing. That place was a stressful forum that I really did not enjoy being a part of. I can't say that about Fluckit though. I really enjoy Fluckit and I have a lot of memories with Fluckit.

That being said though, I'm in a time in my life where I just can't have as much leisure as I would like. Between doing hobbies in real life, working, maintaining a relationship, and soon having a child, I just can't say I can stay here at Fluckit.

For me, I can either be here or I can't, there's no in between. I can either manage the website or not. Right now, I cannot. I had originally planned on leaving and then I decided to just see how it felt to be here without management instead of leaving, but after a stressful night tonight and a talk with my fiance (my life) about how I shouldn't be dealing with this stuff in the midst of our life, I'm having to make the decision to leave indefinitely.

Who knows, I may be back around Skate. 3, I don't want to make a promise though. For now though, I just can't be a part of this, as much as I wish I could.

That being said, I'm leaving Demzilla and Magicnarcosis in charge of the job I'm leaving behind. They will be doing contests, managing the forums, and KEEPING THE PEACE. I would like for Fluckit to continue to be a peaceful safe-haven for EA Skate players, but I'm leaving all responsibility behind. Be A Debaser will stand as the oldest member of the site still, he owns the websites, pays for it, and maintains it in a much more important way than we give him credit. So, if you ever have suggestions, he will follow through on them just as he has in the past.

Peace everyone.