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  1. #1
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    Default Just curious...

    Do you believe in (the):
    911 conspiracy
    JFK conspiracy
    Moon Hoax
    Roswell UFO crash
    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture
    Big Bang Theory
    Black Holes
    Dark Matter
    vaccines cause autism
    crop circles

    Just curious what other peoples views are on a couple different subjects...

  2. #2
    Don't Worry, Be Happy
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    911 conspiracy: No, lack of proof, and too many dingbats spewing pedantic nonsense claiming it to be proof rather than speculation.
    JFK conspiracy: No, lack of proof, and anyone to whom it was actually relevant is probably dead.
    Moon Hoax: No, lack of proof, and again, it's been so long since it happened it's a total waste of time trying to prove or disprove.
    Roswell UFO crash: As in, alien UFO? Again, those trying to prove anything seldom lend themselves any credibility. (Whackjobs and idiots with nothing more important in their lives.)
    homeopathy, straight chiropractic medicine, acupuncture: Chiro care as rehab, but not the practices most people try to run. (If they need to see you indefinitely, they're quacks.) Otherwise... Case by case for homeopathy (some things actually have effects, others don't) and I have more doubt than not about acupuncture.
    ghosts: **** no. The fact that there are TV shows dedicated to ghost hunting proves that fools and their money quickly part ways.
    God: As in "something beyond human comprehension," yes. As in "magic man in the sky," no.
    Evolution: Yes, the evidence presented seems sound enough to be reasonable.
    Big Bang Theory: Great TV show, and I trust Dr. Hawking's thoughts enough to call it plausable. However, I wasn't there.
    Black Holes: Again, Dr. Hawking's thoughts seem to be worth respecting. I can still beat the guy in a foot race, though.
    Dark Matter: Lack of real proof, but I'm quite curious to see what materializes. (PUN!)
    Bigfoot: Hm, I'm furry, live in the Pacific Northwest, and have decent self-esteem. Yeah, I believe in me.
    psychics: "Lisa, I want to purchase your rock..."
    vaccines cause autism: Possibly the new ADD/ADHD as far as BS diagnosis to mask piss-poor parenting and the behavior it creates. Having a parent who's an expert in that realm, I trust his expertise to say no.
    crop circles: Yes, people in Iowa with nothing better to do and the smarts to make the designs make crop circles.

    What about you, good sir?
    Quote Originally Posted by Krome View Post
    this dude. this dude disappears for months then pops up with 5 full length vids in the span of 2 weeks.

  3. #3
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    personally of that list i believe in Evolution, The Big Bang Theory Black Holes and Dark Matter. And pretty much agree with your points exactly.

    When i get a little time i'll go more in depth, im just really interested in this kind of stuff and i consider myself a skeptic.

  4. #4
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    I would have to see it to believe it, that's what I've always went by.. call me crazy or ignorant.
    Even then what is that meaning; I'm misinformed, out of the loop.. gives me more breathing room..
    Fuck it, I'd rather think about crazy shit happening than have logic, does that mean I believe either argument more?
    Nah.. Just as people have come to believe "conspiracies" and "theories" they've also come to believe in "Logical Explanation"
    Something to keep you sane, I guess.. So I suppose I'm neutral.
    All I know is we came to be.. were fed things and we took them in because it seemed to make sense.
    What I've always tried to do is define my own sense.. and it makes me a neutral argument.

    Here's one.. why is a conspiracy labeled a conspiracy? Why couldn't it just be a theory?
    Sounds a little messed up doesn't it?

    edit: to add..
    It's obvious the difference is in definition but
    Is it so unlikely that a conspiracy first had to happen for the word to exist?
    Did the word Conspiracy exist before people made conspiracies?
    Last edited by Antwan; 04-14-2011 at 08:47 PM.

  5. #5
    Can I Kick It? Shaydee UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonVigo View Post
    vaccines cause autism: Possibly the new ADD/ADHD as far as BS diagnosis to mask piss-poor parenting and the behavior it creates. Having a parent who's an expert in that realm, I trust his expertise to say no.
    As a parent of an autistic child, I like to think it wasnt my "piss-poor parenting" that caused it...

    vaccines cause autism: I can only speak from my personal experience. Our son was a healthy 2 year old boy, everything about him was normal throughout those 2 years, all doctors and health proffesionals had no concerns at all. He had his MMR vacination at about 2 1/2 years old and almost instantly there was some changes in him. He got quite ill for a good couple of months, just coughs, sickness and generally feeling lethargic, he stopped eating a variety of foods and would only eat toast and yoghurt and his general behaviour started deterioating. About 6 months later, with no improvements his playschool reccomended we seek proffesional help. Within days he was diagnosed with autism. Over the next year or so I was forced to resign from my job and look after my son at home as my wife couldn't control him anymore. Nowdays he is alot better, of course he has autism still, but he is reasonably high functioning and has some remarkable traits. He has an amazing memory and has photgraphic memory. At 7 years old he can read, and comprehend, at an adult level and every day he amazes us by doing something we never thought he was capable of!

