Enjoy, Hate, Thank you !
Enjoy, Hate, Thank you !
coolio beans muchacho.the filming gets better as the video goes on but your filming needs a bit of work. it was refreshing seeing a video that had something other than generic rap/rock song for music. i have the feeling you were going for the mall music vibe.
Thank you for the feed back. Yes filming is my problem... I'm working hard on that...
Saw it on youtubez, good work, i enjoyed the themed vid
Youtube: youtube.com/FanaticWuZie
Xbox gamertag: WvZie
"Objectivity is key"
Keep it up dude, you're getting there, but you can never stop improving
You're blessed with the ability to keep filming, so keep getting better for all of us!
The artist formerly known as Luft
Thank you Luft.. PS3 FTW...