I wanted to make a new deck and spent 2 hours creating a really nice asset only to discover that the graphic editor is being fickle about which assets it wants me to use. Is anyone else having this issue or found a way around it??
I wanted to make a new deck and spent 2 hours creating a really nice asset only to discover that the graphic editor is being fickle about which assets it wants me to use. Is anyone else having this issue or found a way around it??
my assets lately have been the same way. i can make and save an asset but i can't seem to be able to use them!!
Yep that's how it did me too....but it will allow me to use older assets. I wonder if this is related to the other GC glitches we've been experiencing.
Ya,same here but out of country GC's assets are workin fine...WTF
Shake Junt!!! GT:SteezXStatus
DeathWish OR DIE
Co-Founder of Backside Corp
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Let The Good Times Roll