    At the time we had no idea about the MMR / Autism link, the link had not been made but in hindsight we can pinpoint the change, give or take, to the time period he had his MMR vacination. Now, I am not 100% convinced that my son was affected by the vacination, but neither have I dismissed it. That being said, my youngest son has not, and will not be having the injection, he is now about the same age as my eldest was when he started "acting differently". Right now my youngest acts 100% like a "normal" child and we hope that will never change.

    I wouldn't be so quick to nonsense the link and I recommend that if anyone has a child who is due the vaccination they do as much research as possible and make an educated decision about it.

  6. #6
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    WOW dude thats some heavy shit. Anyone who thinks Autism is created by bad parenting is just plain ignorant. I have a 23 month old, and I look for signs of autism more than anything else. Sounds like your lil dude is in great hands.
    Helen Adams Keller

  7. #7
    Can I Kick It? Shaydee UK's Avatar
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    Thanks SG!

  8. #8
    Fluckit Senior Citizen replicant's Avatar
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    Unless I read it wrong I think DV meant that improper parenting has led many children to be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD/Autism when it's actually just lack of discipline. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's how I read it.
    As for MMR they actually had a segment on the Today Show this morning to once again say Vaccines have nothing to do with Autism increases. They even brought up the UK Wakefield incident as the catalyst to the debate.
    I myself had/have ADHD (Used to be called Extreme Hyperactivity when I was diagnosed as a kid and given the wonder drug "Ritalin") and my cousin was borderline autistic, so I can understand miracles and headaches we can place upon our parents. =)
    Bear "replicant" Powell
    "I am Shaolin-Style!"

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  9. #9
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaydee UK View Post
    As a parent of an autistic child, I like to think it wasnt my "piss-poor parenting" that caused it...

    vaccines cause autism: I can only speak from my personal experience. Our son was a healthy 2 year old boy, everything about him was normal throughout those 2 years, all doctors and health proffesionals had no concerns at all. He had his MMR vacination at about 2 1/2 years old and almost instantly there was some changes in him. He got quite ill for a good couple of months, just coughs, sickness and generally feeling lethargic, he stopped eating a variety of foods and would only eat toast and yoghurt and his general behaviour started deterioating. About 6 months later, with no improvements his playschool reccomended we seek proffesional help. Within days he was diagnosed with autism. Over the next year or so I was forced to resign from my job and look after my son at home as my wife couldn't control him anymore. Nowdays he is alot better, of course he has autism still, but he is reasonably high functioning and has some remarkable traits. He has an amazing memory and has photgraphic memory. At 7 years old he can read, and comprehend, at an adult level and every day he amazes us by doing something we never thought he was capable of!

    At the time we had no idea about the MMR / Autism link, the link had not been made but in hindsight we can pinpoint the change, give or take, to the time period he had his MMR vacination. Now, I am not 100% convinced that my son was affected by the vacination, but neither have I dismissed it. That being said, my youngest son has not, and will not be having the injection, he is now about the same age as my eldest was when he started "acting differently". Right now my youngest acts 100% like a "normal" child and we hope that will never change.

    I wouldn't be so quick to nonsense the link and I recommend that if anyone has a child who is due the vaccination they do as much research as possible and make an educated decision about it.
    First off, i feel for you man, kids can be a handful as is, it has to be rough and you have my sympathies.

    I do strongly disagree with you though, as does the scientific consensus.

    Autism is a genetic disorder, piss-poor parenting like other environmental factors may have something to with how soon its diagnosed but other than that, BS.

    The anti vaccine movement believe the trace amounts of mercury (much less than you would intake just from eating fish daily) that were in the MMR vaccine caused autism. They came out and said that if the mercury was removed autism levels would drop significantly. The MMR has been mercury free for years now and autism levels continue to increase. Although the scientific consensus is that the increase is due to more awareness, screening and the broadening of the definition of autism.

