Was hoping for a bigger turn out, maybe next time around, I know a few guys are looking into cap cards.
Was hoping for a bigger turn out, maybe next time around, I know a few guys are looking into cap cards.
Last edited by pawnluvguitarist; 07-12-2011 at 04:44 PM.
i made it public like 5 mins ago, and it says its public for me, weird, slight delay i guess.
Really into some Mamba's clips. Nice video guys.
fuck yeah
Wish it had a bit more baby pop (;
smith to fakie
50 50 into the bank
Wow man that quality is sick.
Kickflip feeb.
1:20 I love that plaza... One of the best imo.
Hardflip over the table. Clean.
2:26 oooo Tech!
Mr. Bang.
5-0 to manny on the skinny bench. WHAT?
Popless tricks. ftw
Powerslide blunts. ftw.
Tricks to fakie. ftw.
Speechless banger. I can't say anything about it.
Well I was going to comment on a trick for everyone but
You KNOW OG has the smoothest gameplay.. so with the stuff we already know
anyone that's been around a while is sure to have a killer OG video.
It was chill, I'll say that.. can't wait to get back into this stuff..
I was so blitted my eyes started to bleed.
pawn, you're part had me saying wtf the entire way (or almost haha). Your part was insane, liked so many tricks in this, especially that ender, holy shit! Liked Adda's clips a lot too, and mamba as well lol A good watch, and good video delivered from you 3. My clips didn't belong, they were so bad compared to this, and the quality of my clips were horrible, almost better if I didn't send in the clips haha
damn this makes me want to play some og. incredible ug crooks, pawn
i forgot what my clips were like, feel like i brought down the video. just the stark quality difference from mine to mamba's super hd clarity.
so many great clips from the both of you.
My favourite clip from mamba was his nosemanny to fs tail in the res, shit i wasn't expecting that.
then pawn your god damned spine transfer 360 nosegrab revert? holy shit balls piss cunt fuck! that was incredible.
you two totally annihilated the city.
Skate 1 is still looking mighty fine thanks to you three. Nice edit as well. l wish we had Advanced Free Cam. It would inject new life into the entire community.
Well Done. This was pretty awesome.
"like a gnarly dog on PCP with gold teeth biting your face."
Ooooo another great example why I love me some OG.
I really need to get a CAP card......
great work guys skate 1 would be proud..
this. I hope that by the time the next generation of consoles comes out, someone out there will start putting out some decent ps3/xb360 homebrews so maybe the community can go back and fix the skate games ourselves without ea's money grubbing - any programmers reading this interested? some sub projects would be: putting advance cam in s1; putting walking in s1 (by the way, how fuckin stoned were the devs when they made s1 that they couldn't get their shit together for walking? it's a mechanic that's in hundreds of fucking games, can't be that hard); putting hardcore in s2; decoding the cap files for cross platform; hijacking the media upload process to private servers, etc, etc. please take these ideas and run with them, anyone, I haz no coding skills
Great stuff guys, thanks for sending in the clips, we gotta do this again sometime.
loved that tre flip nosebonk down the stairs and the barrier into the bank.
that switchflip smith, switch wallride line was so smooth
nosemanual tailslide was sick
the UG rock at 2:35 was my fav clip, just because it looks like such a sick spot that i've never skated.
your ender was sweet too, with the popless flip out.
Nice, always great to watch OG's stuff ! Liked everyone's part, but I was really imprest by pawn's stuffs
Youtube Team ORIGAMI Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/TeamORIGAMI
man filimng good in s1 is impossible without advanced free cam. still for what ur working with pretty good. tricks were there
so glad i could do this. not just to be in a awesome video, but to really get back into og. so much fun.
such a good mix of styles in this video. adda's super gnar downhill shit did suffer a little without advanced free cam, but i still love it. i honestly didn't think my clips were that great when i did them, but i'm glad people are diggin them. and pawnluvmasterthumbwarrior just amazes me every time. crazy tech, that revert bigspin in the ender was incredible, and all the tranny stuff was sick as well.
thanks for the love fluckers
Yeah, I get you there, and I do enjoy filming too, but at the same time I kinda feel like adv free cam, and all the focus on ramping and the edit can take away from the skating. You can also make almost anything look good with the right filming, in OG it is what is it, you cant hide anything.
Thats why I like going back and fourth between OG and S3 they are so different.
OG being all about skating the city, the smoothest skating, popless, pivots, UGs, simple and fun.
S3 being all about the features, the filming, all the new fingerflip, no comply, boneless tricks, CAP ect
Although I really haven't been able to get into S3 since OATS 10, and im not missing filming at all right now, but im sure i'll come back around at some point.
Holy shit pawn all your clips were bangers...