    Although we do disagree, i commend you for doing the research yourself and coming to your own decision, and not having the ignorance/arrogance to think a personal anecdote and a layman's interpretation of it trumps scientific evidence, studies, ect.

    a few short articles on the subject:

  10. #10
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    A little information about what happened at Roswell and Project Mogul:

  11. #11
    Don't Worry, Be Happy
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    Shaydee - Bro, it's not to say EVERY kid who's diagnosed is a BS case. My dad and step mom own a private special ed school specializing in high-functioning autism/aspbergers syndrome. They turn down A LOT of kids who, in their professional opinion are misdiagnosed. I don't see how that statement I made would give you the inference that your kid is lumped in with that group... But I'll say I'm sorry as I know A LOT of great kids having to deal with the shitty hand life has dealt them.

    The problem I was trying to point out is that in the US we have a lot of disconnected parents with shitty kids who will convince a Dr. that something is wrong with their kid rather than their parenting. My generation (I'm in my late 20's) saw a lot of kids on Ritalin when they REALLY just needed more attention in their younger years. If you try to use the TV to babysit a kid, they're going to have a short attention span due to the medium, and that isn't the same thing as having ADD, though many doc's would diagnose it just the same. Our problem is that Autism has started taking that place in a lot of circumstances. As pawnlove pointed out, they're broadening the spectrum of the diagnosis, and the downside to that is that there's a lot of borderline at best cases getting the label.

    In the future, I have to add that just cause someone makes a statement about something that relates to you, doesn't necessarily mean they're talking about you. I know it's a sensitive subject for some people, but as... Again, I didn't say ALL Autism is caused by environmental issues, you really didn't need to get defensive. In this case, it's more the exception than the rule, and you're more likely than not part of that exception.

    I wish you and the little guy luck. I've seen a lot of kids come through the school's doors seemingly hopeless and leave to lead great lives. A famous speaker on Aspberger's came to Seattle, toured the Microsoft campus, and made the joke "I've never felt so at home around so many Aspy's." There's some strengths that come with those weaknesses, and I hope you have the resources to have good people highlight those with your child.
    Last edited by DonVigo; 04-15-2011 at 11:58 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krome View Post
    this dude. this dude disappears for months then pops up with 5 full length vids in the span of 2 weeks.

  12. #12
    Don't Worry, Be Happy jest118's Avatar
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    911 conspiracy - I don't believe in all the theories but there are some theories that I believe are plausible.

    JFK conspiracy - too many inconsistencies that can't be verified in both the official version and the "conspiracy" theories. Don't have a belief either way.

    Moon Hoax - Same as above

    Roswell UFO crash - Nope

    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture - Odd to stick these together. I think Chiropractic medicine provides temporary relief but no solutions. The others I don't believe in.

    ghosts - Yes. Personal experiences.

    God - Too many reasons for Religion to exist as a medium of control. However I'm not vain enough to think I know for certain.

    Evolution - Yes

    Big Bang Theory - Yes

    Black Holes - That they exist... yes.

    Dark Matter - Haven't done research on the subject.

    Bigfoot - Yes. He's my 1 year old son. lol Nah.. but seriously, No.

    psychics - Yes. Though I believe that most people who claim to be psychics are full of shit.

    vaccines cause autism - No. Jenny McCarthy is pretty hot though.

    crop circles - No
    old psn: jest118
    new psn: jesthatesyou

  13. #13
    Fluckit Master briden's Avatar
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    Big Bang Theory is one of the best shows out right now. BAZINGA!
    Quote Originally Posted by momadaddy View Post
    i mostly play with myself now

  14. #14
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jest118 View Post

    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture - Odd to stick these together. I think Chiropractic medicine provides temporary relief but no solutions. The others I don't believe in.
    I stuck them all together because they all have almost magical explanations on how they could work. And thats why I put "straight chiropractic" because a lot of it is just like a massage and has the temporary healing effects of a massage. Some people may not know, but Chiropractors are not PHD's, Its the straight Chiros that believe they are treating the flow of a so called "life energy" which there really is no evidence for, or even a plausible mechanism.

    Homeopathy is based on magical thinking as well. Without going too much in depth, bottom line, its just water, diluted way past the point of having any meaningful amount of active ingredient. Not that the active ingredient would of had any chance anyway, its usually a "like cures like" kind of thing. So for example if you were having trouble sleeping you may take some caffeine diluted in water:

    Designation ------Dilution Rate
    X -------- ------- 1/10
    C ----- ----- ----- 1/100
    M ----- --- ----- 1/1000
    LM ----- ---- ------ 1/50,000

    acupuncture is a good example of magical thinking as well and the placebo effect at work. Its all based on chee, (which there is no evidence of or possible mechanism). Triple blinded tests have shown no difference where you put the needles or even if they are inserted at all, acupuncture does no better than placebo.

  15. #15
    Blazing a Trail bohemian's Avatar
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    you forgot santa claus and the toothferry in your random list.

  16. #16
    Blazing a Trail adda89ldn's Avatar
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    911 conspiracy
    it's hard to believe in a theory without solid evidence

    JFK conspiracy
    it's hard to believe in a theory without solid evidence

    Moon Hoax
    it's hard to believe in a theory without solid evidence

    Roswell UFO crash
    it's hard to believe in a theory without solid evidence

    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture
    i've seen acupuncture work.


    it's hard to believe in a theory without solid evidence

    it's still happening.

    Big Bang Theory
    i hate that show.

    Black Holes

    Dark Matter

    i'm pretty sure my friend had sex with her this one time.


    vaccines cause autism
    me and everyone i know has had vaccines and not one has autism.

    crop circles
    seriously, so intergalactic beings came here, and the best they could do was harass a farmer?

    raptor jesus
    all hail

  17. #17
    Blazing a Trail
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    Context : i have a strong scientific background. As a result i am skeptical and try to ask myself questions and analyse stuff most of the time. try to be logical
    Antwan => Why conspiracy instead of theory ? Just look at the definition of a theory...theory means facts... ie ... A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. I feel like with conspiracies, the thesis exists before facts... and then people look at facts and interpret them the way they want / the way they need.

    Do you believe in (the):
    911 conspiracy : no

    JFK conspiracy : can't say...doesnt really care

    Moon Hoax : it happened... will happen again soon

    Roswell UFO crash : UFO doesnt mean Aliens... roswell was bullshit... and this paradox is enough to show that aliens didnt come here... i do believe there is extraterrestrial life though

    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture : Psychosomatism and placebo effect... you can partly cure yourself with your own brain...homeopathy is a huge hoax but it kinda works because of the placebo effect... im wondering about acupuncture but i think its like advanced placebo effect

    ghosts : no, when youre dead, game over...

    God : its a belief... doesnt exist. many questions about the universe and stuff though... but no there is no old guy with a beard, no paradise, no hell.

    Evolution : yes, there are facts

    Big Bang Theory : yes, there are facts but still needs to be studied and understood

    Black Holes : yes, there are facts

    Dark Matter : yes, there are facts but still needs to be studied and understood

    Bigfoot : i dont believe there is another big ape species

    psychics : no

    vaccines cause autism : no

    crop circles : lol some people have fun with mowers...
    Last edited by Slamooh; 04-15-2011 at 05:01 AM.

  18. #18
    Fluckit Senior Citizen replicant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pawnluvguitarist View Post
    I stuck them all together because they all have almost magical explanations on how they could work. And thats why I put "straight chiropractic" because a lot of it is just like a massage and has the temporary healing effects of a massage. Some people may not know, but Chiropractors are not PHD's, Its the straight Chiros that believe they are treating the flow of a so called "life energy" which there really is no evidence for, or even a plausible mechanism.

    Homeopathy is based on magical thinking as well. Without going too much in depth, bottom line, its just water, diluted way past the point of having any meaningful amount of active ingredient. Not that the active ingredient would of had any chance anyway, its usually a "like cures like" kind of thing. So for example if you were having trouble sleeping you may take some caffeine diluted in water:

    Designation ------Dilution Rate
    X -------- ------- 1/10
    C ----- ----- ----- 1/100
    M ----- --- ----- 1/1000
    LM ----- ---- ------ 1/50,000

    acupuncture is a good example of magical thinking as well and the placebo effect at work. Its all based on chee, (which there is no evidence of or possible mechanism). Triple blinded tests have shown no difference where you put the needles or even if they are inserted at all, acupuncture does no better than placebo.
    While Alternative Medicines do go into the "WTF" category I can say personally I've had success from Acupuncture and Chiropractic work myself. Some friends I know swear by homeopathic remedies and it works for them. Is it the Placebo Effect, Mind Over Matter or the Real Deal I can't say with 100% certainty. In the past 30+ years of skateboarding, being the victim of a hit-n-run, and general kid logic (i can jump off the house and be fine or that tree isn't so high) I've had my fair share of tweaked, twisted, torn, broken, sprained, etc things happen to my Bones, Ligaments, Tendons, and Muscles (I think my mom has records of me breaking like 17 different bones from skating alone >_>). Now I even suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis which isn't associated with the above dumb luck/stupidity, but is quite painful for those familiar with it. Looking at my gnarley hands I bet most of you would be amazed I can use an Xbox controller.

    I have prescriptions for medications to help with the pain and inflammation, but the problem with them is they tend to leave me sleepy and just blah/fuzzy. However, I can go to a local Doctor who is also a Chiropractor and Acupuncturist for a short treatment (roughly 1hr) that will have me relatively pain free from my Arthritis with increased mobility for a couple weeks (maybe 1-2 OTC Ibuprofen a week). This treatment is solely from his acupuncture. I visit him for chiropractic work I'd say every 6 months or so when my back acts up. After another short session I am right as rain and back on my board grinding like a kid again. Whether it is pseudomedicine, magic, or whatever all I know is it works for me and has for a very long time.
    Bear "replicant" Powell
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  19. #19
    Blazing a Trail bohemian's Avatar
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    oh, one more thing you forgot to ask about

    is the world flat?

  20. #20
    Blazing a Trail adda89ldn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bohemian View Post
    oh, one more thing you forgot to ask about

    is the world flat?
    it clearly is.

    do you believe in raptor jesus?

  21. #21
    Fluckit Senior Citizen replicant's Avatar
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    Do you believe in (the):
    911 conspiracy - Maybe, It does raise questions.
    JFK conspiracy - Maybe, It does raise questions.
    Moon Hoax - No, but I can see some peoples points.
    Roswell UFO crash - Yes
    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture - Yes
    ghosts - Yes
    God - Potentially, needs more definition.
    Evolution - Yes
    Big Bang Theory - No
    Black Holes - Yes
    Dark Matter - Yes
    Bigfoot - Yes
    psychics - Yes
    vaccines cause autism - No
    crop circles - Not all, but some yes.
    Bear "replicant" Powell
    "I am Shaolin-Style!"

    XBL: replicant#2618

    Currently Playing: Diablo 2 Resurrected, Elden Ring, Skate 3

  22. #22
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    I honestly usually only look at these threads to see Pawns post, and then to see Flix's silent underhanded comeback. There should be a thread with all of them together.

    911 conspiracy-not yet
    JFK conspiracy-not anymore, til I saw a show about 4 years ago totally break it down with science
    Moon Hoax-no then kind of then no, mith busters was givin pretty much total access to anything from NASA they wanted. Pretty telling actually.
    Roswell UFO crash-I'm honestly up in the air on this one, gov def hiding something on this event. I kind of think they could of been us from the future. It would explain the reason for the cover up, most examples of aliens are to similar to humans. Our science center has a computer evolution slide show, stunning how our future selves look like the common description of aliens.
    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture- believe in? Most of the root causes for these problems are just as much phycological as physical. So if these actions fix you that way then I guess I believe in them.
    God-I'd rather not say in case I change my mind
    Big Bang Theory-everything seems to be spheres circling other spheres. Size and time are only relevant to the one looking. To us maybe a bang. To something else looking at our universe in a microscope, maybe not such a BIG BANG
    Black Holes-yes
    Dark Matter- honestly don't know enough but what I do know I haven't questioned
    Bigfoot- no
    psychics-yes edit:I misread and thought you said physics so no
    vaccines cause autism-no a lot of the increase (I didn't say all) in autism can directly be related to what we used to call mental retardation.
    crop circles- no
    Helen Adams Keller

  23. #23
    UG/Popless Pioneer pawnluvguitarist's Avatar
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    Haha SG, I do get a chuckle out of it too. But yeah the government was covering something up at Roswell, but for good reason, I'll gather a few links later today and try to explain more in depth when I get home from work. But it was a military thing not a space thing, cold war spy project, was revealed after the war was over.

  24. #24
    Fluckit Master fallingskyline's Avatar
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    911 conspiracy: truely don't know what to believe in, all the conspiracies have their point, but no proof
    JFK conspiracy: no
    Moon Hoax: no
    Roswell UFO crash: no
    homeopathy, straight cyropractic medicine, acupuncture: some of it can ease things, but as a solution, no
    ghosts: no
    God: there may be some bigger thing, but i surely can believe in invisible pink unicorns and flying spaghetti monsters aswell
    Evolution: yes
    Big Bang Theory: i've seen it on futurama so its real
    Black Holes: yes
    Dark Matter: nibbler shits that stuff
    Bigfoot: why no yeti question? both, no
    psychics: yes and no
    vaccines cause autism: hell, no
    crop circles: they look nice on pictures, but no
    santa & easterbunny: sure <3
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